RedIrishTank update on life :)

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by RedIrishTank Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:08 pm

Hey everyone!! It's been almost 2 weeks since my wife and I tied the knot. 3 days later we closed on our house and have been busy working on making it move in ready. I was so busy that I wore myself out and got sick with a virus and was laid up in bed for 4 days. I haven't had much time to get on and play and I sure do miss you all! I see this weeks skill is rcing! Man I sure do wish I had the time to get on and do some rcing with the clannies. Soon hopefully another month I will be back to playing a bit more often!!!

RedIrishTank update on life :) Image013

RedIrishTank update on life :) YP5zkAJ

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by RedIrishTank Sun Sep 24, 2023 3:09 pm

The picture is a rough pic taken. Has not been edited from the photographer. Ill be sure to put a new updated one here when we get them in. I just couldn't wait to post it!

RedIrishTank update on life :) YP5zkAJ

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by J ordon Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:09 pm

Congratulations Smile

RedIrishTank update on life :) J_ordon
RedIrishTank update on life :) Goalsig
J ordon
J ordon

RedIrishTank update on life :) U7euiv5

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by ladybird2 Sun Oct 01, 2023 9:40 am

Congratulations, I wish you both a long and happy life together xxxxx
You make a lovely couple, and how exciting to be getting your house ready too. Sorry you were unwell and hope you settle in and get some game time again soon Smile

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by BlueJayBurger Fri Dec 08, 2023 7:43 pm

Congrats man! Sorry for the late post on this thread, found myself scrolling the forums trying to get caught up on the clan haha. Beautiful couple! Treat her like a princess. It’s nice seeing people’s lives outside of RS. Sounds like you’re doing great and setting up a nice life together. Happy for yas! Cheers.

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by RedIrishTank Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:57 am

Thanks everyone, Thank you J ordon, LadyB and bluebird for commenting. Shes great and yeah def will treat her like a princess.

RedIrishTank update on life :) YP5zkAJ

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RedIrishTank update on life :) Empty Re: RedIrishTank update on life :)

Post by Jug Noodles Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:04 am

Just looking through forums. Gz on the wedding. I recently got married, its a nice feeling for sure! Smile
Jug Noodles
Jug Noodles

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