Whats ur favorite content in the game?

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by notblueberry Tue May 23, 2023 2:52 pm

Whether it be skilling, pvming, pking, bossing, etc.

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by Natalia Tue May 23, 2023 2:57 pm


I'm a huge fan of the Farming Guild, Fight Caves, Barbarian Assault. More recently Wintertotd (and as of today Tempoross) have been really great content, but they do get a bit repetitive.

Hard to pick a favorite though. What about yourself?


Whats ur favorite content in the game? YP5zkAJ

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by lilhob Wed May 24, 2023 12:39 am

Questing for me! I have 1 left but its a hard one (for me because I am a bit of a noob) so I am putting it off. I am slowly getting in pvm which has been fun

Whats ur favorite content in the game? YP5zkAJ

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by notblueberry Wed May 24, 2023 8:52 am

NoMoreBeer4U wrote:Hello,

I'm a huge fan of the Farming Guild, Fight Caves, Barbarian Assault.  More recently Wintertotd (and as of today Tempoross) have been really great content, but they do get a bit repetitive.

Hard to pick a favorite though.  What about yourself?


Pking, pvming, farming, and hallowed sep

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by iB E A S T Wed May 24, 2023 10:29 am

Skilling is definitely what sealed the deal for me as far as Runescape goes. I love grinding out levels to the point of insanity. I also fell is love with GWD as a teenager, so I do enjoy bossing as well. I think the only higher tier boss I've done is honestly Nex. Corp is fun as well Smile but for me the 99s drive me to keep playing on a daily basis. When I first began RS I was obsessed with the gathering skills and that lead me to where I'm at today. I do recall getting my first membership because I wanted to fletch and be able to thieve, however lol.
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iB E A S T

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by Alexander Wed May 24, 2023 11:04 am

I might be a bit of an odd one out for this (like lilhob Razz), but I really enjoy questing. I think it's very exciting the different stories.

Questing is like an interactive book.

Whats ur favorite content in the game? YP5zkAJ

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Response to Alexander

Post by Natalia Wed May 24, 2023 3:22 pm

Alexander wrote:I might be a bit of an odd one out for this (like lilhob Razz), but I really enjoy questing. I think it's very exciting the different stories.

Questing is like an interactive book.


This times a hundred. Quests in OSRS are just so good. Deep storylines, great humor, and excellent rewards (if played in the correct order). You unlock so many unique and interesting things via quests and it makes sense in terms of lore. I think why a lot of people end up hating quests is because they spacebar through them and don't understand the underlying reasons behind what is happening. Also the challenge of figuring out puzzles and discovering the correct steps is the entire point. By using guides or helper plugins, the purpose of the quest is wholly undermined resulting in a rote waste of time.

Excellent perspective!


Whats ur favorite content in the game? YP5zkAJ

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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by Get a job Fri Jun 09, 2023 8:53 pm

I have always loved clue scrolls, rolling them like a lottery Smile
When I finally gave into doing herb runs I found I enjoyed those too. Very chill and only need to log in once in a while. On Saturdays I like to do 5 corp solos too, the boss is very nostalgic and of course chasing that sweet ely drop.
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Whats ur favorite content in the game? Empty Re: Whats ur favorite content in the game?

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:24 am

Questing, bossing, skilling! Collecting rare items and achieving big goals:)

Whats ur favorite content in the game? YP5zkAJ

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