What are your 5 most consumed items?

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What are your 5 most consumed items? Empty What are your 5 most consumed items?

Post by EvanK-Hell Mon Jun 10, 2024 6:54 am

Hey lads,

As a curious lad, i'd like yall to share your current 5 most consumable items.

List items only that you regulary have to spend on or as an iron have to craft.

From (Food, potions, teleports, jewelry and so on).

Currently for me:

1. Saradomin Brews
2. Super restores
3. Ring of wealth
4. Stamina potions
5. Vials Shocked Embarassed

What are your 5 most consumed items? YP5zkAJ

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Age : 33
Join date : 2020-09-10


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