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Hi! I joined the other day as a guest to say hello and check the server out, and it seemed great! I'm ReddHowser and I'm pretty new to Runescape in general. I played it a bit F2P as a kid but I decided to just take the jump and buy a membership and have been adoring it so far!
Total level is 150-something and my combat level is 9 so I'm quite new, but It's awesome having people to chat to while I skill and do early game quests!
My user is ReddHowser but I think it should show that in my main profile, not toooo sure. I'm also on the discord and changed my nickname to ReddHowser!
Total level is 150-something and my combat level is 9 so I'm quite new, but It's awesome having people to chat to while I skill and do early game quests!
My user is ReddHowser but I think it should show that in my main profile, not toooo sure. I'm also on the discord and changed my nickname to ReddHowser!
RedHowser- Posts : 2
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2023-11-23
Re: Hiya!
Hi ReddHowser, welcome to Runsecape! It's always great to see new players like yourself discovering the game! If you have any questions on the game, there's a ton of knowledgeable people here who would love to help out.
What's been your favorite part of the game / skill that you've experienced so far?
What's been your favorite part of the game / skill that you've experienced so far?
BennyAte- Posts : 198
Reputation : 50
Join date : 2023-11-06
Re: Hiya!
I love seeing new players join our ancient medieval clicking game
Welcome ReddHowser and you found a perfect clan to join. Which I had found it that early into my leveling ha. I think I saw you in the CC the other day and look forward to seeing you more !
Welcome ReddHowser and you found a perfect clan to join. Which I had found it that early into my leveling ha. I think I saw you in the CC the other day and look forward to seeing you more !
Bob- Posts : 175
Reputation : 20
Join date : 2021-12-03
Re: Hiya!
@RackRoll so far I'm pretty early into the skills (my highest skill is level 22) so I haven't gotten into the more complex parts of skilling yet. My most memorable experience though was I wanted to start levelling Agility so I hoofed it to the Tree Gnome Stronghold with like level 3 combat, died a few times and had a couple inventory loss scares but it was really fun!
Otherwise, I love the quests! It's the main thing that got me interested in runescape, I'm very tired of how most MMOs and even newer RPGs in general handle quests, and Runescape mostly nails it. Especially the newer stuff, my favorite quest so far was Misthalin Mystery! But even the older stuff is quite fun!
@Bob Yea I did see you last night, I'm sure I'll be around for many more nights ^^ Actually planning to hop on in a bit
Otherwise, I love the quests! It's the main thing that got me interested in runescape, I'm very tired of how most MMOs and even newer RPGs in general handle quests, and Runescape mostly nails it. Especially the newer stuff, my favorite quest so far was Misthalin Mystery! But even the older stuff is quite fun!
@Bob Yea I did see you last night, I'm sure I'll be around for many more nights ^^ Actually planning to hop on in a bit
RedHowser- Posts : 2
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2023-11-23
Re: Hiya!
Hello Redd, nice to see you joining us officially!
A lot of people tend to neglect questing, even into the mid-game, so it's good that you're getting started on that early! They can be especially useful for knocking out those early skilling levels. There's a lot to be said for exploring the world and finding stuff out on your own when you're first starting, but if you decide you want a little more structure while still being able to focus on exploration, I'd recommend checking out the Optimal Quest Guide on the wiki https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Optimal_quest_guide It's not necessary to follow it exactly if you don't want to, but it should give you a decent idea of how to optimize things somewhat while still getting to see more of the world I found it very helpful when I first started playing on Old School, because it allowed me to unlock LOADS more content and skip a lot of the duller early game grinds at the same time.
Just a thought
A lot of people tend to neglect questing, even into the mid-game, so it's good that you're getting started on that early! They can be especially useful for knocking out those early skilling levels. There's a lot to be said for exploring the world and finding stuff out on your own when you're first starting, but if you decide you want a little more structure while still being able to focus on exploration, I'd recommend checking out the Optimal Quest Guide on the wiki https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Optimal_quest_guide It's not necessary to follow it exactly if you don't want to, but it should give you a decent idea of how to optimize things somewhat while still getting to see more of the world I found it very helpful when I first started playing on Old School, because it allowed me to unlock LOADS more content and skip a lot of the duller early game grinds at the same time.
Just a thought
Syllabic- Posts : 1959
Reputation : 326
Join date : 2019-06-30
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