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Hiya! Empty Hiya!

Post by kangamoosta Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:02 am

Hello, I've been lurking in the clan chat for a while now so I figured I'd introduce myself! I've been looking for a good community for a while now as (to be honest) a lot of the OSRS community is a bit on the toxic side, and this one is a breath of fresh air.

I've been playing for a few months now and really looking to get into higher end PVM so really glad to meet a community that's actually nice to do it with! I recently finished QPC and am starting to work on completing all the elite diaries so that's been a pretty interesting task so far. Outside of OSRS I'm a huge RPG nerd all around, big D&D player so ultranerdy haha.

Anyways, the clan chat has been super excellent and every interaction I've had in it has been great, so looking forward to being a part of a great CC!

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Join date : 2019-02-03

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Hiya! Empty Re: Hiya!

Post by Shh Gg | Small Pulley Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:05 am

Hey Kang, welcome to the offsite glad you've found us. Grats on the QPC and good luck on the elite diaries ! The PvM scene is pretty big in the clan so you should see a lot of action there as well. Good to have you and look forward to seeing you in-game

There is Purity in Silence
Shh Gg | Small Pulley
Shh Gg | Small Pulley

Hiya! 4068HaS

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Hiya! Empty Re: Hiya!

Post by Bear Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:42 pm

Hey Kang, judging by your intro I'd have to agree that you made a good choice for a clan to be part of! Congrats on your Questing cape and early congrats on your inevitable Diaries cape. Smile

I've always wanted to get into D&D myself but unfortunately never managed to find a group in my area as I moved around a lot so as a fellow RPG nerd I'd have to say I'm jealous. Razz

Anyways, glad to have you with us and look forward to talking with you some more! Feel free to reach out if you need anything.

Also looks like you've already got yourself a smiley so I'll skip over that spiel.

To get added to our clan's Crystal Math Labs hiscores section, post your RSN here: Crystal Math Labs Thread

We also have a PvM Discord server that you might be interested in (if you haven't joined already) where you can party up with other clannies for Raids, Bossing, etc. The link is located here: Discord Thread

Hiya! 14_04_10


AKA Bearadomin

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Hiya! Empty Re: Hiya!

Post by Bing Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:10 pm

Welcome to the clan Kanga! Glad you have been enjoying the cc so far Smile

Hiya! NuD0cpJ

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Age : 102
Join date : 2017-11-13


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