SurryCat intro

Purple Dude
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SurryCat intro Empty SurryCat intro

Post by SurryCat Fri May 19, 2023 6:55 am

Hello Everyone!

I’m SurryCat. A young millennial who began playing many moons ago like many of you. I hath returned as we always do and started a new character about a month ago. I have had an absolute wonderful experience returning to Gielinor <3. Everyone has been so kind and helpful. OSRS has come at the perfect time in my life because my faith in humanity has dwindled. Sooo I return to a world of awesome people, so thank you!

I’m always looking for new friends. There are so many things I haven’t done and things I’m interested in. I’m on frequently so please add me if you need a friend.

Much love,
SurryCat cat

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Join date : 2023-05-19

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by Purple Dude Fri May 19, 2023 7:59 am

Heya Surry and welcome to the clan ^^

Welcome back from your break to Gielinor, may you have many grinds in your future Wink

Seeya ingame ^^ bounce

SurryCat intro Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

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SurryCat intro Empty Welcome (back) SurryCat!

Post by Natalia Fri May 19, 2023 9:07 am

Hello SurryCat and welcome back, happy to meet you.

There's a ton of new content and planned content, so I think you chose a really good time to revisit OSRS. Without exception, everyone in the clan is super friendly and helpful and for the most part active. Looking forward to skilling, chatting, or PvMing with you in game, so see you around soon. Smile



SurryCat intro YP5zkAJ

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by Alexander Fri May 19, 2023 12:01 pm

Howdy SurryCat,

Welcome back to OSRS. Lovely to meet you. Smile

Can't wait to see you in-game!


SurryCat intro YP5zkAJ

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by Slucky Fri May 19, 2023 12:52 pm

welcome back friend ! Enjoy your stay and never be shy to ask for help <3

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by Reececup Fri May 19, 2023 8:09 pm

Hello there Surrycat glad to have you in the clan! Glad to have you in the clan as well Smile.
Feel free to add me in game. My rsn is Reececup!

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by Karl / MKY Sat May 20, 2023 4:11 am

Welcome to the clan SurryCat!

I'm fairly early on in my character progression, only picking up members about a month ago. Feel free to add Minority KY, I'm sure we could co-op on some stuff.

See you in-game,
Karl / MKY
Karl / MKY

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by iB E A S T Tue May 23, 2023 5:48 pm

Welcome Cat! I just restarted over not too long ago myself so I'm looking forward to seeing your progress! If you have any questions feel free to ask the clan! We are always here to help! Pleasure to meet you Smile

Stay safe,
iB E A S T (Allison)
iB E A S T
iB E A S T

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SurryCat intro Empty Re: SurryCat intro

Post by lilhob Wed May 24, 2023 12:37 am

hey SurryCat! love youre intro. nailed it with the young millennial who has returned time and time again. I am hoping to max in the next 20 years from on and off again play XD. You have picked a great clan to join with your new acc Smile we are a happy, helpful and friendly bunch.

See you in game! x

SurryCat intro YP5zkAJ

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Age : 32
Join date : 2021-05-27


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