Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Sun Oct 09, 2022 3:59 pm

The Old:

In early 2018, I started an Ironman named Parin that I played on regularly throughout early college to 2020. My main had also made significant progress, achieving an 80m bank, the highest by a factor of 10 that I'd ever had in the 19 years I've been playing Runescape. Late 2019 to early 2020, in an unknown week, my main was hacked for all of his notable possessions, and I quit both accounts after the hack, and then the stress of school and the pandemic.

In June of 2022, I returned to regularly playing Runescape after graduating College, and worked to rebuild my Main through slayer. During that time period, I worked to recover the account I really wanted to play after binging several ironman progression series, but I found myself unable to log into Parin, as he had been permabanned for "major macroing offenses". The last thing I recall, I had run out of membership mid-Desert Treasure, about to start a Barrows guide, so I was quite confused and figured it to be an account mistakenly banned during a ban wave in January of 2022. After around two weeks of appeals, I recovered my account and found that it had been turned into a Rev bot, had a blowpipe, +20 range levels than I had before, and naturally, de-ironed. Demotivated, I turned to rebuilding my main and enjoying the new content to the game, having barely interacted with any content other than QOL changes that had been added after Old School's release.

The New:

Around this time I began a new ironman, named Fezein, that I trained passively on free to play worlds, doing menial tasks such as fishing, woodcutting, some light crafting, and mining, so I would have an a.) supply of low and mid tier foods, jewelry, and equipment b.) save time on excessive grinds later on, such as woodcutting, mining, and fishing and c.) have the majority of skills required for easier member questing and activity access, such as Wintertodt.

On my main, I accomplished significant stat level ups. Prior to the hack, I had finished Grandmaster quests MM2, DS2, and achieved a quest cape, and finally got a 99 in Strength using the Abyssal bludgeon. Since returning, I have achieved the following stats: notably, 97 slayer, 99 hp, 99 attack, 74 thieving, 85 firemaking, 77 agility, and 78 fishing and 70 construction. I have completed the remaining Grandmaster quests and am very close to acquiring my quest cape again. I completed every diary set up to hard save for the Wilderness and the MTA one. During the grind from 94-97 slayer, I acquired around 80 million in loot, and used it to purchase a DHL, and now farm Vorkath to bond my accounts without having to pay irl money for them. In the last two months I surpassed the almost last ten years of progress on my account
The Main's current stats:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Azein_10

The old Ironman's stats were:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Old_ir10
Note: The range and health levels are innaccurate due to the botter using the account.

The following significant grinds (to me) had been accomplished:
70+ Mining
    70 Woodcutting
    70+ Melee Stats
    70 Slayer
    70 Thieving (via blackjacking)
    70+ Fishing
    70+ Agility
    50 Construction (For portals)

The following items were acquired:
     Fighter Torso
     Graceful outfit
     Rogues outfit
     Prospector outfit
     Dragon Defender
     Dragon Scimitar
     Neitznot Helm
     Achievement Diaries (Tier 2)

And so, all in all, you can see that there were some pretty annoying grinds done on the old Ironman that can amount to maybe 100-200 hours of playtime over a year or so, on and off.

Fezein - Hardcore Ironman - 10/19/2022 - ~2 months active use

The New Ironman's Stats:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Fezein10

Over the course of the last two months, I have acquired the following:
    56 Fishing (F2P)
    50 Firemaking (F2P)
    70 Woodcutting (F2P)
    ~59 Cooking (F2P)
    40 mining  (F2P)
    27 Crafting (F2P)
    All Free to Play quests completed (Minus Dragon Slayer) (F2P)
    Almost all low-level Member quests completed for experience
    Three tier 1 diaries (Ardy, Varrock, Lumby)

The following resources were gathered:
    10k+ Oak logs (for later use in construction grinds)
    4k+ Willow Logs (for later use in fletching, or miscellaneous use)
    200 Yew Logs
    2k Trout (As a low-tier healing, for slayer tasks, questing, WT, etc.)
    1.5k Salmon (general purpose food)
    1k Iron Ore (for mining levels, and for later use in smithing)
   5k Iron Darts

The following items & achievments were obtained:
    Rune Scimitar (from Zamorak warriors, October)
    Rune Axe (from Tree Spirits, October)
    Dramen Staff & Fairy Ring Transports (October)
    Graceful set at 59 Agility via Canifis Rooftops (September)
    Amulet of Magic (T) (easy clue)
    Holy Blessing (easy clue)

The goals of the account are quite simple, to equal and surpass the previous Ironman, and access completable content earlier even if it is more difficult. I do not care much about the HC status but I will not go out of my way to risk it if possible.

Current Skill Goals:
    70 Agility (easy access to dragon bones via Taverly dungeon)
    43 Prayer (full protection prayers for Monkey Madness)
    38 Herblore (for Prayer potions & energy potions)
    55 Magic (High Alchemy, Ibans blast)
    65 base melee stats (Warriors guild, Dragon equipment, Nezzy helm)
    Begin SOTE skill grinds gradually
    50 Thieving

Current Item Goals:
   Dragon Scimitar
   Rogue's set
   Dragon Defender
   Slayer Helm
   Dragon Dagger
   Neitznot helm
   Fighter Torso

I will be updating this thread with achievement photos and blurbs once a significant goal is accomplished

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:45 am; edited 6 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

Posts : 136
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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:03 am


70 Agility obtained on 10/10/2022, over the course of a week! One level, 68-69 done at Agility Pyramid, getting me 200k. Up next, train range up a few levels, do Spirits of the Elid, get some Prayer experience, and then do Monkey Madness!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression 70_agi10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:46 am; edited 2 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by rootb Mon Oct 10, 2022 3:57 pm

Those are some solid goals! You've managed to pull of quite a nice main despite the hack, too bad they had to de-iron it. Good luck with iron #2 Smile

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Purple Dude Tue Oct 11, 2022 10:16 am

Nice to read about your journey, despite the sad loss of former accounts, but good on you for the rise from the ashes, and surpassing your former accounts sounds like a fun goal and very motivating too! ^^

I hope I never see you as a grey helmet, but if you plan to aim high like quest cape, then that might happen, but good that you are semi-mentally prepared for the possibility, based on the goals you have made, should it happen Very Happy

Good luck on your goals and gratz on 70 agility ! Very Happy bounce

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression NuD0cpJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Tue Oct 11, 2022 4:03 pm

Thank you root and Purple! root vorkath has been really good to me, have it down to a T and doing 5-6kc trips w/suboptimal gear.


On 10/11/2022 I grinded (over five hours) 12 Xerican fabrics (which has an egregiously low drop rate) to make the Xerican robe set. Up next is obtaining 60% Arceuus favor, and doing Ensouled heads!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Robes10

I also obtained the first Ava's device, and got a trimmed Robe Skirt from a beginner clue

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Accumu10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:46 am; edited 2 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:52 pm


Through some questing grinds, from the ogre questline to the troll one and achievement diary experience rewards, I was able to grind out level 38 prayer, and unlock Prayer Potions. I largely wanted access to these as it can really help me tackle upper level quest bosses and monsters that I wouldn't be able to kill with just a Falador shield and my 43 base points. Namely, this was for Monkey Madness and the tunnel in the quest. During this, I decided to grind out as many of the easy diaries as I could, and it gave me some skilling goals, as while I have a good portion of the skills needed for most of the medium diaries, the level 60 smithing/ancient cavern access and high hunter level requirements will take some time. '

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Pray10
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Achiev10

I also decided, while I was in the midst of doing the Kourend diaries, to do the Saltpetre and compost grind, and essentially achieve max favor in both Hosidius and Arceuss. With the Shayzien diary, I am quite close to 20% favor from killing Lizards, and plan on grinding that out further for two Xeric's talismans.
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Favpor10

The next set of goals for the account will be to:
- Complete Monkey Madness 1
- Begin RFD Subquests & Work towards Barrows gloves
- Train to 60 base combat stats (attack first)
- 50 thieving at Master Farmers & then obtain Rogues Outfit

Current Skills:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skills10

And lastly, with 1000 total, the ironman status was permanently locked to the account, and therefore I can never be hacked and de-ironed again!

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:48 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by U H TRED Thu Oct 20, 2022 5:16 pm

Woot for ironlocked! GRats on all the completions.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Fri Oct 28, 2022 10:05 pm


So, since my last update I had to take a week off because my membership lapsed and I tried out some raids 3 on my main (no purples) as well as slowly learning Hydra. I got booted mid-monkey madness, and since coming back I completed Monkey Madness, and am now training up my combat stats (slowly, and through slayer) to equip it. My next set of quests that I wanted to do was to tackle Recipe for Disaster - having done a majority of the lower tier and middle tier quests, I actually surprisingly had most of the quest and skill requirements done, save for the worst of them, and the one quest I was working on with my last Ironman: Desert Treasure. Therefore, that's my new goal! In addition to this, I wanted to get the next tier of helmets I can have available, that being the Nezzy helm, and so I need to complete Fremmenik Isles and Trials. But first, D-scimmy and adamant kiteshield from Catacomb banshees are the most recent gear upgrades!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Dsc10

Fortunately, completing all of these quests sort of work into one another. First, Fremmenik Isles and Trials have a crafting requirement for Ironmen of 46; having 42, I realized I was going to have to find a reliable means to train crafting, and so I looked into boosting a few levels using quest rewards, and found that RFD subquests actually provide quite a substantial amount of experience towards the goals. In addition, quests such as Enlightened Journey offer quite a bit. I spent most of the week doing menial quests, training slayer, completing clues, and slowly chipping away at subquests. In addition to Desert Treasure, Recipe For Disaster, and the Fremmenik quests, I also wanted to work towards completing Legend's quest (starting it is a prerequisite for a RFD subquests). This will require training most of my skilling stats to a base 50, which I have for the most part, and likely will come with its own slew of quest boosts.

Current Skills:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skills11

RFD Progress:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Rfd10


With completing RFD being a goal, the only skill and quest requirements left are to start Legend's Quest and finish Desert Treasure.

This will require the following skills:

-53 Thieving (41/53 - Likely will do at Master Farmers)
-50 Magic (47/50)
-70 Cooking (59/70 - Not sure how I'll train this - could use ideas!)

With Fremmenik quests being a goal, this will require completing Fremmenik Trials and Fremmenik Isles. This will require me to get 46 crafting, and should hopefully unlock for me the BIS Nezzy Helmet until I can acquire a Slayer Helmet much later on, and perhaps a Rune Kiteshield or Granite shield from the Trolls as a slayer task.

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

Posts : 136
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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Fri Nov 04, 2022 5:00 pm



Lots of progress since my last update! For the most part, I have been trying to slowly grind out the skill requirements for the quests mentioned in the above post. However, it has proven to be more complicated than I thought. The main reason is because I'm somewhat bottlenecked supply-wise and for training methods. Magic, for instance, is stumping me a little, as I usually would train early levels with high alchemy, though I'm still 5 levels away from that. That has prevented me from progressing with the Legend's Quest's sub requirements, as well as Desert Treasure, necessary for the completion of RFD. What I will likely do is spend a few hours doing Guardians of the Rift to get a base supply of runes (and some decent RCing exp) and then get started on the MTA grind early. Now, the goal is 59 magic for Temple of Ikov and Family Crest. The Cooking gauntlets from the latter will probably help me in the 70 cooking grind, which I am gradually doing through Tempoross. After this, I can proceed with my Legend's and Desert Treasure goals.

In other news, I successfully did Fremmenik Trials AND Fremmenik Isles, not only netting me roughly 48 crafting at the end of it all, but also the Nezzy helm. Little did I know, I could not even wear it (much like the D-scim, which I obtained around 45 attack). I almost lost my Hardcore status multiple times during the last part of the quest too, as the trolls were repeatedly hitting me for 17s, and luckily I made it through the entire fight, despite the fact I had the proper equipment for damage reduction too. I probably will not be camping the trolls for gear upgrades, as it's a bit out of the way of what I'm currently aiming to do, and I think there are a few more significant upgrades I can shoot for at the moment.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Fremmy10

Another hurdle I encountered when researching and attempting to progress with the RFD subquests was the fact that I needed magic logs for multiple quests, particularly Legends and Desert Treasure. Now, I'm sure any other iron knows that beyond woodcutting, there are only a few ways to get them this early on, that being Wintertodt. I am very glad I did a 70 woodcutting grind F2p before bonding this account, as it enabled me to take my efforts to Wintertodt and try for a magic log drop from a Supply Crate. Now, I'm not exactly sure how common these are meant to be, but I spent four to five hours doing it and barely saw a drop. Until my very last crate, when I got 15, and ended at 75 firemaking. I also, at some point (believe me I looked), got something rather special (and of course, 60 attack for the D-scim!)...

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Pet_an10

Yes! My first pet on the account - this is actually my second pet I've ever had across my time on OSRS. On my old Ironman, I received the agility pet at around 50 agility during the graceful grind. It's very welcome, but I was more excited for my magic logs. So, after this, I was feeling rather burnt out of doing minigames like Tempoross, Wintertodt, and never-ending questing. I decided that during some of the grinding, I'd let my cat grow, and completed the Evil Dave Subquest. This helps, as it unlocks Skill Boosting using stews, which greatly speeds up a myriad of unlocks I can try and do. For instance, I can essentially complete the King Awoweigi subquest using the boost, by progressing and acquiring the materials, then boosting, and finishing the quest at 65 cooking instead of grinding to 70. This is actually rather significant, as not only with cooking do I have to spend the time cooking the food, but also the hours fishing to acquire the supplies.

However, I instead opted to explore some of the other lower-level skills I have (hunter, slayer, farming, and construction). I did this by doing a lot of content I've never done before. For hunter, I opted for the obvious choice of Birdhouses, as I had a myriad of regular, oak, maple, and teak logs from various pieces of content since the accounts conception, and I had never done these before! This first required me to unlock the really important piece of jewelry, the digsite amulet. It also required me to boost my magic levels from 47-49 using the conveniently bought Wizard's mind bombs I had from quite a while ago. It took me around an hour, but also let to me completing Fossil Island. Birdhouses blew me away at just how much better they are, and I've currently done maybe 40-50 runs and am already almost 50 hunter. Hunter is one of my least favorite early level skills to train, so I think this will be a wonderful passive skill to get to 70 for SOTE. For construction, I dabbled in Mahogany homes, as I had around 100 or so regular planks and like 80 oak planks. This quickly netted me 42 construction rather quickly, and so I imagine a 50 construction grind is going to be a lot faster than it was on my old ironman, which I only reached at nearly base 60s. And lastly, for farming, I had quite a few ranaar seeds from WT and slayer, and so I got some ultracompost, acquired maybe 60-70 prayer potions from it, and have been regularly planting all the fruit and regular trees I get for nice exp dumps, providing me with 46 farming.

To close it off, I have been point boosting with Turael for around 70 tasks now, and just unlocked bigger and badder. I intend to do this progression: Superiors -> Broad bolts -> Blocks -> Herb Sack -> Slayer helm. If any Ironmen have any advice to change that, please let me know!

I think I will now take a break from slayer and pursue the next tier of the achievement diaries which should greatly enhance my mobility around the map for farming runs, experience for herbalore, and access to different content.

Current Skills:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skills12

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Summar10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

Posts : 136
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Join date : 2016-08-19


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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:38 am



So! We have made a LOT of progress since the last update almost a month ago. I have had a update drafted for a while, but hadn't really found a good point to stop my progress to type something up.

To recap the previous post:
-I was going to get 59 magic, to do Temple of Ikov and the Family Crest. This was a prerequisite for Desert Treasure and Legend's Quest, both of which are prerequisites for Recipe For Disaster.
-I was grinding out 70 cooking, or a boosting method to 70 cooking, so I could finish the King Awowogei subquest for RFD.

These goals were to culminate in the completion of RFD, and obtaining the first significant account item: Barrow's Gloves

Naturally, I had underestimated the "complications" pursuing this goal would entail. I had ultimately chosen to train magic using slayer, and fortunately two blue dragon tasks was enough to get me to 57, which was boostable to level 59 to complete Family Crest. After doing this, I took a break from the general skill grinds and opted to complete the next tier of easy and medium diaries; now, one of the requirements for them is a mithril grapple. The slayer grind to 59 magic occurred after this next section.

Before I embarked on that journey, I blackjacked in Poll. to reach 50 thieving, and then unlocked the second outfit that I had on my old ironman: Rogue's Outfit. It only took two or so hours as well!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Rogue_10

To complete the next few diaries, I required a mithril grapple. The mithril grapple legitimately proved to be one of the most mind numbing and agonizing grinds I've done, but also incredibly fun! You require 59 smithing to forge a mithril grapple tip, and also 59 fletching. Logically, I can utilize boosts to complete both of these significantly earlier, at 55 smithing, and 54 fletching using the Kovac's grog from Giant's Foundry, and Orange Stews respectively.  I did manage to achieve 55 smithing, and purchased the Kovac's grog. The worst part of the grind came with the fletching; at 44, you do not have a significantly better method at training than at 1. Essentially, I spent most of the profit I made at Giant's Foundry on arrow tips, and made several thousand Steel Arrows, many unstrung willow bows, and darts too. This gave me 54 fletching. All that remained on that grind was to get a +5 boost with an orange stew, and use the grapple tip on a rope. Unfortunately, I forgot how to actually use my cat against behemoth rats in Evil Dave's basement, and I wound up killing my Hellcat within the first two minutes of the grind. Now, you may not know this, but the catch rate for a kitten in Evil Dave's basement is 5%. That means I have a 5% chance to get ANY dose of ANY of the spice colors. I spent literally two hours with a kitten in Evil Dave's basement mindlessly doing so to get the chance at a +5 boost. Ultimately I was successful, and was able to use it to complete the majority of the diaries that required them.

Up next was to tackle Temple of Ikov which, however, requires a Yew Longbow. I completely and utterly refused to train fletching anymore, and instead opted to do Puro Puro and catch Young Implings for what I believe was a 1/100 chance. I ended up getting it after 86, and then proceeded to complete that quest and Underground Pass in short order to unlock Iban's staff, which would be my bis mage weapon for a while. I actually wound up getting Wizard Boots from a medium clue during this, which is of course lucky as it's best in slot for boots for a while when using magic, and unlucky that it wasn't rangers. A hard clue from the blue dragons actually also yielded an Enchanted Top which makes my magic gear look as such:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Gear_m10

Having done this, and achieving 59 magic, I high alched all the non-clue items in my bank and ended up with a 300k+ cash stack. I upgraded my Iban's Staff, and finished the Ardy and Lumby medium clues, unlocking teleports directly to herb sites.

After completing Temple of Ikov, Underground pass, and a few other smaller quests, I managed to tackle Desert Treasure in one afternoon with relative ease. I also the same night completed the Sir Amik Varze Subquest , leaving one subquest to go. However, it was very clear to me that I was not going to efficiently be able to complete RFD without higher stats on the advice of some of the clan members, and so I decided to train up my stats even more. During one of the Blue Dragons tasks, I received another hard clue that led me on quite the adventure. The hard clue ultimately requires me to get a rune full helm, and blue d'hide chaps. Now, I'm now quite sure why, but I decided Obor, with a 1/28 drop, would be the best option as I needed Limpwurts. I could have grinded Fire Giants, Jellies, and other things for it. I got extremely lucky, as I had two giant keys, which gave me nothing, and then I decided to kill three hill giants afterwards to get my last limpwurt root, which gave me a key, and that obor kill gave me a rune full helm. The Blue D'Hide chaps were on the other hand a 1/100 drop from Eclectics, and oh boy was that a fun grind:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Eclect10

I ultimately caught 157 Eclectics, which put me over the droprate by 1.5x. The sad thing is, is that everything there with a red marking is an item that is 1/100 rate, which is the same as the chaps. It was nice as the medium clues gave me a lot of unique items. With that, I was able to complete the hard clue. Here's all of the clue rewards I've received over the course of these grinds, as well as a Konar chest reward:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Clues10

This is all very important, as not only is it great alching money, but it is across the board huge upgrades for my previous mithril and addy setup. My current magic, melee, and range setup, with upgrades now look like this:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Gear_a11

So! From the first post, it was to complete Recipe For Disaster, and acquire Barrow's gloves. And now, the account has one single hurdle remaining, having done the relevant parts of Legend's quest, Desert Treasure, and Underground Pass. It's to grind 65 cooking, and boost to 70 for the stuffed snake. I actually acquired all of the parts to make a raw stuffed snake around the time I began the subquest; the annoying part is getting the boost. It took me actually several hours, with a few hundred fish and 2-3 levels from Tempoross, and then the rest at the Hosidius kitchen, to get 65. Then, it actually took 12-15 full four dose orange spice containers to get the boost, requiring multiple frustrating trips to Ape Atoll. In the end though, we were victorious!

And so, with far better tank gear, high tier food (sharks), much better magic gear, and all the subquests completed, we, with some difficulty, completed Recipe for Disaster.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Rfd11

And with it... Barrow's Gloves

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Barows10

This concludes this big update for the account. Leaving it off with better gear, and the first huge goal done. Our original checklist was all of this:

Skill Goals:
   70 Agility
   43 Prayer
   38 Herblore
   55 Magic
   65 base melee stats
   Begin SOTE skill grinds gradually
   50 Thieving

Item Goals:
  Dragon Scimitar
  Rogue's set
  Dragon Defender
  Slayer Helm
  Dragon Dagger
  Neitznot helm

Our next goals will be:
Dragon Defender
Fighter Torso
God Cape (as a hardcore!)
Rune Pouch
Slayer Helm/Black Mask
Fighter Torso
Rune Crossbow
Magic Shortbow (from clues)
Base 70 Combat Stats
70 Slayer
66 Magic

And the grandmaster quest we will be working towards (a long term goal) remains the same...
Song of the Elves

Current Skills:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skills13
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Accoun10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:52 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

Posts : 136
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Join date : 2016-08-19


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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Tue Nov 29, 2022 1:03 am



This is actually a shorter addendum to the previous post so as to not cloud it, and update my progress that I had done after completing RFD. Currently, I am questing in the attempt to complete a clue scroll, and doing Konar slayer simultaneously until I can access Nieve.

One of the steps for the clue was to speak to the Fairy Queen - this is rather rough, as it requires you to complete Fairy Tale part 2. I had already finished 1, and begun 2 to access fairy rings, but the queen is in a slumber until part 2 can be completed, and worse yet, part 2 requires 57 herblore. At the time I found this out, I believe I was 45. I understood, though, that I could boost using Gondova fruit pies that I had from Kourend a few weeks ago, and so I would only have to get 53. However, the difference between 45 and 53 herblore is close to 100k experience regardless, which puts a pretty big strain on how I'd go about this. I decided to do what I had always done, and grind out a few more medium diaries, and ended up completing the: Medium Desert, Kandarin, Lumbridge, Ardougne, and Varrock mediums (some being done earlier) and having dumped them into this skill. This required me to do the quests Garden of Tranquility, which is significant for later reasons. After this, I looked into what quests awarded the largest dumps of skill experience that I could readily do, and it turned out finishing Legend's quest would be the most optimal route. Thankfully, having done the mitrhil grapple grind, and Rogue's outfit, I was able to do it pretty quickly, and having already done Shilo Village earlier in the month, I was able to put around 30,000 experience into the skill, and alongside my diaries, this brought me to around 50 or so herbolore.

At that level, I was able to use the bulk of the supplies in my bank to make super potions, prayer potions, and then harvested fungi to make 100+ Super Energy potions, bring me to 53 herblore. With a boost from the fruit, I was able to complete the quest. In addition, I did Eyes of Glouphrie after the next step was known for magic experience.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Quests10

Unfortunately, the next step was set in the Piscatorilis fishing colony, which requires an even worse quest: Swan Song, and its infamous requirement, One Small Favor. In addition to this, 66 magic is the outstanding requirement I will have to grind for. With the Magic essence obtained from Fairytale 2, I should be able to do the quest boosted from 63.

I will most likely be updating the account more frequently in smaller doses from now on to avoid behemoth narratives like the last few posts. As much as they are fun to write details get lost and things are often jumbled around. Till next time!

Last edited by Azein on Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:35 pm; edited 3 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Sun Dec 04, 2022 1:16 am



After the last post, I decided to train magic at TzHaars, and did it in around an hour or so. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away in the middle of all of this, so I had to take a break and deal with that. Once I returned, I finished both One Small Favor and Swan Song in relatively short order. One thing that was incredibly frustrating was making the mist and lava runes for this quest; I had no idea that it consumed your talisman upon use, and for my first run, I made 9 of the required 10 mist runes, lost my talisman, and then resorted to kill 119 water wizards for a 1/20 chance to drop the water talisman. The hard clue ultimately had nothing too good:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Hard_c10

It did, however, come with a master. Unfortunately, the first step was to kill a Nechrayel. At 58 slayer, that's a significant grind to around 2.5m or more experience, which would likely take months with my schedule. My intentions with the clue are to hang onto it, and each time I receive a casket, drop the master and open them. If the first step is actually completable, I'll swap it out. If it lasts (unlikely), I'll boost to the level at 75 slayer (a reasonably obtainable level) and hopefully the next requirement isn't a 90 smithing grind.

After this, I set out to do my next batch of farm and birdhouse runs. Namely, my teak and mahogany trees were ready after being planted last week. I realized that I needed 60 crafting to actually make yew birdhouses, so that was a reasonable grind to go for next. On that run, though, I did receive two very nice levels to see, putting me very close to base 60s actually (outside of runecrafting and construction)!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression 60_far10

The first thing I did was to do all the quests I could that offered crafting experience to shorten this grind. I first obtained 47 prayer for Rum Deal. I will likely be using ectofuntus with the dragon bones I've obtained to gradually push to 70 prayer. I may risk the alter in the wildy with my main as guard because I'm not really attached to the red had, haven't decided:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Prayer10

Then did Cabin Fever for a crafting level and another prayer level, bringing all the quests completed for this update to:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Quests11

At the time, I was level 53, and had around 2k soda (its) ash from seaweed runs. I crafted my gems, and then collected around 1000 buckets of sand which brought me to 58. I then spent another hour or so collecting 1500, which brought me at last to 61 crafting, enough to both make birdhouses as well as to complete a seriously beneficial quest: Lunar Diplomacy. This will unlock both a faster means to make molten glass for future smithing grinds (removing a tedious limit of 14 glass at a time), and plank make, which both cheapens and quickens my construction supply setup. This quest will be my next target on the list, and I think I'll also begin to make a portal room and an altar in my house after my next bout of mahogany homes to give my law rune stack a break and have easy access to prayer.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Crafti10

Lastly, I'm happy to announce that through a slayer task, I think it was at the water wizards (lol), I got 65 attack, and spent around an hour doing cyclops, achieving the iron defender. Furthermore, with the retroactive quest experience reward update, I managed to dump almost 100k experience into herblore, which brought me from 54 to 60. I also achieved 375 points in the attacker and healer role for Barbarian Assault and my Torso grind - huge shout out to NixWigton, lPotter, and D II A B L O for letting me pick and swap roles during some late night BA. Next update soon!

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:58 pm


Quests and Diaries:

While doing cyclopes, I got a hard clue; one of the steps (after two very stressful encounters with the chaos elemental on back to back wildy steps), was in Burgh de Rott. Consequently, I completed both the In Search and In Aid of the Myreque quests. This also is two prerequisites for the Morytania medium and hard diaries, which is amongst the first of the hards I am going to try and complete. I have also decided that for the longevity of the account and its efficiencies, is to push primarily to the Ardy elite minimum levels that I can boost from so I can have an auto-deposit of buckets of sand. Reasonably, over the years I intend to have the account, this will supply me with enough sand over time for the highest required crafting level.

I also decided to try and complete some more diaries, specifically the Falador one; this yields an upgraded Falador shield, which I can use as a substitute Prayer potion (or more). Unfortunately, I am an absolute moron and high alched my complete crystal key when I was about to use it (I have no idea how). The only ways to obtain this are to essentially get a roll drop during slayer, or do Magpie implings with puro puro - unfortunately, I only had 61 hunting at the time, so I'll have to put off this diary until I get lucky with drops or when my birdhouses level me up enough. To do this, I had to do Ratcatchers, which also required Itchlarin's Little Helper.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Quests10


To level magic up to 65, I opted to train it at blue dragons so I can stack up more prayer and crafting experience (I do prayer solely through the ectofuntus, I will have to get 2.2k Dragon bones) This is one of the main requirements for lunar diplomacy as well, which will unlock much much faster methods to train crafting as well as construction. The other skill requirement to access Lunars is 60 mining, which I will likely half train with Motherlode mine and half train with powerming iron. That way, I gain decent progress towards Prospectors (required for clues and useful for mining exp in general) and the second tier. I intend to come back here, like I did on my lost iron, to get 70 mining. Intertwined with this, I did a lot of farming, and unlocked the second tier of the farming guild. I planted my first Hespori seed out of 20, whcih is a nice 200k farming experience over the next month or so! Lastly, I reached 62 hunter, 66 farming, and 61 herblore as well as 58 mining by the time of this post, and also killed one hespori for an Attas seed.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Farmin10

Gear Upgrades:

After this, I continued with the defender grind, as I really want to get that done and over with as soon as possible. After around 200 more cyclopes kills (350 total) I have achieved the mithril defender, and had to drop a hard clue due to a heraldic shield step. I ultimately achieved it after around 3000 tokens. Here are the statistics for any irons interested:
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Ddef10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:54 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Sat Dec 10, 2022 2:14 am



So after getting my dragon defender, I figured it'd be a great idea to do some more barbarian assault to get my fighter torso. This time, I ran with Uncle Irohny (I believe who is Wheatie pk), Mahler, Stivvs, and Coffee - we ran pretty efficiently, and I managed to finish off the Defender role with some great tips from Mahler. Having to head off, later I then played a full collector game with some pubs, and managed to acquire my fighter torso!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Ft10

In addition to this, I finished off 60 mining at Motherlode mine, and then made a decision to train mining some more in the desert, and I'll talk about that in a moment. With that being said, I also started and am around half way through Lunar Diplomacy. That'll come in the next update.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Mining10

Below will be my current goals written out for me to reference later on. They are put in a spoiler so as to not clutter the screen:


So with the plans listed within the spoiler tag, I think I will be pursuing 70 mining and smithing first out of those grinds. Likely, I will try for a mining level every day or every other day, which will help greatly with the sand. Smithing I will have to plan out as I haven't done a significant grind for this in years. The only other plan worth mentioning currently beyond the general account goals is prayer; to get 70 prayer through the ectofuntus, I would need around 2.2k Dragon bones. Through the wildy altar, 1.3k. I currently have around 400, and I would like to do this and then Kings Ransom to obtain piety so I can complete the Hard Mory diary and get Barrows going early on this account. This will give me a good supply of crafting to reduce my need for sand later on, but also an excuse to level up range or magic. So smithing, mining, and prayer are account priorities right now.

Last edited by Azein on Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:37 pm; edited 2 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:44 am



Questing & Diaries

First, merry Christmas! Quite a decent amount of progress since my last update two weeks ago. First, I've been mining sand almost each night (I have been slacking) and have obtained around 10k so far, as well as achieving 64 mining. I had not factored in the cost of the sand at the end of the grind, which will be about 6-7m in raw coins. I predict 85 crafting to require around 34k sand, at 1.2m total cost, and that's what I'm mostly going for right now.

I also finished Lunar diplomacy, and am now using slayer to train to 85 combat (currently 84.6!) which will provide me glass make. I am eating through points avoiding bloodvelds and prayer intensive tasks, as it eats through my very limited supply of ppots. I also managed to finish the crystal key I was after, and completed the medium Falador tasks. I also then decided to do Tai Bwo Wannai Trio, got 100% and a gout tuber in around 40 minutes, and then finished the medium Karamja, and then did the easy and medium Morytania diaries and quests.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Quests13


As I was doing some slayer to level up my combat, I achieved 70 defense, though I am missing the photo. I also achieved 72 farming (lots of hespori, yews, and plenty of papaya and palm trees). Furthermore, I reached 61 range during a fire giants task, and used some of the ensouled heads I stocked up to get 51 prayer. In addition to this, I reached 65 hunter through birdhouse runs.

So with farming now being done, that's 3/8 of the grinds for SOTE done. Hunter I will now be supplementing with some active training, not sure what yet. Farming I think I'll back off from doing excessively; every time I get a hardwood or a high tier seed I will make an effort to plant, but I'll probably leave things like willows and lower tier fruit trees and flowers alone. I am planning on religiously doing herb runs, but I am throttled by the amount of seeds I can obtain. I am considering doing another 4-5 hour Wintertodt grind for the 85 Firemaking master clue req to get it out of the way, and maybe even get the tome of fire.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Farm10
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Prayer11
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Range10

New Content

So, big things with 70 defense. First, I can now wear barrows armor! Coincidentally, I also needed to get a magic level to be able to pragmatically set up a portal room in my POH. So I decided why not christen the account with its first few barrows runs! I had, after all, five or so Mort'ton teleports in my bank, and I also had the minigame teleport. This is really awesome because this was literally the point my old ironman had been working on before my account was hacked, so in many ways besides my skills I have actually surpassed the old account. Anyways, I did around 5-6 chests, and didn't wind up getting anything, but barrows was going very smoothly, though I did usually wind up burning through a prayer potion.

The only way to really improve upon my runs would be to have a higher prayer level to avoid prayer potion usage, and up my range levels so I can have a higher DPS against Ahrim, who I am struggling the most with killing currently. I probably will try and avoid doing more than 1-2 chests here and there to incentivize me to complete the Mory hard diary. That being said, my next "major" combat skill grind I intend to be 70 prayer, again through dragon bones, which I can supplement with Ensouled heads through slayer.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Magic10

Anyways, once I got 66 magic (which actually unlocks mystic for me too via the guild, which I may purchase if it becomes necessary) I went right into building my POH. There were three portals I had my eye on: Kourend castle, Lunar Isle, and Salve graveyard. Kourend castle is a brilliant portal as it puts me smack dab on top of the catacombs for slayer, and a more central location as a Kourend teleport without a long run time. Lunar Isle provides me with a quick teleport for a spellbook swap, which is useful not only for questing, access to the Fremmenik areas, but also later on for DKs and Vorkath. The Salve Graveyard is a minor improvement in speed when it comes to accessing a fairy ring and it also is a quick trot into the swamp for fungus, and into canifis for clue steps.

The sad thing about this is that it is incredibly expensive: purchasing the 800 law runes and thousands of astral, soul, and elemental runes I needed to build the portals dropped my cash stack from 750k to 399k. Then, the portal rooms themselves cost 100k each, which put me at 200k. Luckily, a really bountiful Jellies task netted me like 300k. I also built an altar! Together these should be a pretty huge quality of life upgrade for the account and will streamline slayer and fairy ring teleports for the rest of its longevity.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Portal10


I actually had a really lucky clue! I got a bandos god D'hide body from a hard I did. I also got a rune bucket helm, which I'm not sure but I think is a pretty significant clue item req, though I would really like to see a heraldic. I didn't really have too many clues this time, as I accidentally left a hard clue in my bank I was trying to grind an item for but gave up on, and I didn't notice it until the last few days. The rune plateskirt is also nice, as it is a clue step requirement.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Clues11

I expect the next update to center around clue drops, maybe a barrows item (fingers crossed), and completion of a few more quests I've had my eye on. Largely, the same goals as last time.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skils_10

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 1:59 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:22 am



Christmas came early! My first barrows item, being a Dharok's helm, at Barrows kc of 8. Not too useful of an item, considering it's a helmet and the Neitz helm offers a strength bonus over it, but it's nice to see.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Barrow10

Last edited by Azein on Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:39 pm; edited 4 times in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Purple Dude Sun Dec 25, 2022 8:20 am

Nice job on doing the mining sand early Very Happy
Nice amount of progress on quests and diaries ^^

Congrats on the dharok helm, lovely early kc too Very Happy bounce

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Azein Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:47 am



So! I have made a stupid amount of progress since the last post nearly two months ago. I'll break it down with respect to my previous goals. In the past, I said I was pushing towards the 85-99 crafting resource grind using giant seaweed and mining sand. To expedite this process, it would be in my best interest to unlock both the spells Humidify (for mining sand w/out banking) and Glass make (at 77 magic). Another spell, a bit out of reach right now, is Plank Make in the high 80s.

To unlock these I had to complete Dream Mentor, which was locked behind 85 combat. Through slayer I ultimately achieved this, and managed to complete Dream Mentor. In the attempt to complete clues and unlock more content, I also chased down two significant quests for Song of the Elves, namely, Mourning's End P1 & P2. And to do these two, I had to do Roving Elves.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Quests14

However, these were not the only quests I completed. I also finished up all of the Kourend quests as well as Architectural Alliance; and you know what that means, several hours of mining Sulphur to fill all of the favor bars with the Kourend houses. This was all actually in pursuit of completing a medium diary to push myself over a certain level I'll touch upon later. In any case, it's a really nice thing to get out of the way and opens up the path to doing AKD which will be a significant quest for the account.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Kouren10


As stated a few posts ago, I am primarily aiming for the skill requirements for Song of the Elves. I had, at the time of that post (December 10th) acquired 2/8 of the skills. Here is where I stand currently:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Curren10

The major developments here are that I have reached the required levels for: Herblore, Hunter, and Farming. Since my last post, and truly since August, I have been passively doing seaweed runs alongside my birdhouse runs. I've also been religiously farming every chance I got, particularly when it comes to herbs. With that, I actually blew way past the goal post when it came to farming, and am at 84 currently, and quite close to the hard contracts open at 85.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Farmin11

Hunter, of course, was passively trained through birdhouse runs. I really don't think I'll actively train hunter as I'm slated to get a glory via crafting instead of implings, and I'm not really hurting for it. Perhaps if a diary requires it. More on this later.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Hunter10

If any irons or mains are interested in how many birdhouses this process netted, here's the loot tracker for yews:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Bhs10

One of the biggest and most time intensive levels I've obtained is one I actually didn't expect to be able to push for: 70 Herblore! Being low 60s back in December, getting 400k experience in the skill without a reliable source of herbs other than farming was a little daunting. However, it really can't be underestimated just how many herbs you can get through consistent runs. The nice thing is that you're scraping for experience with each level, and once you get that level, you unlock the next tier herb and you usually have half of that level banked! Due to how much this just ate up all my time I had to play, I put a big pause on my Prayer grind (around half way done). Essentially, I prioritized doing Irits & Avantoes & Kwuarms when I could, and saved all my snapdragons and higher tier herbs and did them when I was low on the others. Over a few weeks, I managed to scrape my way up to 68, and at that point I was able to use my Lantadymes and Snapdragons to push myself up to 69. I then did the Kourend medium diary and wasted a LOT of secondaries on lower tier herbs to get the big level!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Herblo10

Once I had some time to breathe and distract myself with other content, I was able to plan out my next steps. During this time, I did some slayer. Through this I obtained 70 Strength and Attack. I figured I needed some mindless AFK activity to do to clean my palette and try and kill two birds with one stone, and I figured, why not do Mage Training Arena? It turned out to be an absolutely horrible and wonderful idea, as it got me 71 magic and Bones to Peaches, but I'm pretty sure a part of me died in there.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Magic710

And all for probably one of the more potentially useless upgrades; that being said, as an ironman, it might have some benefit in extending bossing trips?

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Collec10


As that was quite the dump of photos, here's some more regarding some of the drops and clue scroll stuff I've gotten. First, and most significantly, I apparently got this right at the start of January even though I feel like I've had it for months. I seriously cannot articulate how amazingly useful this item is for simplifying the headache of inventory management for farm runs, tree runs, etc. Not even mentioning the 2x compost you get from it. Incredible item, really happy to get that at I think it was like 8 kill count?

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Collec11

I also got this little trinket from a clue scroll, and was happy to throw it on my Rune Defender.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Collec12

And lastly, one of the more insane things I've gotten that I'm sure many people would kill for:

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Collec13

Lastly for content, I have obtained the Rune Pouch, the Tier 5 Shayzien Armors, White Mystic Gloves & Bottoms, and a Thieving Bag.

The Plan:

Alright, last section I promise. So the plan remains largely the same as it has always been. I still have to mine around 20k sand to hit my goal, get 70 mining, 70 construction, and the like. 70 prayer is still high on my list of my priorities, but I've been crossing my fingers hoping someone takes my hardcore status so I can use the wildy altar (ha).


The crafting grind is actually somewhat interesting to comment on right now; the main goal of the grind is to be able to create an amulet of fury at 85 and of course higher tier jewelry and eventually the crafting cape at 99. Though, at the start of me gathering seaweed, Purple Dude and a few others mentioned the required amount of buckets of sand would be in the high 30ks. That means, high 30k seaweed as well, or 6k+ giant seaweed via farm runs. Coincidentally, I was learning how to use my "Banked exp" plugin a few days ago and checked on the crafting section, and saw this!

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Crafti11

I literally hit 85 crafting banked including my Dragonhides the very day I checked. It's actually likely going to be quite a bit more considering I still have a few thousand dragons to kill. In any case, it's remarkable to see I've banked all that. I can actually piecemeal this grind too, as in, I don't truly need to grind right up to the fury until I unlock Barrows 2x runes for a reliable chaos rune source. So, there's no true rush to get a fury until then. The other jewelry I will absolutely be pursuing, but it makes it a more tolerable grind coming up. I still of course have to mine all of the sand, but that's a far less time-gated activity than both blowing the glass and getting the seaweed, and it will knock out another SOTE req.


The only update I have for construction is that unfortunately with Plank Make requiring high 80s magic to obtain, which will likely only be viable through bursting at slayer tasks and will take a long period of time for me to get, I'll probably have to roll with sawmill operators to get the levels required for SOTE. This is no big deal, and I might be able to knock out mage quite early. It remains to be seen with account progression.

Range & Magic:

Range has been a skill I've neglected for a while now; I've been using it mostly to kill dragons for the prayer grind, but seeing as it's used for a lot of upcoming content I need to get it up. In addition, I'm at the point in the account where I can pretty easily do a fire cape run. I may want a few barrows items and a RCB, but with 65 range I can attempt it as well as Beneath Cursed Sands which could feed into some raiding for an early Thread of Elendis! The likelihood of me failing miserably for these goals is astronomical, so don't hold your breath.

Magic is proving both costly and slow to level efficiently; I just hit 65 slayer, so dust devils will be really nice to burst at, but aside from using it in AFK activities (i.e. prayer grind) I'm not sure how this'll go. I'm using it as my primary at barrows so we'll see. I really WOULD like 87 magic before anything because I would love plank make, barrows portal, and all that.


The resource gathering for this skill makes me want to submerge myself into the sea by Draynor and scare level 3s trying to fish shrimp into never playing the game again. Business as usual here, getting bones takes forever.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Accoun11
Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Skills15

Last edited by Azein on Fri May 26, 2023 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by Alexander Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:41 am

Azein -- I am extremely impressed on how in-depth this thread is. Not only are you sharing your achievements, you are building a story around your adventure.

Keep up the amazing work. I look forward to reading more of your journey.

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression Empty Re: Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression

Post by lilhob Sat Feb 18, 2023 2:35 pm

wow, what Alex said - this thread is very impressively done and easy to read/follow. I also learnt some thing reading this Very Happy. good luck with every! Looking forward to reading more of your achievements and future goals

Fe Azein (Ironman) Progression YP5zkAJ

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