Heya! Hoping to join the clan!

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Heya! Hoping to join the clan! Empty Heya! Hoping to join the clan!

Post by Apple A Day Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:54 pm

Hi there! My in-game name is Apple A Day. I've been playing RS since the summer of 2004 and have been active in OSRS since its launch. I'm currently based on the West Coast in the US. I'm in my early 30s and work as a Product Designer during the day. I describe myself as pretty mature but laid back. I've been looking for a fun, mature clan to join and make my RS experience more social and fun. My current in-game goals are to finish maxing my account and improve at bossing -- I just completed my first ToB run and would love to do this more.

I'd love to get to know the members better and build some long-lasting friendships. From what I've seen, this clan looks like a great place and group to be a part of. I'd love to join the family!  Smile
Apple A Day
Apple A Day

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Join date : 2022-09-30

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Heya! Hoping to join the clan! Empty Re: Heya! Hoping to join the clan!

Post by Splindaugh Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:52 am

Hiya Apple A Day! I just saw you in the discord yesterday, I hope you were able to figure out the new clan system. The updated UI is a little confusing at first but it brought a lot of very helpful changes. Can't wait to see how your progress with us goes, and welcome to the best clan in all of OSRS Very Happy

Heya! Hoping to join the clan! YP5zkAJ

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Age : 32
Join date : 2022-07-15


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Heya! Hoping to join the clan! Empty Re: Heya! Hoping to join the clan!

Post by Purple Dude Tue Oct 04, 2022 4:49 am

Hellow Apple Smile Good choice on us if looking for mature and fun, totally not biased xD
Welcome to the clan ! ^^ bounce

Heya! Hoping to join the clan! Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

Heya! Hoping to join the clan! NuD0cpJ

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Age : 31
Join date : 2015-08-01

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