Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained)

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Woodcutting lvl? 83

Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap67%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 67% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap33%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 33% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_lcap0%Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) I_vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 3

Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) Empty Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained)

Post by ForesterFin Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:39 am

In game name: Forester Fin
In game goal: Cut all the trees down.
Combat level: 92.
Total level: 1261
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 76/74/72/70/71/61
Most importantly, Woodcutting level: 83 "Nice"

Of the following, which clan are you looking for: Social. I want a group of people with likeminded humour, a relaxed atmosphere where I can cut logs, and potentially PVM In the future.

Which region/timezone are you based in?: UTC - Forester Fin hails from England, he sometimes refers to himself in third person. He is a busy busy man, but when he has down time, he cuts trees down with mighty swings of his axe.

Brief introduction:
Guthix be praised, back in 2004 I was shipped from the island of tutorage and once jogging along merrily to the tune of Flute Salad, began massacring the local cow population near Lumbridge castle. It was after culling thirty of the beasts that I was gifted a copper axe.

From here... it has been a blurry haze. I started chopping trees instead, as Guthix forbade me to kill any more cows at that time. I began cutting trees, and it just grew and grew. I once joined a commune of unlikely persons in Draynor villiage who cut willows by night, and avoided the dreaded dark mages that sought our precious bounty.

Luckily as time grew on, I was reached out by a woodsmen from the woodcutting guild and there I started my long quest to cut as many magic trees as possible. I now have a small fortune after cutting many of these glistening buggers down! Where my next adventure begins?.... Who knows... maybe I'll build a house with all my accumulated logs.

Real lifey bits:
Stark raving madness aside, I'm an emergency worker in real life, I enjoy the game as it gives me much needed relaxation. I am terrible at it and come back from time to time. I have much to learn, but also much to give, and love nothing more than helping others out, either with my terrible humour or ability to listen. Need help killing the giant mole? Fin's down. Want to get some farming in? Throw me in the deep end, Fin loves everything green. You seem a nice bunch and I'd like to add to that formula.

All the best - Forester Fin.

Last edited by ForesterFin on Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Formatting.)

Posts : 2
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2022-06-15

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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) Empty Re: Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained)

Post by EvanK-Hell Wed Jun 15, 2022 8:43 am

Welcome to the clan Smile

Well written introduction, you put real effort and emotion into it, hopefully you'll enjoy yourself with us.

Other than woodcutting, any osrs goals to share?

Make sure you check out our discord, most of the clan weekly and monthly events are shared there and many fun topics to join.

And as well try your luck in our off site monthly lottery, you'll be able to win some coin and some fun clan rewards.

To join our weekly skill of the week competition, sign up here. Skill of the week voting happens in the discord.

Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) YP5zkAJ

Posts : 578
Reputation : 89
Age : 33
Join date : 2020-09-10


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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) Empty Re: Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained)

Post by ForesterFin Wed Jun 15, 2022 9:25 am

Other than 99 WC, I think I would like to attempt some bossing. I have no idea what I can do with my current level or where even is a good start to be real with you, but I love the idea of risk and reward with doing bosses to get some great loot. The drops drive me!

Any and all suggestions I will happily take on.

Posts : 2
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2022-06-15

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Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) Empty Re: Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained)

Post by shopferix Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:20 pm

Welcome to the clan and offsite Mr Fin, I must say I love your introduction, hope you enjoy your time with us, hope to see you around and goodluck on your goal of turning OSRS into one big field.

Introductions - The great Forester Fin (Title: The Great is yet to be attained) YP5zkAJ

Posts : 471
Reputation : 70
Age : 30
Join date : 2021-07-23


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