My Quest Cape goal

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My Quest Cape goal Empty My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:19 pm

Hey all, I'm going for quest cape so they're out of the way Razz

Currently at [164/277] quest points!

Rewarding quests done:

Monkey Madness [X]
Monkey Madness 2 [ ]
Song of the Elves [ ]
Dragon Slayer 2 [ ]
Recipe for Disaster [ ]
Sins of the Father [ ]
Desert Treasure [ ]


Update: 10/06 - QP now at 196/277 Very Happy

Last edited by Faith2heal on Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:08 pm; edited 2 times in total

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Tinnitus Sun Jun 07, 2020 5:44 am

Hey Faith,

Getting the quest cape is an awesome goal! I still I have a few quests left too, but I'm too lazy to do them. Hopefully your progress will motivate me =)

Are you using quest guides to complete the quests? I personally use Slayermusiq's quest guides and find them very user friendly.

PS - Dragons Slayer 2 in my opinion is the best quest in the game. You're in for a real treat!

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:51 am

Tinnitus wrote:Hey Faith,

Getting the quest cape is an awesome goal! I still I have a few quests left too, but I'm too lazy to do them. Hopefully your progress will motivate me =)

Are you using quest guides to complete the quests? I personally use Slayermusiq's quest guides and find them very user friendly.

PS - Dragons Slayer 2 in my opinion is the best quest in the game. You're in for a real treat!

Thanks Tinn! I am just using the OSRS wiki guides for now but maybe later for the hard bosses I will look into Slayermusiq's! Thanks for the tip.

I'm looking forward to DS2 and all of these new quests Very Happy

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by This Land Tue Jun 09, 2020 5:25 am

Wishing you all the best with your QPC goal Smile Smile

Like Tinny said, it's an awesome achievement to reach as it unlocks so many areas of the game and the cape itself is really cool with a nice emote. Also, another way I really like it, is that even though you eventually 'achieve' the goal you always have to maintain it when new quests come out and because of that I find it unique in a positive way!

Another recommendation for you: Make sure when you're doing Song of the Elves that you turn on your in-game music whilst in the library. The soundtrack is AWESOME (in my opinion) so it'd be nice to see what you think of it too. Obviously don't listen to it the whole time you're in there because it's a long part of the quest haha but if you did fancy giving it a listen I'd love to hear what you think of it also.

Again, all the best with hitting that QPC milestone. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress thread fully updated with a screenshot of you wearing your new cape with pride!
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This Land

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:30 am

Thank you Land.

I'm very excited for Song of the Elves and other quests I didn't do back when I previously played. I'll definitely be putting the music on for that quest Very Happy

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by C2D Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:10 am

its a great cape to have!
Personally, I used RS Wiki for their guides, did all the quests in length order. This way the points bump up quickly and its just ticking off a list.

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by OmniRick Sat Jul 04, 2020 4:53 pm

Quest Cape is an excellent goal, gets you access to most of the game and you end up with decent levels in most skills before focusing on other pursuits.
I also used just the wiki guides and it was more than enough.

Good luck on this endeavour.

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 04, 2020 5:58 pm

Hi Faith

Good luck on your quest cape! Definitely an amazing achievement and also definitely worth the progress its a must have done on any account! so good luck and lol I still need to do mm2 and ds2

Happy Scaping!

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:03 pm

Hi guys an update, I only have 6 quests to go but at 85 cb I need to train up a bit I think. I keep dying on Sins of the Father.

Thanks to everyone who's said good luck I appreciate it and it is really motivating!

The quests are:

Sins of the father
Making friends with my arm
Song of the Elves

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:07 pm

woweeee! you only have 6 quests left thats amazing! good job! Very Happy yes indeed the last couple of quests are indeed tricky so your gonna need to train your combat skills up to grow your hit points too. so just afk a while at nmz or do slayer and gain some lvls in combat Smile good luck on your questing.

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:10 pm

thanks INOXXENTRISA Very Happy i actually meant 5 quests haha clearly can't count. yeah i'm focusing on slayer. i did NMZ for a bit but one can only do so much of that before I get a little bored!

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Soldier J 9 Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:09 pm

That's awesome faith! You've got this! you're so close, too!
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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:39 pm

thankyou soldier Very Happy

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Syllabic Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:10 pm

That's great progress Faith! You're a lot closer than I am, and in a lot less time. I know there are a few people in the CC that have done 85 CMB quest capes. Might be worth reaching out and seeing if they have any tips? I know @Ldcfibonacci did his at 87, though I'm not sure whether he's done the new quest or not. I did it at 119 combat, so I might not be the best judge of what steps you'll need to take in order to complete it, but I'm willing to help if you're still committed to the idea Smile I can be a good baseline for what not to do if nothing else, haha.

My Quest Cape goal Ineeda10

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by FFibonacci Tue Jul 14, 2020 12:39 am

Syllabic wrote:That's great progress Faith! You're a lot closer than I am, and in a lot less time. I know there are a few people in the CC that have done 85 CMB quest capes. Might be worth reaching out and seeing if they have any tips? I know @Ldcfibonacci did his at 87, though I'm not sure whether he's done the new quest or not. I did it at 119 combat, so I might not be the best judge of what steps you'll need to take in order to complete it, but I'm willing to help if you're still committed to the idea Smile I can be a good baseline for what not to do if nothing else, haha.
This is true! You can definitely do it with your stats. I got qpc at 86 combat & got it again at 87 when Sins of the Father came out. You actually have slightly better attack & strength than I do so it's definitely possible, but there's a lot of rng involved with that quest for lower levels. Once you get an idea of how mechanics work for the boss, you'll have a much better chance of beating him. Just don't lose hope! It took me about ten tries before I finally got it.

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Tue Jul 14, 2020 1:03 pm

Thanks guys! It would be really good to get it a lower combat level and I'll probably get it before 100. After dying 4 times on Sins of the Father I'm gonna level up (as I have been doing, I'm almost 89 combat) so I'll probably give it another go around 95 combat. But the levels you did it at are amazing Lcd I'm really impressed.

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Tinnitus Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:25 pm

Nice work Faith! I'm 120 cb and still do not have the quest cape, lol. I'm not sure how those lower levels manage to get a quest cape, but it seems like you'll be one of them! I haven't done Sins of the Father yet, so I can't comment on that. But for the Song of the Elves boss fight, I can give you a helpful tip for the final boss (Seren). During the healing phase where the 3-4 healers come out and start healing Seren, use a quick aggro ranged weapon (like darts or knives) to pull them off fast - it makes the fighter a lot easier because Seren will heal a lot less. I know you aren't on that quest yet, but just something to keep in the back of your mind if you struggle on that fight Smile

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by FFibonacci Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:49 am

Thanks a lot, dude! As far as the other quests you've got left, here's some advice I can give you for them:

Making Friends With My Arm: Both of the bosses are pretty easy to drop with ranged. I'd suggest kiting Mother to avoid its melee attacks.

Song of the Elves: This would be a good grandmaster quest to get out of the way first, as I felt it was the easiest out of them. Before the boss fights, as well as the others, I'd advise looking up the wiki & watching a few videos before attempting them. For the Fragment of Seren, I used Trident of the Swamp & had ancients activated to use blood spells for extra healing, as well as a blowpipe for my fast ranged weapon. Use the trident as your main attack, then your best blood spell on Seren to heal when your hitpoints drop to about 60-70%.

Monkey Madness 2: Take the agility route when you get to Kruk's dungeon. This part might take quite a while to complete, and the tank route decimates lower levels, so patience is key. For Kruk, I kited him and used a dragon crossbow with diamond bolts (e) to minimize damage. Don't forget a stamina potion so it's a viable method.

When going through the platform to set up bombs, I recommend getting comfortable with "corner tricking" the monkey guards to make this part go much quicker.

Towards the end, you'll need to fight 2 tortured and 2 demonic gorillas, which you'll fight alongside Nieve. Once the tortured gorillas are dead, the demonic ones will come out. Once you tank a few hits from one, Nieve will aggro to that gorilla, and there are spots you can hide from them outside of that room. Have Nieve kill them for you (this might take a while) once you're out of their range.

Glouph's third phase requires a tricky strategy that takes advantage of his teleport attack. When he teleports you close to him, there's a small window where you can either attack him or heal before he hits again. Toxic blowpipe works wonders here. Look up videos for low levels taking advantage of this mechanic. It's a bit easier seeing it done than I could explain it lol.

Dragon Slayer 2: This one was the hardest of the bunch. The first boss, Robert the Strong, is very difficult with lower level melee stats and may take many attempts (it took me 8 tries). Bring your best crush bonus weapon and ranged defense armor (I believe I brought granite hammer, dragon mace for the spec, & Verac's for the armor). as well as several rings of recoil.

Vorkath was a lot of fun, but can be pretty tricky because of its mechanics. Bring your best ranged gear (blowpipe highly recommended) and runes for Crumble Undead. ALWAYS KEEP RUN OFF. One of its attacks will punish you hard if run is one & I died very easily on my first attempt because of that mistake haha. I'm not as knowledgeable about Vorkath as some of the others in the cc, but feel free to ask around for tips & tricks as I'm sure several clannies that are more privy to its mechanics than I am.

When you get to the second wave of dragons near the end (mithril, adamant & rune dragons), it's best to hide under the adamant & rune dragons while the other heroes kill it for you. Always, always, always, have an eye on Galvek to avoid hits.

Taking him on for the final fight will require lots of focus & will likely take several attempts to take him out. There is a lot of trial & error with this boss & will likely be the most difficult PvM fight you've had to do. Use ruby bolts (e) until he hits 150 hitpoints or below, then switch to diamond bolts (e). Pray magic during the first phase, then pray ranged from the second phase onwards. I don't recall much else since it's been a minute, but again, videos are a lifesaver.

Last bit of advice I have is to be mindful of when you need breaks during the grandmaster quests. They all take a long time to complete, and can be really stressful for lower levels. While it is possible to complete one of them in a single day, don't get discouraged if you decide to drag any of them out between multiple days. It's always best to approach the more daunting parts with a fresh mind than one of fatigue. Best of luck to you on the rest of these quests!! You've got it, dude

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty Re: My Quest Cape goal

Post by Midase Wed Jul 15, 2020 6:49 pm

Ldcfibonacci wrote:Thanks a lot, dude! As far as the other quests you've got left, here's some advice I can give you for them:

Making Friends With My Arm: Both of the bosses are pretty easy to drop with ranged. I'd suggest kiting Mother to avoid its melee attacks.

Song of the Elves: This would be a good grandmaster quest to get out of the way first, as I felt it was the easiest out of them. Before the boss fights, as well as the others, I'd advise looking up the wiki & watching a few videos before attempting them. For the Fragment of Seren, I used Trident of the Swamp & had ancients activated to use blood spells for extra healing, as well as a blowpipe for my fast ranged weapon. Use the trident as your main attack, then your best blood spell on Seren to heal when your hitpoints drop to about 60-70%.

Monkey Madness 2: Take the agility route when you get to Kruk's dungeon. This part might take quite a while to complete, and the tank route decimates lower levels, so patience is key. For Kruk, I kited him and used a dragon crossbow with diamond bolts (e) to minimize damage. Don't forget a stamina potion so it's a viable method.

When going through the platform to set up bombs, I recommend getting comfortable with "corner tricking" the monkey guards to make this part go much quicker.

Towards the end, you'll need to fight 2 tortured and 2 demonic gorillas, which you'll fight alongside Nieve. Once the tortured gorillas are dead, the demonic ones will come out. Once you tank a few hits from one, Nieve will aggro to that gorilla, and there are spots you can hide from them outside of that room. Have Nieve kill them for you (this might take a while) once you're out of their range.

Glouph's third phase requires a tricky strategy that takes advantage of his teleport attack. When he teleports you close to him, there's a small window where you can either attack him or heal before he hits again. Toxic blowpipe works wonders here. Look up videos for low levels taking advantage of this mechanic. It's a bit easier seeing it done than I could explain it lol.

Dragon Slayer 2: This one was the hardest of the bunch. The first boss, Robert the Strong, is very difficult with lower level melee stats and may take many attempts (it took me 8 tries). Bring your best crush bonus weapon and ranged defense armor (I believe I brought granite hammer, dragon mace for the spec, & Verac's for the armor). as well as several rings of recoil.

Vorkath was a lot of fun, but can be pretty tricky because of its mechanics. Bring your best ranged gear (blowpipe highly recommended) and runes for Crumble Undead. ALWAYS KEEP RUN OFF. One of its attacks will punish you hard if run is one & I died very easily on my first attempt because of that mistake haha. I'm not as knowledgeable about Vorkath as some of the others in the cc, but feel free to ask around for tips & tricks as I'm sure several clannies that are more privy to its mechanics than I am.

When you get to the second wave of dragons near the end (mithril, adamant & rune dragons), it's best to hide under the adamant & rune dragons while the other heroes kill it for you. Always, always, always, have an eye on Galvek to avoid hits.

Taking him on for the final fight will require lots of focus & will likely take several attempts to take him out. There is a lot of trial & error with this boss & will likely be the most difficult PvM fight you've had to do. Use ruby bolts (e) until he hits 150 hitpoints or below, then switch to diamond bolts (e). Pray magic during the first phase, then pray ranged from the second phase onwards. I don't recall much else since it's been a minute, but again, videos are a lifesaver.

Last bit of advice I have is to be mindful of when you need breaks during the grandmaster quests. They all take a long time to complete, and can be really stressful for lower levels. While it is possible to complete one of them in a single day, don't get discouraged if you decide to drag any of them out between multiple days. It's always best to approach the more daunting parts with a fresh mind than one of fatigue. Best of luck to you on the rest of these quests!! You've got it, dude

Wow thanks so much Fib. That will be a massive help, I think I'll definitely do them a bit earlier than I was going to now. Thank you!!

My Quest Cape goal YP5zkAJ

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My Quest Cape goal Empty GREAT GOAL

Post by Maria Kati Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:06 pm

Very Happy Faith I am on the journey with you.. there has been some great advice given to you already, I guess I would say drink water..take breaks..breathe remember you are the one who grinds this out so do your best and just enjoy the journey!! Smile Razz
Maria Kati
Maria Kati

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