Targo Blood Introduction

Purple Dude
Targo Blood
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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Targo Blood Introduction

Post by Targo Blood Fri Apr 15, 2022 4:56 am

Hello everyone, my name is Targo Blood. I am a classic era veteran that played back in the day. I honestly admit that I quit when RS2 came out, which I now regret. I am now back and I am loving the old school version of the game so far which is awesome. I just regret waiting all this time to give it ago. But hey at least I am giving it ago now which is the main thing..

I currently reside in Europe and can't wait to meet you all. If there anything else you want to know about me just let me know. I thought I would keep this brief as it's better to discover who I am over time by talking to me. Smile
Targo Blood
Targo Blood

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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Re: Targo Blood Introduction

Post by Purple Dude Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:07 am

Better late than never, Old School Runescape is a game you spend years on if you allow it Wink

Welcome to the community Targo Very Happy Seeya Ingame ! ^_^ bounce

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Purple Dude
Purple Dude

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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Re: Targo Blood Introduction

Post by Bunny Fri Apr 15, 2022 7:50 pm

Hi Targo. Welcome to the clan Smile
My first ever runescape experience was at like 23/24 so I understand what you mean about wishing you found it sooner!

Targo Blood Introduction 4068HaS

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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Re: Targo Blood Introduction

Post by EvanK-Hell Sun Apr 17, 2022 1:18 am

Welcome to the clan and to the off site Smile

Make sure you check out our discord, most of the clan weekly and monthly events are shared there and many fun topics to join.

And as well try your luck in our off site monthly lottery, you'll be able to win some coin and some fun clan rewards.

Targo Blood Introduction YP5zkAJ

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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Re: Targo Blood Introduction

Post by KingNightfury Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:25 pm

hey welcome! very nice to see a old school player picking up the game again! good to hear youre enjoying it, i hope we can make you experience that much better.

Targo Blood Introduction YP5zkAJ

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Targo Blood Introduction Empty Re: Targo Blood Introduction

Post by shopferix Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:29 am

Hello and welcome to the clan and offsite, hope you are enjoying your time with us, all the best and see you around!

Targo Blood Introduction YP5zkAJ

Posts : 465
Reputation : 70
Age : 30
Join date : 2021-07-23


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