Rock's intro

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Rock's intro Empty Rock's intro

Post by Curlingrock0 Sun Nov 07, 2021 1:34 am

Hey all hows it going? Just found you guys via osrs forums recently as I am just returning to the game again after a break ( you never truly quit runescape) and all my friends are either RS3 only players now or have quit. Its pretty quiet and since im only lvl 100 and I have always hated skilling it is pretty boring!

About me, well I live in Saskatchewan Canada and will be playing this as the fall/ winter weather has finally started to set in more which limits my outside activity! I curl 2 times a week, should be more but work always gets in the way. I have been playing runescape on and off since 2004 or very late 2003, time flys when you are having fun!

I don't really know what more to say other then if you see me on and have any advice, skilling, gp making, or just want to say hi hit me up!

Right now I am in the midst of a skilling grind, other then that I will be returning to slayer, my favorite skill, in the near future to continue the grind to that sexy slayer cape. Right now I am only 73 slayer so a long ways to go ( and have a waterfiend task Rolling Eyes )


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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by EvanK-Hell Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:30 am

Welcome to the clan and off site Smile

If you have any questions, always welcomed to ask around clan chat, no need to be shy as everyone here are very mature.

Skilling has it's ups and downs, join our skill of the week event to compete with others for some rewards. Maybe that can motivate you to work on your skills Razz

Rock's intro YP5zkAJ

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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by Moondancer Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:01 pm

Welcome to the clan Smile Hope to see you in the game or on discord. Feel free to reach out to me if you need any help or even a friend to talk with.

Rock's intro YP5zkAJ

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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by Mjr_Oc3lot Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:52 am

Hello and welcome Curlingrock! I've started playing again (i never expected myself to play Runescape again but you're right, you never actually quit omg) around July so I can't offer much advice as I'm still learning a lot myself, but what I can say is that I've been making some decent money from birdhouse nests from Birdhouse Runs on Fossil Island as well as Herb runs with Toadflax/Ranarrs from Farming.

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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by Riolu Mon Nov 08, 2021 6:40 pm

Hey there welcome to the clan and offsite :p definitely hope to see you now and then in the CC.

That's awesome that you like skilling a lot as well. Every 2 weeks I think? We have something called Skill of the week competitions for whoever could get the most exp in the chosen skill in a week. Pretty fun and motivating for many and I'd think you'd fit right in for that.

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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by shopferix Tue Nov 09, 2021 12:08 pm

Welcome to the clan and offsite! Always good to see another Canadian in the CC! Hope to see you around.

Rock's intro YP5zkAJ

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Rock's intro Empty Re: Rock's intro

Post by Syllabic Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:39 pm

Welcome, Rock! Happy to have you! Hopefully we can give you some more reasons to stick around this time Smile

I've never been curling before, but I've always wanted to try it! My grandparents used to go quite often when I was still very young, but stopped by the time I was old enough to actually learn. We do have a curling club in town, but I can't say I know anyone who plays. Doesn't seem to be a thing in (this part of) BC nearly as much as it is in the prairie provinces, unfortunately.

Best of luck chipping away at Slayer! Think it's arguably my favourite skill as well. Tends to be what I fall back on when I can't think of anything else to do. You're almost at gargoyles, which a lot of people consider to be the first decently profitable task. Nice and AFK too. Plus you get access to the boss, just in case you feel like torturing yourself for the pet chance wainc

Catch you in CC!

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