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Post by its-a-ginger Fri Sep 04, 2020 10:54 pm

Hi OSRS Advice Clannies

First, you can call me Ginger 😊
I've been lurking about teh CC for a whiles now, figured was just about time I should prob introduce myself  Cool

uhhh so in game:  I was introduced to OSRS March 2020 during some major changes in daily lifes and playing ever since. My first goal in game was always quests to >> barrows gloves, which I completed relatively early on. Then I moved mostly to quest cape goal. Progression slowed down after RFD because just the want to try a lot of different things the game has to offer as well as I cannot really focus on one skill or task for long, so skilling is a little difficult. I have been enjoying finding and trying new bosses to attempt. I have been wishing I was better at a lot of them, but it does take time. March 2020 not a lot of time to perfect it all.  I get sick of my name every so often, so I do change my username a lot, because I both get bored of it and havent found the perfect one, but try to have it reflect ginger so you should recognize since it isnt common to stumble upon similar username and such.

Outside of RS:  Reppin'  North-ish Eastern-ish coast-ish USA.  hmmm, so, one my fav things is just being outdoors in any sorta way. Examples being walking/hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, swimming  out the ocean, sitting campfires, etcetc. I'm very really drawn to music and learning new songs for my ears to hear.   I have a lovely shelter pupper too I spend alot of time with,   who's like 25% German Shep, 25% Bord Collie, 10% Lab, then the rest is small percents of multiple random herding & guard dog, and other breeds. The def of a mutt doggo. Yay.

...And  then... more me, uh, if you care for astrology at all then -  > sun=aries, moon=Taurus, 1house=cancer,  then all 3 Mercury, Venus, Mars are Pisces.

Anyways, hope to meet many of ya’ll in game and all. I’m a bit shy but  don’t hesitate to say hi and be silly.

Last edited by its-a-ginger on Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:09 am; edited 18 times in total (Reason for editing : I type oh so terribly...)

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Syllabic Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:21 am

Hey Ginger. Nice to finally see an intro post from you. Chatted a few times with you and Guitarist when you've been hanging out in voice chat, if you remember that.

Sounds like you've been putting my progress to shame lately. I have a lot of trouble setting goals, and even more trouble actually sticking to them (which I guess is your problem to an extent as well). Honestly though, doesn't matter much what you're actually doing in-game, as long as you're enjoying yourself. Keep trying new stuff and you'll find your niche eventually.

Great opportunities to post pictures of your hikes/dog in Discord as well, if you like. I can't recall if you've done that already or not. Won't catch me complaining Smile dog especially pls

Anyway, call that an official hello from one redhead to another. Nice to have you!

Edit: Oh, and what kind of music are you into? You play any instruments?

What's up Ineeda10

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by its-a-ginger Sat Sep 05, 2020 2:25 am

Hi Syll, yes i remember talking on disc Smile

My goals are all over the place, lol. I also need at one point to go for fire cape but just keep putting that off as well, woops.

My phone is probably like 98% dog photos at this point that I'll be sure to post adorable photos of the pupper on discord in the next few day Very Happy
I've sometimes just forgotten about the text-disc channels, I hadnt posted in the pets one before lol

Regarding instruments - none. I've attempted to learn both piano and guitar at one point in my life, but just couldn't grasp it. I'm more a very active listener. My default, (I'm not good with Genres), is like alternative. But do generally listen to a lot of different types.

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Tinnitus Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:07 am

Hey Ginger, 

Thanks for the intro! IIRC I have spoken with you and Guitar briefly on the discord, although it's probably been a few months. One of these days I'll get a decent functioning mic. Never been much of a discord user, but I'm slowly starting to get my head around it. 

That's some incredible progress since March, especially if you haven't had Runescape experience before. Glad you seem to be enjoying it nonetheless.

Sounds like you are quite the adventurer. I love swimming myself (well, not really swimming per say, but I enjoy scuba diving so I do swim often to keep myself in good practice). Haven't done too much ocean diving yet, mostly freshwater, but I'm looking forward to adventuring out and experiencing the great wonders that the ocean offers!

I had a blue heeler in the past, and now a Pit Bull. She's a gem, the sweetest dog I've ever met. Sounds like your dog has some nice combinations - gotta love mutts, I've personally found they have the most unique personalities (ancedotal of course Smile).

Thanks again for the intro. Be seeing ya!

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Syllabic Sat Sep 05, 2020 3:25 am

My goals are all over the place, lol. I also need at one point to go for fire cape but just keep putting that off as well, woops.

It's not so bad once you've had a few goes at it, but it's not like there's any rush. Get around to it whenever you're comfortable. I got my fire cape quite late (105 combat or something?), but now that I've had some practice I have no trouble at all breezing through Jad tasks.

My phone is probably like 98% dog photos at this point that I'll be sure to post adorable photos of the pupper on discord in the next few day

My phone is almost entirely cat photos, haha. Do it! Discord's full of dog fanatics. I'm sure they'll love him/her Happy Pepo

Regarding instruments - none. I've attempted to learn both piano and guitar at one point in my life, but just couldn't grasp it. I'm more a very active listener. My default, (I'm not good with Genres), is like alternative. But do generally listen to a lot of different types.

I played trumpet for a few years in school, but aside from that I'm pretty much hopeless. Don't feel like I have the dexterity for guitar or piano, especially since I've already deal with a little arthritis (I swear I'm not that old). Might try to pick up saxophone or something someday, though. Once I'm able to afford a good teacher Smile

Also, is Car Seat Headrest alternative? I've had one of their songs stuck in my head for like 2 days now and I'm very much ready for it to stop

What's up Ineeda10

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Spiritika Sat Sep 05, 2020 10:03 am

Hi Ginger,
You've made a lot of progress since March, which is quite impressive. Good luck on your goal of becoming better at bosses. Welcome to the clan. Smile

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Virtual Luck Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:22 pm

Virtual Luck
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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by SkaryBoi Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:55 pm

Greetings Ginger! Completely agree with the focus bit, gotta hop from skill to skill to prevent extreme boredom. For some reason, I don't like questing very much. Maybe it's the sheer number of them because I only do the quests that give a substantial reward. Of course, I do want to get Recipe for Disaster done as well but I'm mainly focusing on the task diaries for right now. Fun to see you have a mutt! I have a pure(?) white Lab who is constantly hyper and can't stand a closed door. Anyway, hope to see you ingame soon!

Wishing Well,

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by CelticArrows Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:10 pm

nice intro, welcome to the clan Ginger,

see you ingame soon

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What's up Empty Re: What's up

Post by Guitarist141 Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:41 pm

I'd say WELCOME but I kinda dragged you into this CC way back at wyrms...thankfully you didn't know the safespots.

And the raiding...
And the slayering...
And you getting to Jad on your FIRST (finally) attempt!!

You'll get it soon enough Smile See you in gammmmeeeee!

PS I agree with Syl, more doggo kthx.

What's up YP5zkAJ

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