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Post by Nrixor Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:21 am

Name: Niklas
RSN: Nrixor
Age: 20
Location: Finland, Kuopio

Hello! Im ex rs3 player pretty much started on there. now had ~6month ish brake
almost went back to rs3 but my friends got me hooked on osrs. so far i have loved this cc since i found it from google
i have been mostly lurking in the chat but the conversations yall have there i love to read em. as i afk. hopefully i will be more active
on the chat soon as i learn osrs more.
i thought it was time to introduce myself on the forums since i have been on the cc for few weeks
and hopefully will be for a long time  Smile

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Syllabic Fri Mar 19, 2021 1:37 am

Hey Niklas! Nice to see another addition to our sizeable Finnish community, haha. Feel free to lurk as long as you like, but it goes without saying that we'd be happy to see more of you too! You're more than welcome to invite your friends as well, if you think they might be interested in joining. I never had any luck with that, but maybe you're more persuasive than I am Smile

What are you looking to accomplish in Old School, now that you've made the switch? And what's RS3 like these days? I haven't played in probably 10+ years, so I have no idea what people get up to in that game anymore. Having seen some of the bosses, I'm not sure my brain's big enough to handle it anyway Laughing

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Nrixor Fri Mar 19, 2021 4:09 am

ill ask around to see if some of them are interested.

maxing and meeting new m8:s would be the ideal goal Smile but this time taking it a bit slowly
so i dont burn out. atm going for 99 slayer 69atm long way to go
but seemd pretty nice way to make some gp at the start and i love pvm
rs3 havent played in 6months but idk it feels more as an accomplishment make bank and to level up on osrs than rs3. the xp rates are much much higher, gp is much easier to grind atleast in my opinion. and i hated the eoc ability bar etc but with out it you lose a lot of dmg/(61%). i would state it boring at the start but when you get into the lategame/endgame bossing it can be fun. but not my game anymore

ps. i will be sure to hop into conversations sometimes Smile and will help others if i have the knowledge! Very Happy

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Ragnar 96 Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:47 pm

Welcome to the clan!! If you need anything, let me know!
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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Syllabic Fri Mar 19, 2021 2:12 pm

maxing and meeting new m8:s would be the ideal goal Smile but this time taking it a bit slowly
so i dont burn out. atm going for 99 slayer 69atm long way to go

I'm also going for 99 Slayer! Very slowly, lol. One of the best skills to focus on if you're trying to avoid burnout, in my opinion, since there's so much variety built into it by default.

rs3 havent played in 6months but idk it feels more as an accomplishment make bank and to level up on osrs than rs3. the xp rates are much much higher, gp is much easier to grind atleast in my opinion. and i hated the eoc ability bar etc but with out it you lose a lot of dmg/(61%). i would state it boring at the start but when you get into the lategame/endgame bossing it can be fun. but not my game anymore

That all sounds pretty similar to what I've heard from other people who've played recently; great late-game/bossing content, unrewarding early/mid-game and skilling content. People seem to still swear by ironman mode on there, though, so I guess that's always an option if you wanna completely avoid the MTX and such.

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Tinnitus Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:06 pm

Hey Nrixor,

Thanks for the intro! We're glad to have ya, and I'm really glad to hear you have been enjoying the cc Smile

It's pretty cool to hear about a player migrating from RS3 to OSRS, from what I've heard and the people I've met, that doesn't seem to happen that often. Both games have a great player base from whatever angle you look at it. I seriously think I'll try out RS3 ironman mode once I max my account on OSRS, the main reason I haven't is because the interface on RS3 just seems so overwhelming compared to OSRS. It's probably just a matter of spending time on the game of course. 

Best of luck on the slayer and PvM grind, it's a long but rewarding one. And if you are looking to make friends, I don't think that would be a problem here  Happy Pepo

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Shh Gg | Small Pulley Fri Mar 19, 2021 6:42 pm

Welcome to the offsite Niklas! I'm not at all familiar with rs3 but it's interesting to hear you talk about it. Going for max is a big goal but should be fun to chip away at it. Let us know if you need anything, see ya around Very Happy

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Nrixor Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:23 am

thanks for the warm welcomes <3 i will be looking forward to get to know yall!

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Nrixor Sat Mar 20, 2021 2:33 am

@Tinnitus Whats up! Screen10
(thats my layout back when i played)

the only thing i love more on rs3 than osrs is the interface and how much
you can customize it.
i got so used to play rs3 on fullscreen but
i like to play osrs on stretched and fixed layout so it looks terrible
atleast nowadays i afk alot more and watch netflix usually on rs3 i didnt watch netflix i focused on the game Very Happy

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Whats up! Empty Re: Whats up!

Post by Syllabic Sat Mar 20, 2021 3:07 am

Good LORD. Yeah, forget bosses; my brain's probably not even big enough to figure how to log out. A friend of mine was talking about how he had a friend help set up his interface once he started back on RS3. Can't say I blame him...

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