Whats up everybody!

Purple Dude
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Whats up everybody! Empty Whats up everybody!

Post by K_E_Rotzi Sun Sep 15, 2019 2:29 am

Hello everybody! Name Is Kevin Been Playing Runescape on and off since 2001. Started back up again in 2014 about a year after osrs was released! Stopped playing about 14-15 months ago.Wanted to actually start playing with people did some snooping around the internet the found you all! I have some more free time in IRL decided to log back on and play again! I have max melee stats and always down too anything in game!
Some IRL facts im 23 and i live with my best friend ricky my ferret! Him and i just like to chill in my room listen to some sweet tunes and play runescape lol

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by vit Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:13 am

Hey Kevin... And Ricky.

Welcome to the clan, glad to have you back, we have many ex players who return here.

I look forward to seeing you around in game and in the cc. Make yourself at home and reach out if you need anything!

Whats up everybody! U7euiv5

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Syllabic Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:15 am

Yo Kevin, thanks for signing up. Good to meet you Smile

2001 is an age ago! I haven't been playing quite that long, but I somehow doubt I would have been very interested in the game at that age anyway. I also recently came back from a year+ long break. If you're looking for good people to scape/chill with, then you've come to the right place. The fact that they're (seemingly) not all sick of me by now says a great deal.

Also, I love ferrets! I always wanted one when I was a kid. Good thing my mom never caved. I'm not sure if there's a relevant thread on here (I only know of the dog and cat threads), but you should definitely post pictures!

I'd recommend posting your RSN in the smiley thread, first off. That'll get you an easy rank in the clan chat. There's also a new Clan Lotto thread every month. It's free to enter. Finally, can't forget the Discord Server. It'd be cool if you stopped by!

Bye cyclops

Whats up everybody! Ineeda10

Whats up everybody! NuD0cpJ

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Moondancer Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:38 am

Welcome Kevin! Im glad you found the cc. Ferrets are pretty cool but definitely a lot of work to maintain. It's cute that you have a best bud ferret! Hope to see you in the game and discord Smile

Whats up everybody! YP5zkAJ

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Catnaros Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:56 am

Welcome to the clan! My little sister has a ferret named Chili c:

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Purple Dude Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:25 am

Welcome Very Happy You are def a true old school player if you were around back at 2001 Razz
Hope you enjoy your stay among us Smile bounce

Whats up everybody! Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
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Purple Dude

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Skillius Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:51 am

Welcome to the clan, happy to have you here Smile

Whats up everybody! YP5zkAJ

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Avallan Sun Sep 15, 2019 9:44 pm

Welcome! You have a ferret?! Please post photos <3 I've never actually seen one IRL but I imagine they'd be pretty damn cool pets!

Whats up everybody! YP5zkAJ

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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by Sir Striker Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:52 pm

Welcome to the community! I'm sure you will find a home here. That's a pretty cool pet. I hear they are pretty smart.
Sir Striker
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Whats up everybody! Empty Re: Whats up everybody!

Post by bokeh_dot Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:52 am

Welcome! Looking forward to seeing you around!

Whats up everybody! YP5zkAJ

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