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Introduction :) Empty Introduction :)

Post by Roxas Mon May 18, 2020 3:07 pm

Hey I'm Roxas, just recently started trying to get into OSRS, but I've been playing Runescape in general since at least 2008.
I play both OSRS and RS3 currently, big on pvming, and I aspire to become an amazing Pker on OSRS in the near future.
Also I really enjoy having access to the cc to ask people questions cause a lot has changed over the years and it's taking me forever to get used to things.
I'm interested in joining the clan officaily as soon as I can, thank you Smile

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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Noctivagous Mon May 18, 2020 4:29 pm

Hello Roxas, and welcome to OSRS Advice.

How are things in RS3?
I quit RS3 because of how much has changed throughout the years, but I think it's awesome that you can enjoy both games simultaneously.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask in the CC.
Everyone is friendly and so knowledgeable its like having a Wiki with veteran players!

I look forward to seeing you around the CC.


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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Syllabic Tue May 19, 2020 2:32 am

Heya Roxas, welcome!

I honestly feel as if there's a lot to like about RS3 (great questlines, combat that isn't quite so RNG dependent), but the microtransactions really turn me off. I've heard it's actually a pretty excellent way to experience an Ironman, because you don't have to worry at all about the Pay to Win aspect. Of course, that's all just hearsay. Haven't played the main branch of the game myself since 2009 or so.

I was also pretty overwhelmed when I first started back on OSRS. Hadn't played in about a decade, and in addition to the change I never really bothered to play the game properly back when I was a kid. There's still plenty of content I haven't really touched, but I like to think hanging around in the CC has made me more knowledgeable about the game, if only in the broadest sense. We'll be happy to help you however you need, so don't hesitate to ask questions.

As for officially joining, you pretty much already have, lol. If a rank is what you're after, I'd recommend checking out Bear's handy promotion guide: All ranks in the CC are awarded based on merit, so just try your best to be active, friendly and helpful wherever possible, and they'll come soon enough Smile

You're also welcome to check out our Discord server, if that's something that interests you. Lovely community on there as well, as well as info on our weekly events and such.

Best of luck figuring out PKing. I never managed it myself, lol. You have any prior experience with PVP in Runescape, or is this a totally new thing for you? We don't have a particularly large PKing community in the CC, but I'm sure you'll be able to find somebody FeelsOkayMan

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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Tinnitus Tue May 19, 2020 5:33 am

Hey Roxas,

Welcome! I'll be sure to ask you any questions I have about RS3 if I decide to go back Razz

I agree with with Syllabic stated - the introduction of MTX is what completely turned me off from RS3 as well. But with legacy mode around, maybe it's not so bad after all... but, I'll probably stick to OSRS.

You are always more than welcome to ask any questions in chat that you may have. I'm not sure about how many PKers we have in our clan, but we do have a quite a few experienced PvMers.

See you around!

Last edited by Tinnitus on Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Purple Dude Tue May 19, 2020 5:41 am

Welcome! Very Happy bounce

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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Spiritika Tue May 19, 2020 9:31 pm

Hi Roxas! I'm new to the clan but not to RuneScape. I've been playing since 2006 and continued playing when the game transitioned into RS3. I played RS3 for years and didn't start playing OSRS until around the time it was released for mobile. OSRS reminds me of when I started playing the game in 2006. There are some features which didn't exist back then but I'm enjoying re-learning the game as well as learning the new content. It's great meeting other people who have been playing for so long. Smile

Good luck on your goal of becoming an amazing PKer in OSRS!

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Introduction :) Empty Re: Introduction :)

Post by Joshua Wed May 20, 2020 8:51 am

Welcome to the clan buddy Smile looking forward to meeting you

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