'Toph Guy' intro

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'Toph Guy' intro Empty 'Toph Guy' intro

Post by Toph Guy Tue Apr 14, 2020 5:25 am

Hey all. I'm based in UK and found about this community via reddit.

Current goal is to get barrow gloves but because I'm WFH, I'll be doing a lot of fishing this week
Toph Guy
Toph Guy

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Join date : 2020-04-14

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'Toph Guy' intro Empty Re: 'Toph Guy' intro

Post by Syllabic Tue Apr 14, 2020 6:37 am

Hey Toph, welcome to the offsite. Glad you found us! Seems like most people learn about the CC through Reddit or the official forums these days. The official forums are a bit of a relic as far as I can tell (most people I've ever seen logged in is like... 20), but obviously they're still seeing some use. As for Reddit, always nice to see clannies advertising on there, although I do worry about the people it attracts sometimes Laughing

Barrows gloves are a good goal! And I'm not saying that just because people used to laugh at me for not having them, haha. Perfect time for fishing as well! Might even snag a podium placement if you catch us slacking Smile

In case you're interested, you can apply for a Smiley by posting your RSN in this thread: https://www.osrsadvice.com/t3741-looking-for-a-smiley Just bear in mind that it might take a little while for it to be applied. Our waiting list seems to get longer by the day...

Catch ya in-game!

'Toph Guy' intro Ineeda10

'Toph Guy' intro NuD0cpJ

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'Toph Guy' intro Empty Re: 'Toph Guy' intro

Post by This Land Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:11 am

Toph Guy wrote:Hey all. I'm based in UK and found about this community via reddit.

Current goal is to get barrow gloves but because I'm WFH, I'll be doing a lot of fishing this week

Hey Toph, good to see you making an intro post and double good that you're from the UK the community can never have too many of us Very Happy

Barrows gloves are an awesome goal, Recipe for Disaster is a really fun quest too even though it's long I thoroughly enjoyed the story line and hope you will too Smile Best of luck with your fishing, are you taking part in Skill of the Week as a part of your fishing? If so, good luck!

My PM is always on if you need anything so don't hesitate to get in touch with a question or a hey, I'm always up to chat when online. Until then, take care and I'm looking forward to speaking with you more in the cc.

Mitch Very Happy
This Land
This Land

'Toph Guy' intro YP5zkAJ

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Age : 29
Join date : 2019-09-18

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