Trouble Brewing event?

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Trouble Brewing event?

Post by OmniRick Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:29 pm


I've been toying around with the idea of a clan Trouble Brewing event for a while, and I'm creating this thread to survey interest.

TB pros & cons
Pro: It's fun.
Con: Inefficient xp gain.

Pro: More fun in a team.
Con: Rather obsolete/cosmetic rewards.

Pro: It's fun.
Con: Small chance of monkey verbal abuse.

So if you'd like to participate in a Trouble Brewing event, please post below.

Thank you Smile

Trouble Brewing event? YP5zkAJ

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by sunkists Wed Feb 05, 2020 2:35 pm

I'm in.

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by DabbingBrb Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:06 pm

Super fun minigame. Would definitely be down for this event


Trouble Brewing event? Dabna10

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by Syllabic Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:41 pm

Sure, why not! I barely even understand how it works, but there's a first time for everything Smile

Trouble Brewing event? Ineeda10

Trouble Brewing event? NuD0cpJ

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by SquishySir Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:39 pm

Woooo let's do it! Trouble brewing mass would be a ton of fun, it's a cool minigame. Should probably hunt around for a youtube guide (if any exist, otherwise we should put something together) just to help people understand what to do. The tutorial book in the lobby/game is pretty overwhelming.

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by Bodjery Sun Feb 09, 2020 7:40 pm

yayyy me too, though I am just lame at there! If not, just ask Rick hahahah Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by i Kelly Mon Feb 10, 2020 6:41 pm

Little late to posting, but I wouldn't be opposed to going if I can. Do you know what's required to go? Been a while, haha.

Don't think I actually ever did anything with trouble brewing, ever. Only difficulty I have is that I have rather awkward timing to be online because of work/life, but I can certainly give it my darndest try!
i Kelly
i Kelly

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by Measured Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:18 am

This actually sounds interesting

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Trouble Brewing event? Empty Re: Trouble Brewing event?

Post by Sye Pie Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:46 am

I've never done it, but I'll be glad to join in just for fun when people eventually get to doing it =). I'll look up a youtube guide when the time comes
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