The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:48 am


Hey! Thank you very much! 😃 That means a lot to me! I am slowly but surely making progress. Haha yeah defo i have been on and off for a while but recently ive been on again and im motivated to stay on for good! 😊 so im going to be working hard to make some gains.

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:32 pm

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-25-at-19-37-32
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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-25-at-21-14-44

Hey guys I have been busy bee working on my alts as well as working on my main.

On my main I have been working on my hunter and have managed to reach 50 hunter with just birdhouses and have already made 1mil+ profit from birdhouses alone before this my hunter was below 30 and quite week ive spent 4 days doing just birdhouses and have been been really enjoying this passive xp every hour especially with mobile being able to long on anytime and anywhere to check up on birdhouses as they only take 55 minutes to collect loot and dismantle.

Another progress in the meantime I have also been working on my slayer and mining alts. on my mining alt which was before going to be a slayer alt has now been made a mining alt I have already reached 65 mining going onto 66! I am planning to make it a mining alt and just keep it mining in the background and sell loot for profit using only the motherlode mine.

My 2nd alt account that I am also playing on is my slayer alt I have now almost reached 60 slayer! the next biggest milestone will be 70 slayer 70+ slayer will be using to slay big money makers.

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by Syllabic Sat Jul 25, 2020 3:41 pm

Looking good Risa. People often don't realize how awesome birdhouse runs really are. I went from 23-85 Hunter pretty much exclusively through birdhouse trapping, and it didn't feel like it took any time at all. Nice startup cash for new accounts (or alts!) too.

Is it really worth setting up an alt at MLM? You make some money, sure, but I'm pretty hesitant to call the profit *good*. Certainly better than nothing if you're not going to proceed with your original Slayer plan, though. Could even switch to gem rocks later on down the line if the mood strikes you. I've heard they're decent money.

Best of luck knocking out those Slayer levels. Nice progress so far Smile Still don't know how someone can keep track of so many accounts at once! Perhaps your banking job was good practice, haha.

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Ineeda10

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:17 pm

@Syllabic - thanks brodie Smile haha yeah working in the banking sector having to deal with so many screens and programmes all at once gave me good experience and practice but ive also had multi screens open on other mmos ive played in the past. The mining alt is going to be parked at mlm until 92 mining. I honestly dont mind cos i can do anything with my second because i have high combat stats and other stats high too so i dont mind switching now and then when it comes to making money.

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by Syllabic Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:48 pm

You were into Black Desert Online for a while, right? Forgot about that. I play RS so much that I sometimes forget other MMOs exist Razz

How long do you figure 92 will take at the rate you're going? I should be doing the same, honestly, but I find I get bored rather quickly. Great excuse to occupy yourself with multiple accounts I guess, huh?

You think you might get into bossing at all? You've got the stats for a good chunk of content, if you ever decide you're interested.

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Ineeda10

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by Tinnitus Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:00 pm

Very nice progress, Risa. I used to be quite addicted to birdhouse runs. Haven't been keeping up with them much lately, but I used to basically revolve my gameplay around doing them. Exampe - 15 abby demons left in the task? No matter, time to tele out and do a bird run since the 50 minute timer just went off. I really enjoy seeing the 1k+ experience drop from each birdhouse for such little work. I have probably gotten almost 10000 bird nests from all the runs I've done, lol. Keep it up and you'll be banking and continuing to have awesome hunter gains!

Good going on the slayer alt. I really need to get back into slayer. I've been delaying it for some time but I've got the slayer itch again!

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:11 pm

@Syllabic - Yepp i used to play BDO i had maxed out my witch but never got to max out my fav class the summoner i also played FFXIV a lot too i would like to revisit FFXIV but just dont have the time and right now im enjoying RS way too much!

Well its 6.2mil XP to 92 mining and atm as we speak i have already reached 67 mining. I currently play all day and all night long taking a nap of 3-5hrs sometimes during the day and sometimes during the night.

I will most definitely be doing bossing on my main as it is fun especially when you play with friends but i just dont have the funds or equipment right now so im building my skills up on all three accounts so that im able to keep funding my main only also it will be nice if i ever max on my main ill have the max cape and on my alts have the slayer and mining capes xD thats one huge goal for me! Im loving slayer so much right now so addictive my slayer levels on my main are disgusting lol ive already reached 60 slayer! Cannoning those tasks! so i cant wait to get into new content on main! Very excited!


The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 25, 2020 11:16 pm

@tinnitus - birdruns are great ive been doing them every 55 minutes such a nice 2 minute run! So worth it for the xp and the lvls and the money! Haha i also have the itch for slayer right now thats all ive been doing my goal is to get to at least 80 Slayer because that will of unlocked most of the great moneymakers that are also very AFK i am super excited honestly im working so hard right now on my alts to get to where i need to be will defo be posting updates once reached! 😃

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jul 27, 2020 2:35 pm

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-27-at-20-32-19

WOOOOO reached 60 slayer on my alt and now going to powerhouse is through to 70 tonight! I can taste the lvls literally! OMG SO CLOSE


The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Empty Re: The Road To Max With RiisaChic :)

Post by COCOMARBELLA Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:45 pm

hey guys some more progress slowly but surely Smile

I have achieved another huge milestone on my alts today 70 mining on my mining alt and 62 slayer on my slayer alt! been killing some wyrms and alching the drops as the drops on these guys is decent and making back some money slowly im super excited to unlock the big money makers at 70+ onwards! and just camp out shouldn't be too long now I can sense the lvls are just around the corner but here some shots of me as im gaming right now and also running birdhouse runs on my main and I also achieved 60 hunter finally!

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-29-at-23-33-46
The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-29-at-23-34-15
The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 Screenshot-2020-07-29-at-23-43-55

The Road To Max With RiisaChic :) - Page 3 OUwuWDK

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