Back to the grind

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Back to the grind Empty Back to the grind

Post by 0RC Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:15 pm

Hello World!

My OSRS username is 0RC (sworn enemy of Dwarves and Elves alike), I have been playing OSRS for approximately 3 months after a 4 year hiatus from RS3/EOC. I had/have an almost maxed main account on RS3 that I started back when '07scape was actually in '07 (technically '08) but returned after I learned how awesome OSRS Mobile was. I've recently got membership back with the use of bonds and have been lurking in the CC for a short while whilst having to re-learn how to RuneScape. My account is going to be a main account until I get used to the mechanics again.

Plans for the account are to max it, with the exception of 75atk and str which will leave me at 110cb. I enjoy Slayer and Skilling mostly with the odd few bosses (though I have NEVER been able to get a Fire Cape!).

I currently work full-time as a bar manager but am transitioning to a role as a Student Paramedic in the coming months so I'll be playing sporadically in between training. Smile

I'm looking forward to spending some more casual time in the CC; look forward to seeing you all there!


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Age : 33
Join date : 2019-03-13

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Back to the grind Empty Re: Back to the grind

Post by Lapreon Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:18 pm

Welcome to the family 0rc! We have plenty of members that are experienced in the fight caves that would be willing to help if need be. Many lucks on the grind and glad to have you Very Happy Very Happy

-a lap a day keeps the walking at bay-

Back to the grind 4068HaS

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Back to the grind Empty Re: Back to the grind

Post by Bear Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:31 pm

Welcome 0RC! Glad to have you here with us in OSRS and in the clan Very Happy

Good luck with both your in-game and IRL training! Feel free to reach out if you need anything Smile


Back to the grind 14_04_10


AKA Bearadomin

AKA Bearrows

AKA King Bear


Back to the grind OTXfGgg

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Back to the grind Empty Re: Back to the grind

Post by Bing Thu Mar 14, 2019 2:12 pm

Welcome to the clan Orc! Best of luck on the goals for your current account - if you have any questions on any of the newer content never hesitate to ask in the cc. Best of luck with the paramedic training - it's a tough job but you'll help a lot of people.

Back to the grind NuD0cpJ

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Back to the grind Empty Re: Back to the grind

Post by elemntsk8ter Tue Mar 19, 2019 1:44 pm

Welcome! Good luck with that Fire Cape!

Back to the grind YP5zkAJ

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Age : 33
Join date : 2017-12-05

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