Introduction - Pudding MD

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by PuddingMD Mon Jan 29, 2024 10:47 pm

Hi All,

My name is Alvin, and in-game, I go by Pudding MD. I have recently returned to OSRS after a 6-month break. I am from the US (NYC) and am currently pursuing a degree. My return to the game is due to the need for something mind-numbing to do while I study or work on homework. I am laid-back and prefer to avoid any drama if possible.

I am usually most active after 12 am EST, but occasionally take 1 or 2 day breaks if I grind through something. Currently, my combat level is 124, and I have a passion for PVM, although I admit I'm not great at most bosses. I am currently focusing on skilling. I have reached a point where I would like to see some familiar faces when I log in and be able to chat with others. My previous clan had an internal dispute in real life, and I ended up being the leader for a while. Fortunately, I managed to break away from that clan as it was inactive.

I am an avid gamer and am currently also grinding Palworld with some friends. Occasionally, I play Valorant, League, TFT, and whatever other games my friend group suggests.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

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Age : 28
Join date : 2024-01-29

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Re: Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by shopferix Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:01 am

Heya Alvin and welcome to the clan and offsite!

First off welcome back to OSRS, sorry to hear about your old clan, but I am sure you will find those friendly faces you are looking for here!
You will definitely find lots of PvM focused players here, and people are more than welcoming of learners, so don't be afraid to join.
Our Discord does have an other games section, seems Palworld is getting some hype there as well!

All the best on your OSRS adventure, see you around!

Introduction - Pudding MD YP5zkAJ

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Re: Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by aRackroll Tue Jan 30, 2024 12:42 pm

Welcome Alvin, and welcome back to OSRS! If you're looking for a place to chill and avoid drama you've found the right place. Very laid back group who also tries to avoid drama and just wants to enjoy the game. Tons of experience here to help with any PvM questions you may have!

See you around! Smile

Introduction - Pudding MD YP5zkAJ

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Join date : 2023-11-06

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Re: Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by Syllabic Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:23 am

Hey Alvin, saw you in the Discord server and was reminded that I hadn't replied to your forum intro yet! Really need to do a better job of keeping up with these Embarassed

As Rack and Ferix already said, we're pretty drama free for the most part Smile I think you'll find our community to be pretty special if you give us a chance!

Be seeing you!

P.S. Best of luck with your skilling comp gains! Always love to see new members getting involved in events right off the bat.

Introduction - Pudding MD Ineeda10

Introduction - Pudding MD NuD0cpJ

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Re: Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by RedIrishTank Mon Feb 05, 2024 4:26 pm

Welcome back to the game Alvin!

Glad to see you chose OSRSADVICE as your new home, plenty of help here, people to talk to. Time to pass. We all get along pretty great here, never no drama! which is awesome.

what degree are you working on?

Cya in game!

Introduction - Pudding MD YP5zkAJ

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Join date : 2020-11-02

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Introduction - Pudding MD Empty Re: Introduction - Pudding MD

Post by 01jack444444 Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:34 pm

Hey good to have you not much drama in our little clan here besides disagreements on if farming is good or bad (farming bad btw) or if quests are bad (again quests bad rewards good) but other than that we all good ppls here

Posts : 48
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Age : 35
Join date : 2023-11-30

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