new to the game and clan

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new to the game and clan Empty new to the game and clan

Post by indingoh Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:20 am

hello everyone. my name is indingoh (most people call me Indy) and i just started playing OSRS about two months ago. i've got a 13 month old son at home so i don't have much time to game anymore and this game fits nicely into my crazy schedule Smile i am a software developer by day and i also really enjoy board games and tv/movies. happy to be a part of the crew and hope i can help out some of the newer player as most of the game is all fresh in my mind!

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Join date : 2023-11-22

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new to the game and clan Empty Re: new to the game and clan

Post by Hevalio Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:48 am

Welcome into the clan!!! I hope you enjoy your time here greatly, and leagues as well if you're doing that Very Happy

And welcome to OSRS too! This is a great time to get into the game, so many things are happening and being added

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new to the game and clan Empty Re: new to the game and clan

Post by Bob Wed Nov 22, 2023 1:55 pm

Welcome in! We have an Indaco in the clan so this will be fun lol.

I'm also big into board games. What's your favorite right now? I'm playing a lot of Marvel United and Vagrantsong (love co-op boardgames)

Excited to see you around Smile

new to the game and clan YP5zkAJ

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new to the game and clan Empty Re: new to the game and clan

Post by Syllabic Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:31 pm

Hey Indy, good to see you made it to the forums! Would also like to know what you have to say Re: board games. I'm not a superfan or anything like that, but I'm always looking for new ones to try out whenever the gang has a game night Smile (preferably ones that don't tax my brain too much, am dumb)

new to the game and clan Ineeda10

new to the game and clan NuD0cpJ

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new to the game and clan Empty Re: new to the game and clan

Post by BennyAte Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:10 am

Welcome Indy! It honestly feels fairly rare to find someone who just got into OSRS! Most of us have played on and off again for a good chunk of our lives, so it's great to see there's still brand new players coming in! Like you said, this is a great game to fit in around a busy schedule, and grind a bit here and there when you can.

We'll see you around! Smile

new to the game and clan YP5zkAJ

Posts : 198
Reputation : 50
Join date : 2023-11-06

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