Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Purple Dude
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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:30 am

Welcome to my progress towards whatever is needed to become a HCIM with an Infernal Cape!

Non-Sensical (now Musicked) is an older HCIM of mine that I retired pretty early on. I started another HCIM, which achieved a Fire Cape along with some Barrows gear, but that account (Death Flag) ended up dying of poison while DC’ing. I’m determined to play this account wisely enough to make it until the actual endgame this time! Right now, I’m still very early into the account, so there’s much progress (and dopamine shots) to be had. Take a look at my skills:

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest C5126b10Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest A0e73310 Like a Star @ heaven

Let’s have an awesome adventure! Hopefully you’ll be a part of it, I’ll definitely make sure to celebrate my achievements ingame with the clan!

If you have any tips along the way, feel free to post them or anything else you want to say on this thread:)

Cheers! Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Musicked on Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:56 am; edited 4 times in total

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Purple Dude Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:46 am

A nice goal to aim towards, although will require some grinds since Inferno often requires good gear which can be dangerous to obtain Surprised

Solid start in skills, big fan of the early good start on Agility ^^

Good luck on jour journey ! ^^ bounce

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest NuD0cpJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 26, 2023 6:03 am

Thank you!! I should say, the Infernal Cape is my ultimate dream goal, but I’m definitely in it for the journey and I’ll do my very best to survive! If I die along the way, I won’t be restarting this time. But for now, I can still call this a hardcore quest!! Hopefully you, as an experienced high level HCIM, can give me some advice along the way^^

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:05 am


I've been grinding pretty hard during the past week! I want to get closer to completing RFD and Barrows, so I can try to shoot for my first Fire Cape on this account. This is how the stats are looking:

 Like a Star @ heaven
Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Skills10   Like a Star @ heaven   Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Log_3111

Since the SOTW is Fishing this week, I also opted to try and collect my Angler gear, and just LOOK how that went:

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest 14_kc_10

If I can keep that RNG up, I'm sure I'll be a very affluent Hardcore, hahah! Or I just wasted all my luck, that's ofcourse also possible. Either way, making posts like these does provide some extra motivation for potentially tedious grinds like trawler. I was looking forward to share my KC here, no matter what it would become. Guess this was a pretty pog moment.

Now I'm ready for Tempoross!

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest 2023-010

Thank you for reading and see you at the next update!

Cheers Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Non-Sensical on Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by FFibonacci Thu Aug 03, 2023 2:23 am

That's an amazing goal for a hardcore! I really hope you manage to accomplish that cape! Do you have any experience with the Inferno prior to this account?
Also, that trawler rng is absolute bananas haha. Glad you got it that early

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Thu Aug 03, 2023 7:37 am

FFibonacci wrote:That's an amazing goal for a hardcore! I really hope you manage to accomplish that cape! Do you have any experience with the Inferno prior to this account?
Also, that trawler rng is absolute bananas haha. Glad you got it that early
Thank you! And I agree, it's very ambitious and it's probably going to take me years. Which will make this thread hopefully an interesting one to read through over time! ^^ I have no Inferno experience whatsoever apart from watching it a good amount of times on YouTube. I guess that means I have knowledge of it, but definitely no experience. It's gonna be a grind and getting there is going to be dangerous. Exactly the way I like to play!

And yeah, so happy with Trawler RNG hahahah. Got a drop at Tempoross too after that, I'll include that in my next update Like a Star @ heaven

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by lilhob Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:02 am

such a cool goal! also am very jealous of that trawler kc and drop XD I've been stuck on what to do with my account lately and you have motivated me to go back to trawler!

Looking forward to seeing your progress with this and also stocked for all the dopamine hits your getting at the moment Very Happy <3

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Fri Aug 04, 2023 8:47 am

lilhob wrote:such a cool goal! also am very jealous of that trawler kc and drop XD I've been stuck on what to do with my account lately and you have motivated me to go back to trawler!

Looking forward to seeing your progress with this and also stocked for all the dopamine hits your getting at the moment Very Happy <3  
Thank you!! Was very pleased with Trawler. I hope you can get lucky too, wouldn't want to have inspired you to go dry for a long time at a despicable place :')

There will be some good dopamine screens coming your way soon, the account is on fire right now! Like a Star @ heaven

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Sat Aug 05, 2023 8:42 pm


A very quick update from me, since I've passed a pretty cool milestone for Irons: achieving 1000+ total level!  Very Happy

I could now totally commit to being Iron, and lock in the status, omitting the ability to de-Iron.
I've leveled a lot since last update, mostly by questing. Sandcrabs have boosted my combat stats and we're now well into the 60's! Hunter is the last skill below 10, but that will change very soon, too. This is how it's looking right now:

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Skills11  Like a Star @ heaven  Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Log_8_10

I feel like whenever I get new cool or useful gear, I should include it in my update posts! I'm working towards being able to complete RFD still, but I just completed The Slug Menace, which means... Proselyte armour! Very good for the Prayer bonus and therefore useful for Slayer tasks. Take a look at the fashion:

Like a Star @ heaven

Like a Star @ heaven  Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Nonsen10  Like a Star @ heaven


Thank you for reading! I will keep chipping away at quests to get closer to my Barrows Gloves. So expect updates about that goal! I'll also keep on skilling and bumping up that total level to the next milestone I set for myself, which is 1250. Stay tuned <3

Cheers Like a Star @ heaven

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:31 pm


I've been away for a while on this thread, but I have definitely not been away from the game! Pretty proud of the progress I've been making, and I wanted to share with you all where the account stands. Let me show you the relevant screens first, and then I'll talk about them for a bit:

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Taste_10
Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Unseen10  Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Screen10  Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest New_ad10

I just completed A Taste of Hope in this picture, and man was I nervous for that fight! In the end, it wasn't that big of a deal after all, especially not if you're used to Fight Caves or anything more difficult. I'm happy to have gained the medallion to Theater of Blood, and as you can see I've completed many other quests, including Recipe for Disaster! I've completed Monkey Madness 1 and The Fremennik Isles too, and I managed to get myself some dragon weaponry, including a Defender. Of course, stars were a big thing, so I made a huge leap in Mining levels, and we managed to get the outfit + the golden trim on it via stars. The excessive stardust was spent on gems, which got me my Crafting levels. We did some achievement diaries and clues, but only got some cool cosmetic uniques and the two trimmed armour pieces you can see in the picture above. I also still have my hardcore status, which makes me really proud! Reaching Barrows Gloves and 70 Defence (70 Attack and Ranged soon as well) means that the Barrows grind is now only 55 Slayer, a Rune Crossbow and some prayer potions away. Can't wait to pull some gear from those chests and start looking like somewhat of a badass. I might even push for 58 slay and get myself a Slayer helm before that, since I love the look of that thing so much and it helps me if I can manage to pull a Jad task to get my first Fire Cape. That's the plan for now!

Thank you for reading again, Burgh checking out <3

Cheers! Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Burgh D Rott on Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:05 pm; edited 2 times in total

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:17 pm


So, it was a real pain to grind for this thing during the late hours of the day, but I managed to get this bad boi at 903 KC...

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by FFibonacci Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:24 am

Burgh D Rott wrote:

So, it was a real pain to grind for this thing during the late hours of the day, but I managed to get this bad boi at 903 KC...

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest 2023-110
Huge grats, my friend!! That's huge Very Happy
Btw, I love how you format your posts. They look amazing! Excited to see your progress, bruv!

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Wed Nov 08, 2023 12:23 am

FFibonacci wrote:
Huge grats, my friend!! That's huge Very Happy
Btw, I love how you format your posts. They look amazing! Excited to see your progress, bruv!

Thanks a lot!! I've got some more juicy updates very soon, can't wait to share those hahahaha. Glad you like my format! I always like it when things look fun and engaging. Very Happy

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Purple Dude Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:52 am

Looking good with the progress so far ^^
Keep it up ! Very Happy

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Purple Dude
Purple Dude

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest NuD0cpJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:03 am

Purple Dude wrote:Looking good with the progress so far ^^
Keep it up ! Very Happy
Thanks a lot Purp! Working towards 80 Attack right now, slowly chipping away at levels and quests.

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Bob Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:21 pm

You hardcore players always impress me like crazy. Great stuff!

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:39 pm


I can finally show you guys what I've wanted to achieve for a long time: the Twisted Slayer Helmet! I absolutely adore the look of this thing, and it goes so well with my white outfit and the newly obtained Arclight. Starting to look really dangerous Twisted Evil

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Twiste10

I'll be working towards Broader Fletching now, and I'll try to obtain a Rune Crossbow. After that it's just a matter of making Prayer Pots before I can go grind Barrows! CAN'T WAIT!!!

Thanks btw @Bob, appreciate it Like a Star @ heaven Our sole purpose is to push boundaries.

The next update will probably be a bigger one and might take some more time, but do stay tuned!

Cheers! Like a Star @ heaven

Last edited by Burgh D Rott on Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:20 pm


Soooooo I unlocked Broader Fletching, did 50 (!!!) KC to get my Rune Crossbow from the Crazy Archaeologist in the Wilderness and started doing Barrows today! Within 25 KC, I managed to pull 3 uniques, which is a bit of compensating for my bad luck at Cave Horrors and the Crazy Arch imo. Super happy about it, check it out:

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Guthan10 Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Dh_axe10

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Torag_10

Three beautiful drops, although I'm actually trying to get the Verac's Helm and Plateskirt, the Karil's Top and Skirt, and maybe some more tank gear. We'll see what happens!! Below, you can see the inventory when I logged out today: the property of a very content HCIM  tongue

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest 25_bar10

Thank you for checking in, and I will keep you posted!

Cheers Like a Star @ heaven

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Bob Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:09 pm

I love the layout of your blog posts cheers . Congrats on the uniques!!!

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest Empty Re: Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest

Post by Musicked Tue Nov 14, 2023 2:32 am

Bob wrote:I love the layout of your blog posts  cheers . Congrats on the uniques!!!
Thank you, mister Bob! I will try to improve my posts a little bit everytime Like a Star @ heaven

Everything Musicked Ever Wanted To Achieve On A HCIM: A Quest YP5zkAJ

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