Hey everybody! Nice to meet you!

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Hey everybody! Nice to meet you! Empty Hey everybody! Nice to meet you!

Post by Ineffed Wed Jul 19, 2023 3:20 pm

Hey all!

My RSN is Ineffed, and I wanted to introduce myself to OSRS Advice! This seems like a really fun, friendly, and active clan, and I'm excited to get to know you! A bit about me, I'm a 31yo male on the east coast of the US. I played a bunch of Runescape when I was younger, but my account was stolen and then banned, so this is my fresh attempt (and I've gotten farther this time haha). I try to be active socially in games, and am always willing to help someone out or lend a hand where I can!

Currently, I have a mid(ish) level account, with ~1500 skill level and 95 combat. I'm working on a few things, getting all of the quests done for the quest cape (I'm about 75% done!) and getting my combat levels to a place where I can start some light PvM. At some point, I'd really like to give ToA a try, it looks like a lot of fun to learn.

Also, since I'm still riding the high of it, two big accomplishments so far:
- I got my fire cape yesterday! cheers
- And on the unfair side, I got insanely lucky and spooned the Rock Golem pet after only about 1-2 hours of mining volcanic sulfur for Lovakengj favor! I saw the pet standing behind me before I saw the chat message, and thought "did some jerk just come crashing my mining spot, AND brought a mining pet just to taunt me?!?" and then I realized the pet was mine and almost fell out of my chair Laughing

Looking forward to getting to know ya'll and hopefully I'm a good fit for the clan!

Posts : 1
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Age : 33
Join date : 2023-07-19

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Hey everybody! Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hey everybody! Nice to meet you!

Post by Alexander Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:18 am

Howdy Ineffed,

Welcome to OSRS Advice! First of all, I love a very thorough and lengthy introduction, so well done. Smile

Glad to see you get back into the game. Going for the quest cape is a really good goal! You'll find lots of people here willing to teach you how to do ToA.

Congratulations on your fire cape! That's a really huge accomplishment!

You sound like a wonderful fit for the clan. See you around. Smile


Hey everybody! Nice to meet you! YP5zkAJ

Posts : 224
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Join date : 2023-01-05

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Hey everybody! Nice to meet you! Empty Re: Hey everybody! Nice to meet you!

Post by Musicked Thu Jul 20, 2023 1:33 pm

Those are some awesome gains!!! Welcome to the clan and hopefully we'll witness more of your achievements. Is there any activity you like to do the most on osrs?

Cheers Like a Star @ heaven

Hey everybody! Nice to meet you! YP5zkAJ

Posts : 259
Reputation : 37
Age : 29
Join date : 2023-07-17

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