Hello I am good barn

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Hello I am good barn Empty Hello I am good barn

Post by goodbarn Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:20 am


I am a casual OSRS player who has recently started playing again for Leagues 3. I've been playing Runescape off and on again since 2005 and have maintained an account on OSRS since it launched in 2013.

Recently I realized there is a lot to the game I have never accomplished and shifting my mindset away from level grinding for far out requirements to small goals such as finishing more quests and achievement diaries, I have been having a blast so far.

I am in my late 20s and currently live in Seattle, WA. I try to play when I can or when it makes sense and I have found playing with others also makes it much more enjoyable so here I am.

I look forward to meeting others!


Bear Wave

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Hello I am good barn Empty Hello I am good barn

Post by Advice Bot Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:20 am

The member 'goodbarn' has done the following action : Dice Roll

#1 'Free Lotto ' :
Hello I am good barn CIxM2DZ


#2 'Free Lotto ' :
Hello I am good barn CIxM2DZ
Advice Bot

Hello I am good barn EXUiqne

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Hello I am good barn Empty Re: Hello I am good barn

Post by EvanK-Hell Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:06 am

Welcome to the clan and off site Smile

If you have any questions or need help with something, don't hold back asking in the clan chat, everyone's happy to assist you on your osrs journey. What are you going to grind for next? I myself working on the elf quest line, to get access to priff.

Also, make sure you check out our discord, you'll find lots of active clan events and topics to discuss.

Hello I am good barn YP5zkAJ

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Hello I am good barn Empty Re: Hello I am good barn

Post by shopferix Wed Feb 09, 2022 11:52 am

Hello and welcome to the cc and offsite! I find small attainable goals are one of the best ways to have varied content and not burn out. Achievement diaries are a great start knocking them (and their requirements) out one by one.
All the best on your grind and hope to see you around!

Hello I am good barn YP5zkAJ

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Hello I am good barn Empty Re: Hello I am good barn

Post by Nemesis Fe Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:32 pm

Welcome to the clan! Variety is a good way to stop yourself burning out and there are plenty of small goals in rs
Nemesis Fe

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Orange KQ

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Hello I am good barn Empty Re: Hello I am good barn

Post by goodbarn Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:56 pm

Hello and thank you for the welcomes!

Currently I'm just following an optimal quest guide. There are a lot of quests I had never done before, and using the RuneLite quest helper plugin its been a lot easier to get into the questing mood.

I have done a lot of bossing on RS3, so my real goal right now is just getting to a place where I can start doing some here and there and play the game.

I would like love to do a raid one day, so I think that's my far reach eventual end goal.

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Hello I am good barn Empty Re: Hello I am good barn

Post by Jennirous Sat Feb 12, 2022 8:35 pm

Welcome to the cc! @goodbarn I wish you the best in your journey to quest cape and eventually diary cape and max cape! ^^ We have a lot of raiders in the cc so you're in luck! Many are super kind and are willing to teach you raids too!

Hello I am good barn YP5zkAJ

Posts : 280
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Join date : 2021-08-24


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