Good Day :)

Karl / MKY
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Good Day :) Empty Good Day :)

Post by mimzyy Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:19 pm

Hello everyone! Not very experienced in forums/introductions as formally as this, but first times for everything right? I go by Mimzyy and have been playing for about 15 years (with some good breaks in between) and am based out of the West Coast in the US. Nearly maxed in rs3 and am currently working on maxing out on osrs and reaching top 100 sara kc Smile. I am generally a daily player who enjoys some good banter and pvm with clan mates, hoping to possibly expand into content I haven't yet tried. You can usually catch me doing sara and zulrah, so if anyone ever wants to do some sara trips just let me know Smile. I usually have to work Friday-Monday so I can only play in the mornings/ evenings on those days, but on my days off I am usually on a good portion of the day for whatever things some others may want to do. I was recommended joining you guys from my old buddy Charl, in which we were both in a clan for many years in rs3 before we all went our own ways, and I'm hoping this can be another scenario of a long term clan where I can make some new friends a long the way Smile. Sorry if the intro is cheeky but like I said, I am definitely not used to these types of things, so thank you all for your time Very Happy

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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by Karl / MKY Wed Jul 05, 2023 2:27 pm

Hey Mimzyy, welcome to the clan! I'm sure you'll find plenty of people here willing to help you expand into new content, plenty of tutors about.

See you in-game!
Karl a.k.a Minority KY
Karl / MKY
Karl / MKY

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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by RedIrishTank Wed Jul 05, 2023 4:15 pm

Welcome mimzyy!

You did a great job with your intro. Glad you decided to listen to charl, you picked the right clan no doubt! Enjoy and I'm sure we will run into each other sooner or later.

Good Day :) YP5zkAJ

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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by lilhob Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:43 pm

Hey! Not cheeky at all! I love a long intro 🥰. You sound like you would be a good fit in the clan with a lot of others doing pvm ect and the fact you are willing to help others and participate I love you . Congrats on nearly being maxed on rs3 and goodluck here with maxing and top 100 sara kc!

Good Day :) YP5zkAJ

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Join date : 2021-05-27


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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by EvanK-Hell Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:39 am

Welcome to the clan and to the offsite Smile


Good Day :) YP5zkAJ

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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by shopferix Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:47 am

Heya Mimzyy and welcome to the clan and offsite! 
I too was in a cc much like this one during my RS3 days, and found this to be the perfect fit, loved it since the minute I joined. 
All the best on your OSRS adventure and wherever it may lead, see you around!

Good Day :) YP5zkAJ

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Good Day :) Empty Re: Good Day :)

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 19, 2023 10:26 am

Hey Mimzyy, welcome! Sounds like you’re pretty hardcore when you’re able to log on! Hopefully we’ll get to witness some cool achievements of yours Very Happy

Cheers Like a Star @ heaven

Good Day :) YP5zkAJ

Posts : 259
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Age : 29
Join date : 2023-07-17

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