Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Thu Nov 25, 2021 3:01 am

Hello. I recently started a week ago and OSRS has been so wild I've decided to start a weekly blog with highlights about the week (both in RS and life).
First: I fished some Shrimp and Anchovies while translating, then the next day did Waterfall Quest at Level 3. I enjoyed it at first, but since I was using a touchpad (didn't have a mouse yet; the PC had been bought the day before) I messed up the 'use Urn on Chalice' part and had to redo Glarial's Tomb. I made it back to the Chalice...but got one-hit by the Fire Giants. FINALLY beat the quest though.

Second: I did Shield of Arrav with my RuneScape buddy and accidentally picked up a second Weapon Storehouse Key. I then went to the 'OSRS SOA' friends-chat...and that's when I officially became an eccentric RuneScape player. You see, I ended up giving the key to a Group Ironman player, who drop traded me 3 Ranarr Seeds. So naturally I felt that I had to plant them at once to repay his generosity...but I only had 9 Farming. Furthermore Ranarr seeds are valuable so I wanted to plant them in a protected herb patch, but the only one I knew of was My Arm's, and that required a lot of quests. I attempted to unlock it but Priest of Peril was a major road-block (I was able to defeat the Temple Guardian with 30 Attack, Str, 11HP, 1 Prayer and 1 Defense with a Training Sword, but it cost me 28 Shrimp and I only had 1 HP at the end; the Zamorak mages, however, were far too difficult to defeat) so I was in despair. Thankfully as I returned to the GE to sell the seeds, a random player began to tell his friend about the Hosidius patch for planting herbs with protection and bagged plants as a way to train Farming.

Third and finally: I ended up the bagged plants to get 32 Farming quickly (32 Farming is the requirement for Ranarr). I then unlocked the Hosidius patch and planted the seeds (I obtained 13 herbs), after which I planned to do Wintertodt. However, fate had other plans. As I was training the skill, I randomly strolled to Draynor. On the way I found a player power-chopping Oak Trees so I picked up the logs and burned them. After I had done this for 5 minutes, he randomly traded me 100K (I still have no clue why) then traded 500K after I continued to burn the logs. It was very mysterious, but I can't complain. I then decided to give up Wintertodt and get 99 Construction. Maybe I'll get the 99, maybe I'll randomly decide to train something else Smile This acc has only two rules: be eccentric and random.

IRL is also going well. Finished an Antigone translation which people seem to like and have finished part 1 of 4 in my Cicero translation. People also like the footnotes I added which speculate on the text, which gladdens me since they were a gamble. If all goes well the next entry will be next week. Happy Scaping!

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

Posts : 40
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Age : 28
Join date : 2021-11-24

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by Jennirous Thu Nov 25, 2021 2:19 pm

Congrats on your gains! Keep it up! Very Happy

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle YP5zkAJ

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by Risa Thu Nov 25, 2021 4:22 pm

wow you play like a pro the way your completing everything so fast and efficiently as though you've been on runescape forever Very Happy love it! your fitting right in to the game.

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle YP5zkAJ

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:19 pm

DoDaDamnTing wrote:wow you play like a pro the way your completing everything so fast and efficiently as though you've been on runescape forever Very Happy love it! your fitting right in to the game.

Aw thanks! To be fair I've played since 2007 so like...I am used to the grind and I have a lot of free-time, which all combines Smile

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:19 pm

cutejenni wrote:Congrats on your gains! Keep it up! Very Happy

Thanks. Logging in soon for a bit.

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Tue Nov 30, 2021 11:31 am

Blog post duo (it's Greek AND Latin for two; it seems appropriate):

Gains were so-so this week. I didn't really do much efficiency BUT I made it to 80 Construction today thanks to all the Bonds I've been buying lately. I also have 102M GP at lvl 30; I've been playing RS since 2007 and this is my first time ever with more than 80M even on RS3. I'm trying to hit level 87 Construction this week so that I can build a Fancy Rejuvenation Pool. I've also built my Gilded Altar in the Dungeon (I plan to get 99 Prayer there) and my Portal Nexus...but I'll be adding some challenges to reach it with a GP prize, so come visit once it's done Smile . We'll make a Saturnalia competition out of it (17-24 December).

Plans for this week are to get 87 Construction, get Farming to 70+ by buying 1K Tall Boxed Hedges, build the Fancy Pool (if possible) and just have fun with the clan mates! Hope everyone has a wonderful Dutch Christmas (5 December).

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

Posts : 40
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Age : 28
Join date : 2021-11-24

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by Lost Vegeta Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:21 pm

keep up the gains!
Lost Vegeta
Lost Vegeta

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Thu Dec 16, 2021 9:20 am

Lost Vegeta wrote:keep up the gains!

Thanks! Expect a new post after dinner

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

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Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle Empty Re: Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle

Post by anzu68 Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:08 am

Dear readers, been a while since I made a post. Life's been wiiiild. Things settled down tho after I managed t shower last night so figured I'd update the blog, lest y'all start thinkin I'd been replaced by my twin brother Yarv or somethin Wink . So let's do this.

In the past however long it's been I've gotten a few gains. These are the major ones: 95 Construction (still no clue how I haven't burned out yet lol). Hopefully I'ma make it to 99 this month. I average roughly 4-5K planks per day and there's 14 days left in the month and 68K planks roughly t use up's doable. Barely. But doable. Smile Also got 60 combat, 45 HP and 54 Attack all at Yanille Soldiers (havin a home at Yanille with a Fancy Pool a Rejuvenation allowed this strange trainin method t be possible Smile ) and got 69 Prayer. Also took my bestie through the road to Varrock with Dark Wizards as a rite of passage last night (they survived, dw, and I made em bank all their stuff before we went). Maybe one day they'll be maxin or somethin, who even knows Smile . Also did some tomfoolery with my grave (I made a Reddit post 'bout it but the Redditors were NOT amused; currently I'm at 16% upvoted lolll. Pretty much I died at Yanille, but I walked from Lumby to Fally, checked out the moat with the ducks (you can't walk on it Sad ), pretended to be from the Questers Association and givin peeps who repented of their questing abstinence a free 1M and then teled to the Fishin' Trawler and walked all the way to my grave...still made it somehow. No clue how lol) which was quite fun Smile

IRL things have been goin OK: finally showered, gunna work on Greek again soon, might write up a paper for uni if I can (taking a gap year most likely but if not I'ma be in the beginners group of Greek AGAIN so I'm going to just put my foot down, show a few papers and works I made and ask to get into a group that will actually challenge me; fingers crossed) and pretty much R&R. However, before I end this post I wanted to thank y'all for lettin me be a part of this clan and with you all a happy holidays, good Christmas, good presents and a good New Year. (As I write this I recall that tomorrow is the Secret Santa event deadline so gunna do some thinkin as well bout what to get my Secret Santa  Smile ). I also wish everyone competing in the Agilean Games much luck; the prize money is an iron box in the Darkmeyer Bank, guarded by vampire Bankers and a golden lock, which only a golden key with a Runite hand-grasp can unlock. It's a one of a kind box that requires 126 Thieving to open and the key is safe in my possession...unless I lost it yesterday...

Life of an eccentric Scaper with random playstyle OUwuWDK

Posts : 40
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Age : 28
Join date : 2021-11-24

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