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Post by Wesley Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:29 pm

Hey everyone! I've joined the CC as a guest the past few weeks and you all seem like a great group! I just turned 27, played runescape when I was a teenager, and recently returned to the game! I just got barrows gloves which was a long term goa and think my next will be fire cape, but I am still bad at the game lol. Hoping I can eventually get into PVM.

Outside of runescape I play a few other Steam/Microsoft games (Skyrim, Street Fighter, Forza Horizon) and Nintendo Switch (BOTW & Monster Hunter). I currently work as a Senior Associate at a Big 4 Accounting firm and I run a lot lol which keeps me busy. Looking forward to hopefully getting to know you all more and hopefully can make my guy stronger to join activities!

RSN: TickToker

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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by DabbingBrb Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:39 pm

Hey man, I've seen you in the cc so welcome to the offsite! Those are solid goals you've been checking off just make sure to keep setting more to push yourself.

Forza Horizon is a freakin amazing game, blown away how much I actually enjoyed it while playing it free on Xbox game pass. I've also been playing Skyrim a lot lately Smile Do you have any interest in New World?


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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by Wesley Sat Jul 31, 2021 4:19 pm

Hey thanks! And yeah Forza Horizon is amazing. I can't wait for the new one in a few months. That and Skyrim I can just drive/wander aimlessly for hours lol.

I've seen New World, but haven't tried it. It looks good, but not really catching my attention. Have you tried it?

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Post by Tinnitus Sat Jul 31, 2021 8:34 pm

Welcome to the offsite dude! Here's a belated happy birthday from me Smile

I played through BOTW on my friend's switch and man, it was definitely one of the most enjoyable games I've ever played through. Not gonna lie, working through some of the shrines made me feel like I'm not the brightest tool in the shed, but either way I enjoyed it.

Sounds like you got a sweet gig going too Smile

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Post by Tao Flow Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:51 am

Hey, welcome! Coming back to Oldschool and doing it with a clan like this is a great way to learn new things and try out bits of the game that you likely wouldn't have done otherwise. I know my account has come way father than I ever thought it would.
Also, sweet to see another Horizon player! I'm super stoked for Horizon 5 Mexico on the new Xbox. I didn't know you were into Horizon also @DabbingBrb Etongo

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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by OmniRick Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:53 am

Hey, welcome to the clan Smile Good luck on the fire cape, remember to remain calm and focus on prayer first.

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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by Bunny Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:02 pm

Hey Smile Welcome to the clan!
Gz on your barrows gloves! That's a big grind out of the way. Gl on your fire cape Smile

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Post by EvanK-Hell Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:34 am

Welcome to clan and off site Smile I still haven't focused on barrows gloves or fire cape, probably should get them too. Good luck to us both Razz

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Post by i Kelly Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:00 am

Welcome to the clan and off site Wes Very Happy Congrats on the barrows gloves! I was so happy when I got mine back so can imagine your excitement Razz
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Post by Syllabic Fri Aug 06, 2021 12:12 am

Hey Wesley, nice to have ya. Little late but I figure I may as well chime in anyway!

I wouldn't worry too much about being bad at the game, lol. It's been over 2 years since I started playing again and I'd still consider myself to be pretty bad at most PVM content (and totally hopeless at PVP). It's all super subjective, and we try our best not to judge in general, so as long as you're having fun I don't think it matters much how mechanically skilled you are Smile Barrows gloves and (imminent) fire cape is a lot more than plenty of people manage, so you're well on your way already IMO.

You excited for the new Forza Horizon that's coming out soonish? I always slept on the Horizon series back when I still played the mainline games, but lately I think I get more out of them than normal Forza. Prefer to play stuff more casually these days anyway, y'know.

Keep up the good progress, and I'll see you around at some point I'm sure!

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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by Wesley Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:05 am

Hey everyone! Thanks again for the welcome! Recently changed my RSN and was wondering if it is possible to be reinvited to join the Clan CC as it says I do not have the appropriate rank:

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Post by Syllabic Thu Aug 19, 2021 9:32 am

@Wesley sounds like you're trying to join the old friends chat, if I'm not mistaken. That's been closed to avoid splitting people up unnecessarily. Try rejoining this way:

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Intro Empty Re: Intro

Post by drewski0199 Thu Aug 19, 2021 10:14 am

Welcome to the clan! Glad youre here Smile

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