The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
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The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood Mentorship Program
ToB Mentors:
- TM 19 / TM#6894 / KC 1100-1200 / US East
- Docquan / docquan#7025 / KC 250-300 / US East
- Free Melly / (pm in game) / KC 150-200 / US East
- Communizer / Kropo#1156 / KC 150-200 / US East
List 'O Wannabe Tobbers:
- Ma Dood / Juggernaut#5438 / US East / 1 Banana / Normie / ToB KC:
- RogueHaggis / Haggis#7962 / UK / Unranked / Normie / ToB KC:
- DJ_Cookie347 / DJ_Cookie347#5939 / US West / Smiley / Normie / ToB KC:
- Kyyrbess / Kyyrbes#5381 / US East / Smiley / Normie / ToB KC:
- The_Gamed / Gamed#7115 / Central Canada / Bronze Star / Normie / ToB KC: ~10
- SquishySir / MrSquishy#4794 / US East / Corporal / Ironman / ToB KC: 0
Recently as a clan we voted to hold ToB as the "Boss of The Week". In the following days many people in chat commented: "How many of us even know how to ToB"? I also saw many of the existing "tobbers" looking for ToB partners, many times without much luck. In the weeks preceding this BoTW I noticed many players, myself included, asking to be taught how to ToB, and were usually met with silence. Among us there seems to a few issues around players finding ToB partners, and wannabe tobbers learning ToB, thus, I bring to you a thread dedicated to OSRS Advice ToB Mentorship.TLDR: Tobbers want more ToB partners, wannabe tobbers wanna be those tobber's partners, lets fix both with one solution!
What problems does OSRS Advice ToB Mentorship solve?
1. Existing tobbers sometimes have a hard time finding reliable & trusted partners.2. Wannabe tobbers always have a
3. It's often hard for existing tobbers to know which wannabe tobbers are serious, committed, capable, and prepared and worthy of their time spent mentoring.
How does this thread solve these issues?
- Experienced tobbers apply to be mentors.
- Wannabe tobbers apply to learn from mentors.
- When a ToB mentor is available, they can announce in cc they are taking qualified wannabe tobbers on a learner raid.
- The ToB mentor can then vet qualified wannabe tobbers from the "List 'O Wannabe Tobbers".
What is the Theatre of Blood (ToB)?
It is OSRS's 2nd and most recent raid. It is the 2nd most challenging PVM content in the game behind the Inferno. Skilled tobbers make 9-11M/hr at the time of this thread being written. However, it takes less gear than CoX (raids 1), requires no skilling, is faster to run, and more profitable.OSRS Advice ToB Mentorship
The idea here is for OSRS Advice tobbers who already know what they're doing to be incentivized to teach OSRS Advice wannabe tobbers how to tob through not only just endless gratitude, but also because then they will have more clannies to rely on in their future ToB conquests.Who qualifies to be a ToB Mentor?
ToB Mentors are players with mastery over the ToB raid, with plenty of experience, who also possess the desire to help others achieve greatness. They must not only be able to reliably complete 0 death raids, but also keep an eye out for the wannabe tobbers, and give instructions while doing so. On top of this they must also have discord and a microphone.Mentor Requirements:
- 100+ ToB KC
- Discord
- A microphone
Mentor Application
In game username:Ironman?:
CC Rank:
Screenshot of ToB PB:
Discord Username(and #):
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus):
Preferred time of day to mentor:
Who qualifies to be a wannabe tobber?
Wannabe tobbers are players who have achieved a solid understanding of OSRS's mechanics. They have vanquished many of Gielinor's foes and are thirsty for a bigger challenge. Not only are they thirsty, but they have taken the steps necessary for a mentor to take them under their wing and show them the ways. Not just anybody will qualify for ToB Mentorship, here is what it takes:Wannabe tobber General Requirements:
- Discord with working sound settings
- Stable internet
PVM Achievement Requirements:
- A Jad kill
- 50+ Olm KC
- 25+ Zulrah KC (Because Iron Kingo says it shows you hate yourself enough)
Stats Requirements:
- 90+ attack, strength, defense, hp, and range
- 94+ magic
- 77+ prayer (Rigour and Augury unlocked)
Minimum gear Required:
- Full elite void with all helms
- Firecape
- Ava's Assembler (Dragon slayer 2 required)
- Imbued god cloak
- Trident of the swamp
- Blowpipe
- Tentacle whip
- Crystal halberd or Dragon claws
- Rune crossbow or better
- Ruby bolts (e)
- Bandos Godsword or Dragon Warhammer
- Dragon defender
- Salve amulet (e) (NOT (ei), you will want a bunch of salve (e) and you will drop after bloat fight)
- Amulet of torture
- Amulet of anguish
- Occult necklace
Wannabe Tobber Application
In game username:Ironman?:
CC Rank:
Discord Username(and #):
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus):
Preferred time of day to ToB:
Screenshot of gear:
Screenshot of prayer tab:
* If you have an inferno cape you will be moved to the front of the que.
** Priority also given based on CC ranking
Wannabe Tobber resources:
PurpleGod's In depth full ToB guide, 36 mins. Highly recommended by our mentors:
AsukaYen's Extremely in depth ToB guide, 1 hour 36 mins.
Xzact's 1 minute guides (ideal for refreshers before each room):
Numbers represent magic accuracy needed to 100% freeze Maiden's crabs:
ToB Gear progression:
Web-based Sotetseg Maze Trainer is a massive help for both learners and efficient tobbers:
PurpleGod's pathfinding mechanics:
-- more coming soon --
ToB Mentor Wisdom
Advice for wannabe tobbers:
TM 19: "Crystal Hally and Dragon Claws are used differently. If you have dragon claws, you should bring both and if you do not - as a learner you can decide if you'd like to bring a dds + chally or just chally although dds would be a slightly better option."
TM 19: "Cant stress enough - Please watch guides before jumping in to be mentored"
TM 19: "Be patient, you will die. Its part of learning"
Advice for mentors:
TM 19: "For maiden, should have one mentor freeze all south, one freeze all north, and one potshare/veng. The person being mentored should also be freezing, but for the sake of learning more so than actually freezing since they will have room to mess up without the team being punished as the crabs are already frozen by a mentor."
TM 19: "Only one mentor should instruct the rooms. This helped a lot in a tob boosting discord"
Thank you for taking the time to check out this thread.Please feel free to leave any feedback. I am a wannabe tobber myself, eagerly looking to learn. I am sure there are ways I can improve this thread or even make it into a discord channel on our OSRS Advice discord, so if you see any ways this can be improved please let me know.
- Positivity
Last edited by Positivity on Thu Aug 13, 2020 12:41 pm; edited 30 times in total
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Nice post! If I had the reqs for it I would definitely be interested but it's gonna be awhile hope this works for those that need it!
szlvr- Posts : 14
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Join date : 2020-07-05
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Hey! I've always been scared of PVM but once I get into it, I will 100% resort to this! Hope this helps plenty and good luck to those all....
Nitnat- Posts : 16
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fx plus- Posts : 75
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Join date : 2019-09-09
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
An exemplary application FX Plus, You are the first one in the que!
fx plus wrote:Thanks for taking the time to write this post.
I'd like to learn ToB so here's my newbie application:
In game username: fx plus
CC Rank: 1 banana
Discord Username(and #): DAVO#2746
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): Aus
Preferred time of day to ToB: I prefer a time outside 4pm to 1am GMT
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Mentor Application
In game username: docquan
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: banana
ToB KC: 270
Discord Username(and #): docquan#7025
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: anytime after 5:00 PM EST
-require 77 prayer. augury is a requirement for maiden nylo freezing and rigour is no brainer eazy dps
-gwd kc is not necessarily required. I just recently got 25 zilyana kc, and still do not have 25 graardor kc in my name
In game username: docquan
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: banana
ToB KC: 270
Discord Username(and #): docquan#7025
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: anytime after 5:00 PM EST
-require 77 prayer. augury is a requirement for maiden nylo freezing and rigour is no brainer eazy dps
-gwd kc is not necessarily required. I just recently got 25 zilyana kc, and still do not have 25 graardor kc in my name
docquan- Posts : 10
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2019-03-23
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Awesome thread!! Thanks for putting this together. I'll gladly help mentor.
I would highly suggest learners watch PurpleGod's ToB Walkthrough. It's pretty in depth but worth watching. Xzact's 1-minute guides are great refreshers before each room.
In game username: Free Melly
CC Rank: 2 bananas
ToB KC: 170ish
Discord Username(and #): PM in game
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Whenever I'm on, I'll post in CC in game or ping on discord
Sorry I can't give super accurate hours, I'm on at pretty random times D:
I would highly suggest learners watch PurpleGod's ToB Walkthrough. It's pretty in depth but worth watching. Xzact's 1-minute guides are great refreshers before each room.
In game username: Free Melly
CC Rank: 2 bananas
ToB KC: 170ish
Discord Username(and #): PM in game
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Whenever I'm on, I'll post in CC in game or ping on discord
Sorry I can't give super accurate hours, I'm on at pretty random times D:
ISLA RATON- Posts : 25
Reputation : 4
Join date : 2019-01-13
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Great feedback. I made the change. Only 50+ COX KC and 1 Jad kill are new PVM requirements. Pray upgraded to 77 and rig/aug unlocked as you recommended. Thanks! Happy to have you as our first official mentor Docquan!
docquan wrote:Mentor Application
In game username: docquan
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: banana
ToB KC: 270
Discord Username(and #): docquan#7025
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: anytime after 5:00 PM EST
-require 77 prayer. augury is a requirement for maiden nylo freezing and rigour is no brainer eazy dps
-gwd kc is not necessarily required. I just recently got 25 zilyana kc, and still do not have 25 graardor kc in my name
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Amaazing. Ty Melly for being the first to reach out via PM I added your guide to the resources section. You are now an official OSRS Tob Mentor
Free Melly wrote:Awesome thread!! Thanks for putting this together. I'll gladly help mentor.
I would highly suggest learners watch PurpleGod's ToB Walkthrough. It's pretty in depth but worth watching. Xzact's 1-minute guides are great refreshers before each room.
In game username: Free Melly
CC Rank: 2 bananas
ToB KC: 170ish
Discord Username(and #): PM in game
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Whenever I'm on, I'll post in CC in game or ping on discord
Sorry I can't give super accurate hours, I'm on at pretty random times D:
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Ma Dood- Posts : 32
Reputation : 0
Age : 30
Join date : 2014-12-19
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Thanks for putting this together! Here is a guide I found very useful as well when starting (though a few things in it are different than current meta).
Kyyrbes- Posts : 10
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2020-02-03
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
In game username: RogueHaggis
Ironman?: No
CC Rank: None
Discord Username(and #): Haggis#7962
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): UK
Preferred time of day to ToB: Anytime roughly 4pm UTC - 10 UTC
Screenshot of gear:
Screenshot of prayer tab:
Ironman?: No
CC Rank: None
Discord Username(and #): Haggis#7962
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): UK
Preferred time of day to ToB: Anytime roughly 4pm UTC - 10 UTC
Screenshot of gear:
Screenshot of prayer tab:
Last edited by RogueHaggis on Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:29 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Trying to get links to work)
RogueHaggis- Posts : 6
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2020-05-19
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Sorry - realised I forgot to screenshot, but I have DCB and bolts if needed too. If absolutely essential I can collat out or sell Justi/Lance other items for claws and hammer if it works at the time
RogueHaggis- Posts : 6
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2020-05-19
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Thanks for the suggestion, added!
Kyyrbes wrote:Thanks for putting this together! Here is a guide I found very useful as well when starting (though a few things in it are different than current meta).
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Added to the que!
Ma Dood wrote:Wannabe Tobber Application
In game username: Ma Dood
CC Rank: 1 nana
Discord Username(and #): Juggernaut#5438
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): us east
Preferred time of day to ToB: anytime i am around
Screenshot of gear:
Rune pouch too forgot to put in there.
Screenshot of prayer tab:
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Added to the que!
Please embed images and not links <3
Make sure you have that gear ready as mentors usually look for people on the fly and you want to be able to hop right in!
Please embed images and not links <3
Make sure you have that gear ready as mentors usually look for people on the fly and you want to be able to hop right in!
RogueHaggis wrote:In game username: RogueHaggis
Ironman?: No
CC Rank: None
Discord Username(and #): Haggis#7962
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): UK
Preferred time of day to ToB: Anytime roughly 4pm UTC - 10 UTC
Screenshot of gear:
Screenshot of prayer tab:
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
In game username: Communizer
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: 2 nanner
ToB KC: 158
Discord Username(and #): Kropo#1156
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Evening EST
I ask that people who participate and learn the basics do at some point try running with each other rather than exclusively relying on mentors to teach them. You dont need a highly experienced mentor to learn TOB
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: 2 nanner
ToB KC: 158
Discord Username(and #): Kropo#1156
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Evening EST
I ask that people who participate and learn the basics do at some point try running with each other rather than exclusively relying on mentors to teach them. You dont need a highly experienced mentor to learn TOB
Communizer- Posts : 12
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2019-08-26
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Thanks Communizer I will think of a way to add this feedback to the thread. You da man.
Communizer wrote:In game username: Communizer
Ironman?: no
CC Rank: 2 nanner
ToB KC: 158
Discord Username(and #): Kropo#1156
Region (US West, US East, Europe, Aus): US East
Preferred time of day to mentor: Evening EST
I ask that people who participate and learn the basics do at some point try running with each other rather than exclusively relying on mentors to teach them. You dont need a highly experienced mentor to learn TOB
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
Leaner Application
att/str/def 93/98/92
rng/magic 97/95
no claws but chally
would like to learn
cox kc ~110
att/str/def 93/98/92
rng/magic 97/95
no claws but chally
would like to learn
cox kc ~110
Last edited by DJ_cookie2.0 on Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
DJ_cookie2.0- Posts : 13
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2020-03-07
Re: The OSRS Advice Theatre of Blood [ToB] Mentorship Program
Ty for applying and looking forward to adding you to the list!
Please include screenies of gear & prayer tab!
Edit: TYSM cookie thanks for updating that post, adding you to list.
Please include screenies of gear & prayer tab!
Edit: TYSM cookie thanks for updating that post, adding you to list.
DJ_cookie2.0 wrote:DJ_Cookie347
att/str/def 93/98/92
rng/magic 97/95
no claws but chally
would like to learn
cox kc ~110
have elite void and whatnot
Last edited by Positivity on Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Positivity- Posts : 38
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2015-08-10
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