Fight Caves Tips?

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Fight Caves Tips?

Post by IEatElmers Wed May 27, 2020 7:55 pm

Hey All,

Last weekend, I tried the Fight Caves for the first time ever. It went well, for the most part. I got to Jad twice, on my first two tries. The first time I had 4 full super restores and no brews left. My second attempt, I had 6 full restores and 4 full brews.On my first attempt, I got hit for a 56 on the first attack, successfully prayed a few times, and then died. On my second attempt, I died to his first attack.

I've watched a few videos and read countless guides on Jad. I'm not really exactly when I'm supposed to swap. Is it during the animation? During his attack? When I hear the sound? It's pretty confusing to me, to be honest.

I was 70 range 60 def, 52 prayer when I started.

My next attempt, I should be 75 range 70 Def 56 prayer.

As far as gear, here's my setup:
Verac's helm
Amulet of fury (Borrowing from a friend)
Blessed Dhide body
Blessed Dhide Boots
Blessed Dhide vambraces
Guthan's Chainskirt
God Cape
Karil's Xbow

2 Ranger pots
9 Brews
17 Restores

Do you guys have any tips on fighting Jad, or preparing for it?

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by Syllabic Thu May 28, 2020 6:08 am

First off, sounds like you've been making some good progress! Taking several attempts certainly isn't out of the ordinary, so don't worry too much if it takes you a couple more practice runs to get comfortable.

As soon as you get 75 Range, I would highly recommend either buying or borrowing a Blowpipe. Adamant darts should be sufficient, but you can use Rune if you have some cash to spare. Some people bring a Dragon dart switch for Jad, but ideally you won't find that necessary. A Blowpipe should speed things up quite drastically, and the special attack can be very useful for giving you some extra heals, conserving more of your supplies for the later waves. Once you do that I'd also recommend switching your God Cape out for an Ava's Device (Attractor/Accumulator/Assembler). That'll provide some extra range bonus, and prevent you from wasting too much ammo.

It may also be helpful to switch out your Range pots for Bastion(s). They provide the same Range attack bonus in addition to a sizeable Defence boost, similar to Sara Brews.

I'm also not altogether sure the Guthan's chainskirt is necessary, but I've never done the Fight Caves with 60 Defence. I feel Blessed d'hide chaps should be more than adequate, but of course your own personal experience here is more valuable than mine. May be worth making the switch if you're not noticing much benefit anyway, though.

Have you had any difficulty tagging the healers up to this point? They can be a bit more troublesome when using the blowpipe, due to its shorter range, so you may want to bring a crossbow switch or switch to long range in order to draw aggro. Other options include the Dragon crossbow special attack and chinchompas, both of which do splash damage.

As for Jad itself, I personally pay attention to his attack animations, rather than the audio cues. You'll want to switch prayers as soon as you're able to identify which attack he's about to use (that is, before the attack, not during). Waiting until he's already attacked is pretty much guaranteed death at your level. If you're having trouble switching, you might find this simulator useful: It uses RS3 graphics, but the mechanics are identical to Old School.

Hard to know what more to say, really. Jad isn't difficult, really. I think what gets to most people is the nerves. They panic at Jad because they're worrying about losing an hour+ of progress and having to start over. That was certainly the case with me. As with any PVM content in this game, you improve with consistent practice. I'm confident you'll get your fire cape soon enough if you just keep trying Smile

By all means, message me if there's some other way I can help, or if you feel I missed something important. I'm far from an expert, but I've done it enough times to be reasonably confident FeelsOkayMan

Good luck on your next attempt!

P.S. Sorry for the wall of text. Didn't feel like I'd written quite that much, haha

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by This Land Thu May 28, 2020 12:28 pm

Looks like Syll has given you a fantastic wealth of information to digest moving forward, I couldn't think of anything else to add!

I'd just like to reaffirm that when you get to Jad try to remain as calm as possible and remember:
- You have plenty of time to change your prayer when you see the animation
- I'd recommend only trying to do one other 'action' when switching prayer, like drink a potion or tag a healer
- Remember to breathe (sounds silly but I remember holding my breathe and dying from lack of concentration haha)

Best of luck bud, I'm rooting for you Smile

EDIT: Forgot one more bullet point!
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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by IEatElmers Thu May 28, 2020 3:37 pm

Hey Guys,

Thanks a bunch! I really appreciate all of the help.

I think I'm going to give it a go tonight and/or Saturday!

The chinchompas are a really good idea. I haven't made it to the healers yet -- but I'm guessing they'll be a huge help.

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by IEatElmers Thu May 28, 2020 8:07 pm

Well guys, I got Jad to 2/3 health on my first try with the blowpipe. I clicked in-between my prayers instead of on it. Progress is Progress I guess.

I'm on Wave 37 now on my second attempt, but had to pause as it's getting pretty late here in New Hampshire.

Syllabic, is it OK if I return your BP sometime on Saturday?

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by This Land Fri May 29, 2020 1:39 am

Like you said, progress is progress!

Not sure what Syll is doing a lot of in-game at the moment but I'm currently Runecrafting to 99 and am currently 94 so I have a BP sitting in the bank collecting dust. If Syll needs his back then you're more than welcome to borrow mine mate.

Best of luck with the next attempt, you'll get there I can promise you that Smile
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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by WeaknSilly Fri May 29, 2020 2:09 am

This is a pretty rugged method, but what helped me way back when was watching a video of jad with a splitscreen of my client. I'd watch the jad attacks on the video and react on my Runescape account.

But yeah most importantly just what the other guys are saying about staying calm. You actually have quite a bit of time during the pray switches. Try and be pro active with your thinking, if you have a restore sip coming up, a pray switch or a healer to attack. If you think of things in advance your not caught by surprise with them.

You'll get there mate, I'm sure it won't be long till you're wanting an infernal cape Smile gl.

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by Syllabic Fri May 29, 2020 2:10 pm

@IEatElmers feel free to hold onto it as long as you need. I melee most of my slayer tasks these days anyway Smile

And best of luck! Sounds like you're getting close!

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by IEatElmers Sun May 31, 2020 9:32 am

I did it guys!!! Syllabic, will you be on at any point today?

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by Syllabic Sun May 31, 2020 10:14 am

I'm on now. Can trade back whenever you're free.

Huge congrats by the way! Good on you for persevering. You got your cape wayyy earlier than I did POGGIES!

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by This Land Sun May 31, 2020 2:37 pm

IEatElmers wrote:I did it guys!!! Syllabic, will you be on at any point today?

An absolutely massive congratulations to you mate, very well deserved!

Looking forward to seeing that cape flex in-game, enjoy the stats you get from it!

Next stop... Inferno Razz (in time haha)
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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by The_Gamed Sun May 31, 2020 9:06 pm

Huge congrats on the cape!

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by twobviku Sat Jun 13, 2020 11:07 am

Congrats on the cape! I was also extremely ecstatic when I got my own, very well done!

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Fight Caves Tips? Empty Re: Fight Caves Tips?

Post by C2D Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:40 am

Congrats, well done! enjoy that fire cape!

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