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Post by TheJokkuh Fri May 22, 2020 7:45 pm

Hey everyone, I'm The Jokkuh (Joker)

I've been playing Runescape since around 2005-2007.

I'm 24 years old and I'm from Texas.
I took a massive break for a couple years due to life taking its turns and whatnot but I'm back.

I'm a member and I'm here to stay!!!

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Post by Syllabic Fri May 22, 2020 7:50 pm

Hey Jokkuh! Good to have you on the offsite Smile We're the same age! Got plenty of clannies from Texas as well. I'm sincerely hoping I'll get to visit someday.

What are you getting up to now that you've returned to the game? Got any specific goals in mind, or are you just kinda feeling things out for now?

Gonna hit you with the promotion guide again, just in case you missed the Discord post. Worth checking out if you're looking to get ranked at some point. Outlines everything that's expected pretty well, I'd say:

See ya in-game FeelsOkayMan

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Post by DabbingBrb Fri May 22, 2020 7:51 pm

Welcome back and welcome to the clan Joker! It's always said that you can never actually quit runescape, you just go afk for a while :p

Anything huge you're currently working on right now in game? I'm not sure if they were around when you last played but achievement diaries are great for motivating you to do new content, the rewards are pretty sweet


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Post by TheJokkuh Fri May 22, 2020 7:52 pm

I'm actually online right now training my ranged at the Sand Crabs thanks to the advice from OSRS_Advice CC.

I'm working on getting my ranged up enough so I can kill Jad and get a fire cape.

I've always been a fan of Woodcutting as well.

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Post by TheJokkuh Fri May 22, 2020 7:53 pm

I'm actually reading some forum threads at the moment while training.

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Post by Tinnitus Sat May 23, 2020 3:39 am

Hey Joker,

That is a sick looking hat mate. Where can I get one of those??

I'm also from Texas, near the central area!

Getting a fire cape is a really good goal. Whenever I got mine, I used the italy rock method for most of the caves - it made it much easier overall.

Hope to see you in game!


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Post by Spiritika Sat May 23, 2020 12:56 pm

Hi Jokkuh! I started playing about the same time you did - since 2006 for me. I played RS3 for years and started playing OSRS around the time it came out on mobile. I enjoy the nostalgia since it reminds me of when I first started playing RuneScape. It's been fun re-learning the content and learning new content.

Like you, I enjoy woodcutting. I also enjoy other gathering skills such as mining and fishing. Fishing is my favorite since there's no competition for resources so to me it's more relaxing.

I see you plan on killing Jad and getting your fire cape. Good luck with it. Smile

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Post by TheJokkuh Sat May 23, 2020 7:33 pm

I got my hat from Mardi Gras at the Strand my Galveston.

It was crazy cause you can drink bottles in front of the cops haha.
What is the Italy rock method for Jad?

Im currently training Ranged at Sandcrabs with full rangers' except for the expensive boots.

I played Runescape 3 but its just so new for me I remember OSRS like the back of my hand, they are both great in their own ways though. Much love.

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Post by Tinnitus Sun May 24, 2020 2:50 am

The Italy Rock method for jad is where you complete most of the fight caves fighting alongside a rock that is shaped like Italy - hence the name italy rock. You can use that area to safespot many of the melee monsters (specifically the large level 180 monster) that will help you save a lot of food throughout the caves. I highly recommend you checking out a youtube video on it - it's fairly easy to learn and will save you lots of supplies when doing the caves!

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