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Matt Ross
Recce JM
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Post by Recce JM Fri May 15, 2020 8:03 am

Hey all,
Took a break from the game for a few months as was quite busy with work etc. But now with some free time due to the pandemic I’ve started playing again! Looking forward to grinding out some skills and hitting some goals!

My goals are things that I never achieved when I used to play when I was a kid and feel I have more capability to do so now, main goals are :
. Obtain 99 in any two skills (got 99 cooking banked, currently sitting at 90, and fire making will most likely be the second!)
. Obtain the Quest Point Cape, absolutely love questing in the game and only have 5 more to tick off (6 when the new one is released)
. Obtain a fire cape, never taken on the fight caves before so this one is gonna take some practise and a lot of guide watching!
. Learn and begin some mid-level bossing, dabbled in some barrows already but I would like to get down Zulrah to start making some bank!

Also as in the topic there’s been a name change, previous RSN: My3rs97 New RSN: Recce JM

Look forward to seeing you all and chatting in game!

Recce JM
Recce JM

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Post by 1k Fri May 15, 2020 8:30 am

Hi Joey,

welcome back! It's so amazing to see people come back! Glad to hear, you are safe during the pandemic and have some time to relax and grind out those goals!

I wish you luck with your goals - they seem planned well and will unlock some new content! Remember, we have some great PvMers in clan, who are happy to give advice regarding Jad or other bosses!

Looking forward to seeing you in game!


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Post by Matt Ross Fri May 15, 2020 9:13 am

Welcome back Joey,

This pandemic situation is not ideal, but its giving lots of people time to catchup on things which includes RS of course.

If you'd like you can always make a thread in "Goals and Achievements" to document your progress.

See you in-game!

Matt Ross
Matt Ross

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Post by Marowana Fri May 15, 2020 11:32 am

Hi Joey,

I am new here also, I hope too see you around.

They are some pretty wicked goals and I hope you achieve them!! I am mostly after two 99's and want to start doing PvM Bossing/Raids.

Good Luck


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Post by Spiritika Fri May 15, 2020 7:02 pm

Hi Joey! I'm new to the clan but not to RuneScape and have been playing since 2006. Like you, I enjoy questing and in fact that's my favorite thing to do in game. I've only got 160 QPs so you're a lot closer than I am! Good luck on achieving your goals! Smile

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Post by Quz Fri May 15, 2020 10:05 pm

Welcome back Joey, gl on the gains and the firecape ! See you around in game = )

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Post by Tinnitus Sat May 16, 2020 1:46 am

Hi Joey,

Welcome back! Looking forward to meeting you in game.

As Cortado said, you should make a thread in the Goals and Achievements section of the forums to share your gains with us! Smile

Last edited by Tinnitus on Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

Back in, new name 4068HaS

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Post by Syllabic Sat May 16, 2020 2:04 pm

Hey Joey, welcome back! I remember you from when you posted your first intro. Good to see you again. I think we all wish circumstances were better, but it's nice to see old faces again all the same.

Those are some good goals! What method are you doing for your cooking grind? I cooked sharks to 99, which wasn't the fastest method by a long shot, but it did make me a nice little chunk of money. Worth the time investment, if you ask me. AFK too. Have yet to get 99 Firemaking, but I'd like to get that out of the way in the near future. Sitting at 92 at the moment. Feel free to hit me up if you want to get some Wintertodt going some time!

You're super close on the quest cape, too! That's exciting. Have yet to get mine, as I'm a perpetually lazy quester, but hopefully some day soon I'll finally suck it up and power through the 60 QP I have remaining. What quests do you have left?

As for the fire cape, it does indeed take a bit of practice, but the real trouble stems from nervousness the vast majority of the time, in my opinion. It's pretty easy to be super confident going into Jad, and then die due to some stupid mistake because you panicked. Took me three tries to get mine, and even after completing it once I've died for stupid reasons while on task. You'll get there, though! A bit of practice and you'll be racing your PB on task like nobody's business.

Zulrah is a great idea also. Difficult to learn, but excellent profit, and it teaches you some really valuable PVM skills at the same time. Definitely something I'd recommend working toward! There's always some impromptu clan bossing going on, as well as planned weekly events that might be of interest to you as well. Learning is often a smoother experience when you've got other people there supporting you. Feel free to check out Discord for more info, if that's something that appeals to you.

Best of luck with your time back in the game. You'll be busy for a while, sounds like Smile

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