Warding - Opinions?

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Warding - Opinions?

Post by Azein Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:50 am

Warding was announced to be the next polled skill. It involves aspects of magic, runecrafting, and serves essentially as a crafting system for magic armor. 

What do you think warding should include? What announced parts of it do you not like? 

I'm very interested to see how it would effect things such as bar prices, considering that you can break down armors into their constituents. It also mentioned things such as rings with skilling perks, which in my opinion sounds a bit like the old RS2/RS3 skilling necklaces, but it could be interesting to see how this skill could tie in and benefit other skills at higher levels, like farming, or runecrafting.

Warding - Opinions?  YP5zkAJ

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by ladybird2 Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:33 am

as a player who only does what they enjoy, I am open minded. It may be something people love in the end, like agility, runecrafting, other things I don't like at all, there will still be loads of things to do, and if it appeals to some..fair enough. As for the state of the economy, I only let that affect me in real life, and I have no power to make the changes either there or on here......i'll have to let Jagex make their own judgement and tweaks on the economy.... having enough gp to do what I want suits me fine, a big cash stack , is just that and pretty useless, doesn't earn interest, doesn't have any benefits..........to some its the holy grail, others stake it, buy 99's, there is plenty in this game for everyone. At the end of the day its pixel money. I just hope what ever gets released is fun.

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by God Bu Bu Mon Oct 08, 2018 1:09 am

Personally I'm cool with or without the new skill. Of course, I do hope the community will suggest interesting content to make any new skill more interesting or fun to train.

Then again getting maxing any skill is still a grind thus some of us see it more as a chore especially for some of the max cape holders. Others will probably use the new skill as a boost for total level to get into the 2k world.

Economy wise, to add on what LB has mentioned, Jagex has the statistics which allow  them to make a better decision on how the economy should move ahead. I do see some potential item sink mechanics with Warding. It is also a good control on the amount of gold coming into the game from high alchemy as well. Like many of us, I certainly do want to prevent items from being devalue over time due to influx of gold.

Depending on how we utilize the skills; smithing, crafting and warding might just do really well for the Gauntlet (PVM content requiring players to start from scratch with no weapons or armour.)

In any case, I do hope there is sufficient content relevant for new players to mid and end game with the introduction of any new skill.

Below is a link to OSRS website regarding the skill and updates.
RuneFest 2018: OSRS Reveals
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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by CarryAlex Tue Oct 09, 2018 9:00 am

I feel after all the reddit posts, most people including myself are a lot more open to the idea of warding, I just feel it should come with a new gathering skill instead of farming. This new skill is allowing people to realize that the game doesnt need to be stuck in 2007 and it isn't due to the new raids, bosses, zeah and even quests.

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by eoinc Sun Nov 25, 2018 11:55 am

I'm looking forward to it. i'm trying to go in blind so its a brand new experience instead of something i'm prepared for, like the new zeah content. hopefully the openness to new content is louder than the few screaming about how it'll make them have to re obtain the max cape, but what do I know??

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by America Sad Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:59 am

As an iron with 99 mage, i'd be happy to have even more use for it Smile
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Warding - Opinions?  Empty It's probably for the best

Post by BulbaThor Sun Dec 09, 2018 9:15 pm

The game needs an item sink and I think this would be a good way to go about it. Plus imbues shouldn't be a part of NMZ

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by Nixy Wed Dec 12, 2018 3:49 pm

I'm all in support for the new content being offered, the only counter argument i've seen that holds some validity is that many of the proposed pieces of the skill so far fit within alternative skills and could easily fill gaps that pre-exist for them.

If Jagex can find a way to make the skill feel somewhat unique compared to Magic/Runecrafting in general, then i believe it would help significantly in getting it past a poll.

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by BulbaThor Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:04 am

I don't like NMZ, so just for imbues i'd like warding.

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by Makemoola Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:05 pm

i personally don't hate on it nor like it im indifferent. sure it's a good gold sink but then again a new skill ? lol what's next summoning? etc... if you let jagex make these decisions eventually we'll end up back in 2012 era / Pre-EOC

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Warding - Opinions?  Empty Re: Warding - Opinions?

Post by Smiiley Mon Jan 07, 2019 6:37 pm

I guess to me the whole purpose of a skill is to earn money/GPS. If the skill isn’t going to be profitable then it is better assimilated into the existing skills. I don’t think any one likes to be educated/taught a skill/knowledge that doesn’t make any money in the future . Just my 2 cents Smile from a brand new player

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