Hey there, I'm Kushinamah

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Hey there, I'm Kushinamah Empty Hey there, I'm Kushinamah

Post by Kushinamah Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:43 am

I've been lurking at a guest in the CC for a week now, and I figured I should reach out as I journey in OSRS.

I'm Kushinamah, I'm 31 and from the U.S. I work overnights, so you'll typically see me afternoon sometimes if I'm not on during the early hours of morning EST.

As of now I've recently returned to this game after had not played it since 2004! It's been twenty years, gosh. Within the last month however, I just finished my 67th quest, yet my overall is just 683; so my focus a bit has been obviously towards the story thus far. I'm learning a lot from reading the guest clan chat though, and I look forward to reaching mid to late game, possibly with new friends in tow.

Last edited by Kushinamah on Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Age : 31
Join date : 2024-02-28

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Hey there, I'm Kushinamah Empty Re: Hey there, I'm Kushinamah

Post by shopferix Wed Feb 28, 2024 9:04 am

Heya Kushinamah and welcome to the clan and offsite!
First off welcome back to the game! From what I have seen in chat you are well on your way quest wise! As you continue to complete quests, I find the achievement diaries are good goals for leveling your account, hard diaries tend to line up well with the quest point cape.

Never be afraid to ask questions, we are happy to help! All the best on your OSRS adventure, see you around.

Hey there, I'm Kushinamah YP5zkAJ

Posts : 471
Reputation : 70
Age : 30
Join date : 2021-07-23


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Hey there, I'm Kushinamah Empty Re: Hey there, I'm Kushinamah

Post by BennyAte Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:14 pm

Welcome Kushinamah and welcome back to Runescape! That's a long break, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of questions as you see all the new content that has been added in the last 20 years. Make sure to ask any questions you have, we're all happy to try to help! I work overnights as well, so see you around during those odd times. Smile

Hey there, I'm Kushinamah YP5zkAJ

Posts : 198
Reputation : 50
Join date : 2023-11-06

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Hey there, I'm Kushinamah Empty Re: Hey there, I'm Kushinamah

Post by RedIrishTank Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:05 pm

Welcome to the clan there Kushinamah!

Glad to see you made a introduction. I am always happy to see new people joining OSRSADVICE! It is really crazy how time flys. Seems like yesterday we all were kids playing a fun adventure game. Now we are in our 30s and working everyday lol.

I will be seeing you in the cc !

Hey there, I'm Kushinamah YP5zkAJ

Posts : 303
Reputation : 36
Join date : 2020-11-02

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