No longer have irish..

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No longer have irish.. Empty No longer have irish..

Post by RedIrishTank Sat Jan 13, 2024 1:40 pm

Just wanted to post that I sadly lost redirishtank this morning. I am hoping I can recover him eventually. They locked him after I tried to recover the email. Long story. I will be playing on Godlive4ever now.

No longer have irish.. YP5zkAJ

Posts : 309
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Join date : 2020-11-02

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No longer have irish.. Empty Re: No longer have irish..

Post by Musicked Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:29 pm

Damn! Sad Want to share the story?

No longer have irish.. YP5zkAJ

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Age : 29
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No longer have irish.. Empty Re: No longer have irish..

Post by RedIrishTank Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:51 pm

A few months ago. After taking a break from the game during the period of me getting married and working on our new house. I canceled my membership and changed my password. I let my acc sit for a bit. well We finally got moved into our house and I got new internet in our new house. I got members back and started playing.

      Well recently after being back, I decided it was time to change password well when I went to try and change password I never got the link. I tried a few times and I couldn't get emails anymore from jagex. I tried talking on forums talking to friends, clannies. Nothing I did would work. I called email provider they had nothing to say or do. I can't get a hold of jagex or anything. So a helper on forums said I could try recovering my account, They mentioned that jagex allows you to do it as many times as you want. Well The first 2 times I tried to recover my account, I put my email in that I use now that I can't receive emails from jagex. NOT thinking or reading the top of recover right. This basically got to recovery's sent to a email that I can't use. That started the down hill spiral. I tried again, used a new email, got denied. 3rd time I was upset,rushed. mad.. I put the wrong suffix in at the end of the email and didn't realize it until I sent it, I hurried up hit back space and tried to fix it. Nope did not work. So I ended up doing another one in the mater of 10 min from the last time I sent one. Not a good idea. I have been going back and forth all week. I just got my 6th or 7th denied today. I went back to my parents house and sent a new recovery. I am hoping I get my account back but if this does not work. I think I lost it. All in all, yes I could try over and over again, but it made it look like someone was trying to hack my account there for they locked it.

Sorry if some of this did not make much sense, eyes are starting to hurt sitting here trying to type this all out atm. Frustrated and I can't believe this happened to me. I was simply just trying to make sure my account didn't get hacked by changing password every few months. Instead I get no links, I try to recover to change pass hoping I can then later on change my email so I can get access back to my account. I have gave more than enough information to jagex for them to know its me. Someone doesn't want to make the call and say yep. This is the true owner. I know what I gave them and its bs.

There is the story.

No longer have irish.. YP5zkAJ

Posts : 309
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Join date : 2020-11-02

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No longer have irish.. Empty Re: No longer have irish..

Post by RedIrishTank Wed May 22, 2024 3:32 pm

I was browsing and I completely forgot I posted this.

BIG update, I got Irish back months and months ago for anybody wondering. Most already know but for any new comers that decide to read this.

No longer have irish.. YP5zkAJ

Posts : 309
Reputation : 36
Join date : 2020-11-02

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