It’s Jake… from Statefarm

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It’s Jake… from Statefarm Empty It’s Jake… from Statefarm

Post by StatefarmOG Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:11 am

Been playing runescape off and on since 2002, and I was in another clan for the last 2 years. Unfortunately, our leaders had a big falling out and decided to disband the clan without talking to any members Crying or Very sad.

I’ve heard about this clan from others on discord, so I figured I’d hop in and see what yall are about for myself!

I’m not much of a pvper, maybe like in a group I’d do it. I enjoy pvm and slayer specifically, which is ironic since my only non 99s are my combats and slayer lol. I was a skilled for a couple years, now that I’ve maxed non cmbs, I’m focused on the max grind. I’ve not done much bossing except GWDs, and I’ve done very little raids, but I’d like to learn.

My work schedule makes it hard for me to get into events because I work 16+ hours a day. (Oilfield)

I’m 30, grew up on a ranch in central Texas, and now live in South Carolina. I enjoy long walks in the mountains and gaming when I get a chance. I look forward to meeting people and getting into some more content when I’ve got time to lol.

Thanks for taking time to read this, any questions feel free to ask and I’ll answer when I get time!

Posts : 1
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Join date : 2023-12-17

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It’s Jake… from Statefarm Empty Re: It’s Jake… from Statefarm

Post by BennyAte Sun Dec 17, 2023 3:24 am

Welcome StatefarmOG! Great to see a fellow Slayer enjoyer, I'm only 71 right now but been sinking a lot of time into it lately and tried out Wildy slayer for the first time the last few days.

16 hours days, that's brutal. I grew up on a Dairy farm in the Midwest, but I'm sure that's nothing compared to growing up on a ranch in Texas!

Welcome again, and see you around! Smile

It’s Jake… from Statefarm YP5zkAJ

Posts : 198
Reputation : 50
Join date : 2023-11-06

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It’s Jake… from Statefarm Empty Re: It’s Jake… from Statefarm

Post by RedIrishTank Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:53 am

Welcome Jake! jk... Every time I see your name I can't help myself lol. Glad you picked OSRS ADVICE as your clan. It's a pretty chilled place and crazy place at the same time lol. Lots of knowledge in this clan its amazing how everyone helps each other.

Welcome StateFarm!

It’s Jake… from Statefarm YP5zkAJ

Posts : 309
Reputation : 36
Join date : 2020-11-02

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