Rootb's Progress Thread

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Sat Sep 16, 2023 10:41 am

Hey everyone!

I've been meaning to make this thread for ages but never got around to it. I'm hoping to track my current near and long-term goals here and share some of my progress!

At the time of making this thread, I'm 2054 total level:
Rootb's Progress Thread KH7R0tf
I love total level milestones, but for now I'd mostly like to keep working on Slayer to unlock some of those last slayer bosses. In the meantime, I'll also continue chipping away at max melee and maybe grab base 85s.

So while my main leveling goal is probably Slayer right now, I'm really focused on completing my achievement diaries and getting the elite combat achievements. My diaries are mostly only blocked by some hard level requirements right now (and one more clan game of BA for Kandarin elite Wink):
Rootb's Progress Thread WWz6uK6

As for combat achievements, I'm about 160 points away from my Elite, which will get me some very nice upgrades, especially the increased superior spawn rate and 10% chance to save slayer bracelets! I've recently learned a bit of TOB (thanks Squishy!) so I think I'll be able to knock out a bunch of its achievements in the near future, especially the Entry mode ones.

And finally, I'll definitely continue to raid and do other content. Here are my current raids coll logs:
Rootb's Progress Thread U2sfd2C

Thanks for following along. I was pretty new back in 2020 when I joined the clan and have accomplished so much with all of your help since then. Excited to continue some of my more late-game goals with such a great group of people!

Last edited by rootb on Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:42 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:41 pm

Well, I managed to get a group together today to run a few hours of Barbarian Assault, so Kandarin Elite has been checked off the list:
Rootb's Progress Thread Image10

I also got 82 RC from the reward lamp, so that's a new base level. That's enough BA for now, but I'll eventually go back for some more gambles and to fill out the coll log.

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:28 pm

After completing the Kandarin Diary, I realized how close I was to Falador Elite. After cannoning 1200 black knights and completing a few other tasks, that's another Elite diary completed.

Then, today I got the ToA pet at 152 total kc! I'll have to work on transmogs eventually.

Rootb's Progress Thread Image10

Overall, the past 24 hours have been pretty huge for the account!

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Mon Sep 25, 2023 1:51 pm

I'm continuing to chip away at combat tasks -- only 77 points from getting the Elite rewards now! With a little luck, maybe I'll be able to complete them before or during Tile Race this weekend.

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by ColdBlue XO Wed Sep 27, 2023 8:08 am

I’m be following your page, hope to someday has the stats you have on my uim! GL in your endeavor!
ColdBlue XO
ColdBlue XO

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:35 pm

Thanks Deli!

The past week or two have been super busy for me, so progress on the elite CAs has been slow with 74 points to go. However, during the past week I've gotten a few nice achievements:
- My team placed third in Squishy's tile race
- 99 attack (2060 total)
- Dupe Rocky pet

Hoping to continue working towards my other goals soon, but I'm super thrilled that we managed to pull third with our reroll shenanigans.

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:37 pm

The Elite CA grind is finally over: Rootb's Progress Thread Image11

I ended up spending some time at Gauntlet, Zulrah, Sarachnis and Muspah to finish it up. Now it's time to get to slaying Cool

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by Syllabic Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:54 am

Awesome job, root! You obviously kept busy while I was on break! What would you say the worst requirement was for Elite Combat?

Also holy, huge congrats on getting scooping the ToA pet so early! I hadn't even seen it yet; he's a funky lil guy, ain't he Cool

Rootb's Progress Thread Ineeda10

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Tue Oct 10, 2023 8:41 pm

Syllabic wrote:Awesome job, root! You obviously kept busy while I was on break! What would you say the worst requirement was for Elite Combat?

Also holy, huge congrats on getting scooping the ToA pet so early! I hadn't even seen it yet; he's a funky lil guy, ain't he Cool

Hey Syllabic, it's great to have you back! They actually updated the combat achievements earlier this year to a points-based system, so you no longer have to complete every elite achievement to get the elite done (and same idea for the other tiers). I only actually have about 2/3rds of the elite tasks done, but I did a lot of master and GM tasks to replace them. The hardest achievements I've done so far were probably Grotesque Guardians Speed-Runner (the 1:20 one) and Phantom Muspah Manipulator, but it also took me a little while to get Perfect Zulrah down.

And yeah, the ToA guardian pet is really detailed for such a lil guy. I'll transmog it eventually once I get them unlocked.

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by Syllabic Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:23 am

rootb wrote:Hey Syllabic, it's great to have you back! They actually updated the combat achievements earlier this year to a points-based system, so you no longer have to complete every elite achievement to get the elite done (and same idea for the other tiers). I only actually have about 2/3rds of the elite tasks done, but I did a lot of master and GM tasks to replace them. The hardest achievements I've done so far were probably Grotesque Guardians Speed-Runner (the 1:20 one) and Phantom Muspah Manipulator, but it also took me a little while to get Perfect Zulrah down.

And yeah, the ToA guardian pet is really detailed for such a lil guy. I'll transmog it eventually once I get them unlocked.

I had no idea! That's a massive change! Gives me a great deal more hope that I'll actually be able to put a dent in them someday Etongo
They seem like a really excellent way to force yourself to experience a variety of content. Will definitely be having a go at some of them once I reach my short term skilling goals Smile

Also, I didn't even know the ToA pet had transmogs! Gotta say, don't know how to feel about one of them being a straight up dung beetle, lmao

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Thu Nov 30, 2023 8:54 pm

Since Leagues IV dropped, I've been focusing on that rather than my main. It's my first league and I'm having a great time!

I've been running a mage build, and just hit 93 slayer and got my occult earlier today. It's a really nice upgrade from my blood fury. My mage setup is starting to look alright, but I definitely need an upgrade from the warped sceptre and ancient staff. Hoping ToA will be generous to me one of these days Smile

Here's my current gear:
Rootb's Progress Thread Image12

I'm currently 1899 total with T7. If I reach any new major milestones, I'll update this reply below.

Update: Leagues was a great time. I don't have lots of level screenshots, but I ended up reaching T8 and a fairly high total level. I was able to hit almost every goal I set for myself and then some. I got lots of cool drops such as all ToA uniques (including a Shadow!), nearly two Soulreaper axes and some Virtus from Leviathan, some inquisitor's from PNM, an Avernic that I couldn't use from ToB, and lots of other fun gear. I ended up with a pretty solid build and had a blast flying through raids and bossing. I even completed The Inferno and got an infernal cape! I did try to see how low I could get my PBs at a few places, which was quite fun, like a sub-20s Leviathan kill and a sub-15:00 Jad. Trailblazer Reloaded was a blast, I'd recommend future Leagues to anyone on the fence!

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Wed Mar 06, 2024 4:55 pm

Well, I'm back here with another update. Leagues was a ton of fun and I just haven't really been playing as actively since then. We had a skilling competition last month and my team placed second (go Sara!), so that was an incentive to gain lots of levels. I'm now at 2101 total and am very close to base 85s. I think my proudest achievement from the comp was committing to aerial fishing and actually getting two golden tenches due to Rada's, although I also got 99 cooking!

I've been continuing to play on and off, and I plan on becoming more active again in the future. I recently got my blood quartz from Vardorvis, so I'm in a decent position to maybe begin some Inferno attempts in the maingame. I'll also keep raiding here and there and chipping away at those remaining diary reqs!

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by rootb Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:33 pm

Hi everyone! It's been a few months, and while I've certainly been less active, I'm still playing!

During April we had another tile race, where I was on the yolo yellow yaks. I can't remember if we came second or third but it was a great competition as usual. During bingo, I got some noteworthy collection log slots like a dex from chambers and virtus bottoms plus axe piece from duke.

I've also continued raiding; in addition to the dex mentioned above, I've gotten an ancestral hat, ward, masori top, many more fangs, and a fang kit! The solo fang kit grind was a lot of fun and forced me to get better at prayer flicking and ToA tech.

Oh yeah, I also met a new friend on my last black dragons task 😀 Rootb's Progress Thread Image13

For now I'm continuing to play at my own pace, but when I'm feeling ready, I think I see Colosseum and Inferno in my future. Thanks for tuning in!

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Rootb's Progress Thread Empty Re: Rootb's Progress Thread

Post by Pellipper Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:14 am

Nice congrats on the loot and the progress my man

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