HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

HRT Wizard
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Thu Jun 29, 2023 5:25 pm

I was looking through the achievement logs posted here, and they looked like fun so I decided to give it a go too! My current account is a group ironman with 3 of my closest friends. They don't have much time to play at the moment, so it'll mostly be my achievements. Here's what I'm lookin at right now after about a month in.

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by lilhob Fri Jun 30, 2023 10:56 am

nice!, yeah the achievement logs are cool to read and keep up with so I wish you luck with yours! ps, did you screenshot this for the total level 1231? its very satisfying, I only ask because how close you are to 56 range! haha XD

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:27 am

lilhob wrote:nice!, yeah the achievement logs are cool to read and keep up with so I wish you luck with yours! ps, did you screenshot this for the total level 1231? its very satisfying, I only ask because how close you are to 56 range! haha XD

I didn't even think of that. and I actually ruined it a few minutes before I read this HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) 9ff9tWt
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by lilhob Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:52 am

Haha well gzz on your new lvls! 😎😁🥳

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:59 pm

Lots of progress today! Underground pass completed, and mithril grapple made.
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Now I'm on to the last 3 quests required for med ardy, Watchtower, Sea Slug, and Tower of life.
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All in time to get the 14 days, 14 hours too.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:14 am

Achieved 70 attack and strength, as well as 61 ranged. My next goal after I get 70 defence will be 65 fletching, and then a quick gotr death rune grind to start barrows.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by lilhob Tue Jul 11, 2023 1:11 am

nice! gzz wizard

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Tue Jul 25, 2023 2:14 am

A small death rune grind turned in to this. I'm not even sure how, but at least I got these and 1.5m xp.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by Zyron Tue Jul 25, 2023 3:10 pm

Looking good, And you did make some good progress indeed! Wink

What are the stats right now, since the last update about the stats was 4 july if i am correct ? (Besides the combat stats you talked about)

Anyways looking good, i will keep an eye on the progress, always fun to see those exp gains Very Happy!

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:04 pm

Zyron wrote:What are the stats right now, since the last update about the stats was 4 july if i am correct ? (Besides the combat stats you talked about)

Indeed correct on the last stat posting being on July 4th! gotr really has me acting weird. thanks to all that combat training and gotr I've pretty much doubled my total experience
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only major quest upgrade has been sea slug menace for proselyte. I'm sure I'll do my bronze dragon task at some point with it.

But anywho, my current goals are as stands in no particular order:
95 or 99 fm for redwood lighting(I can't decide if I want the orange cape or not right now)
69 fletching for a rcb
the barrows grind
Lunar diplomacy when my group starts playing again
finally use my spare pc to be a pedal thief
The bronze dragon task I've been telling myself to do for a whole month
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Tue Jul 25, 2023 9:07 pm

Oh, and it's probably strikingly clear to everyone that reads the thread, but I am not using any ironman efficiency guides.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:00 am

HRT Wizard wrote:Oh, and it's probably strikingly clear to everyone that reads the thread, but I am not using any ironman efficiency guides.
Imo it’s way more fun to follow a progress thread that presents its own methods and adventures. Efficiency is cool and all, but interesting stories always trump it! That being said, your progress is very interesting to follow:)

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by Purple Dude Wed Jul 26, 2023 5:43 am

Nice GOTR Gains, You got pretty damn lucky lol, such an early Lantern xD

Some nice goals, take Firemaking in the tempo you desire, since the longer you wait, the better the loot from crates in wintertodt Wink
Sorry to hear about Bronze Dragon Task, that task sucks lol
Good luck on the Barrows Grind, may you avoid dupes! ^^

Also it is important to aim for fun rather than efficiency, I personally never followed any guide either and look how I ended up xD bounce

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by Zyron Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:48 am

Nice to see that you still have a bunch of goals for the account Very Happy
Good luck with all the goals and in time you will achieve them all.

See you around HRT Wizard ^^

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by B1oodDruid Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:17 am

Heya HRT, It looks like your account is coming along really well. I hope your group comes back. I got lucky with my group 3 of us still play since GIM launched, it is definitely a enjoyable mode if people stick to it. As far as the rcb goes you could always do some crazy arch. It's 1/20 for x2 rcbs if I remember right. Good luck on your journey! Very Happy

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:00 am

B1oodDruid wrote:Heya HRT, It looks like your account is coming along really well. I hope your group comes back. I got lucky with my group 3 of us still play since GIM launched, it is definitely a enjoyable mode if people stick to it. As far as the rcb goes you could always do some crazy arch. It's 1/20 for x2 rcbs if I remember right. Good luck on your journey! Very Happy

As of now, my group actually has come back! Next up for us is monkey madness, but we're all getting 43 prayer beforehand. Also, I actually considered crazy arch, but I didn't want to risk losing a life over it.

Don't tell anyone, but since the release of dt2 I've been, Killing the new bosses and learning toa.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:06 pm

Update. First, the stats as of now.
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Biggest thing, I've completed Throne of Miscellania.
The rune crossbow was made, and it was a process. I first went to steel dragons, but realized how slow that was going to be shortly after getting a pair of dragon platelegs (3 kc). After that I went to deranged archeologist, and got 2 pairs of limbs.

Now that the crossbow is made, my next goal is 55 slayer.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by B1oodDruid Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:10 pm

Toa is definitely awesome for your acc progression. Hope your not unlucky like I've been so far Very Happy . I need to do more of the new bosses the only one I'm really not a fan of is Leviathan.

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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:36 pm

B1oodDruid wrote:Toa is definitely awesome for your acc progression. Hope your not unlucky like I've been so far Very Happy . I need to do more of the new bosses the only one I'm really not a fan of is Leviathan.

I totally forgot to mention I was doing those on my main, but yeah, leviathan is a bummer. it's the only one I can really feel my budget gear weighing heavily on me.
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HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending) Empty Re: HRT's Iron Quest (trademark pending)

Post by HRT Wizard Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:37 pm

account update: I've gone monkey mad!
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