Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Karl / MKY
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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by Karl / MKY Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:39 am

As the title asks...

The first part "Minority", came from my favourite song at the time of inception; Minority by Green Day. The second part "KY" are just simply my initials. I can't remember the exact year, but t's probably around 2 decades old, and has been used across multiple platforms and games in some way. It's regularly shorted down to MKY or Mino.
Karl / MKY
Karl / MKY

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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Re: Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by lilhob Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:59 pm

love this question! mine is only a couple of years old now. it stands for little hobbit and i wanted something to relate to where im from Smile (new zealand) .. i remember my old acc name from over 15 years ago but its too embarrassing to admit to now XD

Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? YP5zkAJ

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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Re: Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by Alexander Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:37 pm

I believe my parents gave me this name. Smile

Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? YP5zkAJ

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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Re: Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by maramare Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:49 pm

Lol. My username came about because when I signed up in 2005 I had no idea it was a kid's game. I figured it out after a couple weeks when I was temp banned and had to respond to Jagex explaining my name was Mare and I had very kinky... Hair.

Somehow they believed me or didn't care enough to make me change it, so it's remained the same ever since. 😅

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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Re: Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by Fat Wart Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:24 am

Oof....this is quite the story Very Happy
Fat Wart
Fat Wart

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Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? Empty Re: Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)?

Post by Musicked Wed Jul 19, 2023 9:16 am

My first HCIM was called Sensical (because Sensible was unavailable and ‘nonsensical’ is a word). When it died, I created a new HCIM, one that would unleash its wrath upon the Iron Dragon that killed her brother, one that would be the opposite of the calm and collected spirit of Sensical — Non-Sensical!

Where did your username originate from (and how old is it)? YP5zkAJ

Posts : 259
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Age : 29
Join date : 2023-07-17

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