How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by RedrunNerL Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:38 pm

Hi, for those who don't know me, my name is Mark.

Before I start my question, I didn't know where to put this topic so I hope I put it in the right section. If not, I apologise Embarassed .

My question:
I play osrs a lot, but sometimes my motivation wears off after hours of skilling and killing monsters and bosses.

Do you have any tips for me to keep my motivation up to keep playing?

With kind regards,
RedrunNerL Elmo

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by Alexander Mon Jan 09, 2023 4:49 pm

Howdy Mark,

I hear ya. Motivation does drop off every so often and it's hard to want to play. The best way to keep the motivation going (for me at least), is to try something new. It sounds pretty trivial, but trust me.

The aspect that kept me going was setting new and random goals for myself. I'll give you an example:

* Go for Quest Cape
* Complete Achievement Diaries
(^these two are pretty good ones because they have a lot of requirements in between)
* Go for 99 Hunter using birdhouses
* Go for Farming pet
(^good motivator to keep doing my herb & birdhouse runs at the same time)
* Kill 1000 Rune Dragons for some gps

...Now, this is only an example, but I hope it gets the point across. Try something new and I'm sure you'll find a new motivation!

If that does not work, there is absolutely no problem with taking a break from RuneScape. It's not like that break will ever be permanent. Wink


How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? YP5zkAJ

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by B1oodDruid Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:08 pm

Heya Mark, I definitely agree with Alexander. Sometimes a break is necessary in this game so you don't burn to hard. I just do my best to stay away from big long-term goals. Lots of small goals is the way to go for sure, also new content keeps me coming back. Also there's usually people in CC looking for people to join in on events. Sometimes playing by yourself isn't always the way to go. Even if you prefer to play solo its beneficial to join in on some clan events to keep things fresh! Hope I was able to help ya out a little bit.

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by OSRS Skull Tue Jan 10, 2023 2:05 am

I get bored quite easily, so changing things up helps me. I know osrs is all about those big grinds, but the little things keep me engaged. A clue scroll in-between slayer tasks. Breaking away from a skill grind to get a random piece of fashionscape. If nothing else, short breaks from the game itself. I know I lose motivation incredibly fast when I feel like I *have* to do something. I'm just coming off a big break, over a year, and everything is interesting and fun again.
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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by DabbingBrb Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:28 am

Hey Mark, welcome! Seems you got it in the right section Smile

As for how I avoided getting bored; I would mostly do master clue scrolls. These clues have some kinda absurd requirements for some of the steps so I made it a goal to never drop them (except for a few pirat )

That way I always had a goal and something to work towards. Sprinkle in the rest of runescape inbetween, and you have years of entertainment. Having the cc to talk to when the grind gets really rough is always a nice factor as well.


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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by Splindaugh Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:21 am

Everyone has great answers I would like to add to these  Very Happy.
For me personally, when I like to set short term goals 1-2 days, medium goals 1-2 weeks, and long term goals ?-?.
Ex. short: finish 1 quest a day
     medium: get my next 'pretty' level in a skill. 80, 85, etc.
     long: quest cape, 100m cash stack, lots of these.

With all this the best thing I can say is variety! Don't get bogged down in grinding out one specific skill or activity. Once you start to burn out swap to something else for a while. Sometimes going to play another game entirely help as well!

Hope some of this helps Pepo Heart

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by WeaknSilly Tue Jan 10, 2023 11:45 pm

Wassup Mark!

I always find being in disc with a few mates while doing stuff (especially tedious grinds) makes things feel a lot less monotonous and grindy.

As for content if you've done everything else, try the inferno haha. Damn that thing is hard.

Happy scaping man

How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? YP5zkAJ

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by RedrunNerL Sat Jan 14, 2023 5:34 pm

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your messages. I got some new insights from it.

I will definitely drop by on the discord, but I have to admit that I find that a bit uncomfortable haha.


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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by EvanK-Hell Sun Jan 15, 2023 4:38 pm

I Bump daily as many times i can, it has become a habbit and been doing so for more tha a year now..

Compared to other games, this is the most chill and relaxing online game, even if things don't go the way you'd like always.

And this community, this clan is just amazing. Loving the atmosphere in here, even if real life is busy, it's always mind refreshing to pop in the discord or game for some mature, calm and friendly chats.

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Post by Razerbacks Wed Jan 18, 2023 9:05 am

Goals help for sure. Oddly enough, I've noticed the older I've gotten the more the longer grinds don't bother me. Whereas when I was younger I couldn't do it. So that's certainly helped me. Also, just giving yourself variety and not staying at the same place or doing the same thing for too terribly long.

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Post by Tottenham31 Sun Jan 22, 2023 11:02 am

make goals for yourself it helps switch things up don't do same skill or activity for long periods of times.

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by ladybird2 Sun Jan 22, 2023 1:00 pm

Ive been playing for 20yrs and got the cape...i'm not the typical player as i'm older and retired. The only time I didnt play was when I moved house and had no internet. Plus mid last year when the shock of 20 yrs, made me think I should maybe attend to more other things..........I liquidated my items, gave up my mems ( only £3.20 grandfathered in ) in an attempt to make it serious.
I lasted a few weeks maybe months , then crept back to boring ftp, bought bonds and started mining stars which I had loved from rs2 days.
Find what you love and love what you find, my accounts (2) are rubbish on what I dont enjoy and mildly better on those I do. I love slayer for its short tasks and variety and progress you can make if that appeals. I love farming for the tasks, different locations, farm guild etc. I have loved getting 99 mining from stars again, different times, locations suit me and I do short other things like clues, fossil isle stuff in between so I am never bored.
HOWEVER a huge part of me still playing is this lovely clan. I am entertained 24/7 by those chatting in game and all the topics from the wide world in a non toxic environment, its fun and a great way to pass the time if you do hit the more boring things.
Great topic, judging by the number of replies <3

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Post by caustictoast Mon Jan 23, 2023 2:13 pm

Splindaugh wrote:Everyone has great answers I would like to add to these  Very Happy.
For me personally, when I like to set short term goals 1-2 days, medium goals 1-2 weeks, and long term goals ?-?.
Ex. short: finish 1 quest a day
     medium: get my next 'pretty' level in a skill. 80, 85, etc.
     long: quest cape, 100m cash stack, lots of these.

With all this the best thing I can say is variety! Don't get bogged down in grinding out one specific skill or activity. Once you start to burn out swap to something else for a while. Sometimes going to play another game entirely help as well!

Hope some of this helps Pepo Heart

These are what I do! Having split up goals (and a lot of them) always gives me something to work on. Don't want to work on my slayer tasks? Well I'm still trying to get a vork head. I also can fish as I'll need that for an eventual achievement cape. Chunking it up and doing stuff in between helps break up the monotony. I'm no settled, I am not going to grind something for 100 hours straight. The juice isn't worth the squeeze

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by Vigilantly Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:00 pm

Goals are definitely a huge part of what keep me interested, along with the variety of content available to pursue each goal. I've found having an involved community like the advice clan has helped me stay engaged as well.

That said, it's also perfectly healthy and good to take scapebreaks or step away from the game if you're not getting enjoyment out of it. I go through some pretty low activity periods or long breaks when the game feels more like a job / task than a fun game / grind.

Pushing yourself to learn new content is also useful. Shooting for things like learning Corrupted Gauntlet, one of the raids like CoX or ToA, or solo content like Phosani's Nightmare / slayer bossing, can be a great way to find new and interesting things to do in the game. All of those things are engaging content that helps you get better at the game as well. Only skilling / doing slayer can definitely drag on if you're not mixing in active / learning content.

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Post by LeahLovely Thu Feb 02, 2023 9:38 pm

Talking to people was the biggest key in how I survived the grind to 99fm at Wintertodt on my iron. I also make sure to try and explore music while I play, and I talk to people some more. Try to make OSRS a social experience, it's so much better that way. It definitely helps to have a cool clan. Smile

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by Legerity Thu Feb 09, 2023 6:08 pm

I am currently in this boring phase again and don't know what to do haha

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by lilhob Fri Feb 10, 2023 2:25 pm

When i'm bored.. ok this might sound boring 😅 but I like to go into my bank and find 1 thing I need to use and use it all up, for example now I have 7 barrows tele tabs, so i'm doing 7 barrows trips 😁

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Post by oSea Thu Nov 09, 2023 12:05 am

My best advice is that this medieval basket weaving simulator has been around for 22 years and will likely be around in some capacity in another 22 years. If you're bored, shake things up or take a break. Your motivation to grind is the rewards at the end, but at the end of the day it's a game for fun and it's not a race so just play as you feel inspired to.

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How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS? Empty Re: How do you guys en girls get not bored in OSRS?

Post by RedIrishTank Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:21 am

Hey Mark, Hows it going bud?

I found out over the years to have goals but section each goal out a bit more than a lot of people do. Meaning instead of going straight for a 99. I do it in moderation. This might not always be the fast track to maxing but it keeps you wanting to play the game more and not burning out so quickly.

Once your account is base 60 or 70 and so on. You can focus your time on gaining levels together so at the end you get a maxed account and you are still playing and not resenting the game.

Always keep it fun! Find something in the game that makes you happy and that you enjoy. Yes it is ok to not always have to be training a skill or gaining xp. Sometimes you need to let go and play a mini game or do some bossing.

I hope I helped you a bit. Those are just some of the things I do so I don't get burned out my self.

Good luck and hope to see you in the cc Mark.

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Post by Jug Noodles Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:25 am

My go to activity if i know things are getting a little stale are clues. Easy/mediums, they always seem to be a pick me up. Just always mix things up i say, never stick at someone if you know you aint enjoying it Smile
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