Hello I am Sky!

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Hello I am Sky!

Post by skydragoi Mon May 02, 2022 7:16 am

Hello you all I am Sky (Skydragoi in game), she/her please. I am 20, from Spain and I just recently started playing runescape. I kinda enjoy grinding away and like how the economy in this game work and how the quests are made (very different from other modern MMOs).

I am a huge language and linguistics nerds, getting a degree on modern languages specialized on Chinese. The dragoi in my name actually comes from basque, their word for dragon. I also enjoy creating languages (conlanging) on my own.

Now for the game I am looking to become a member for the first time now, the time limit kind of produces me anxiety so I am preparing everything, farming skills and all to get the most out of the membership; and I thought going to a group of actually experienced players would be the best way to get through what seems the overhelming amount of content avaliable in p2p. And so I am now here! <3

Hope you all have a great day. Smile <3

PD: Unsure if I should participate in the Free Lotto thing being I joined just today and all so if I shouldn't just tell me.

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Hello I am Sky!

Post by Advice Bot Mon May 02, 2022 7:16 am

The member 'skydragoi' has done the following action : Dice Roll

'Free Lotto ' :
Hello I am Sky! HPAxMIF Hello I am Sky! CIxM2DZ Hello I am Sky! CIxM2DZ Hello I am Sky! CIxM2DZ
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Hello I am Sky! EXUiqne

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by EvanK-Hell Mon May 02, 2022 8:16 am

Welcome officially to the clan and to the off site Smile

Glad to see more new players joining the game, if you have any questions ask them in the clan chat or discord. This clan is very mature and humble, so don't hold back.

Make sure you check out our discord, most of the clan weekly and monthly events and giveaways are shared there and many fun topics to join.

Next month try the lottery luck in the right thread. But this time, contact our leader King Bear in the discord and he will get you your reward. As a new player that large goodybag will be very useful for your start.

To join our weekly skill of the week competition, sign up here. This week i believe it's hunter.

Last edited by EvanKHell on Tue May 03, 2022 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

Hello I am Sky! YP5zkAJ

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by Allison Mon May 02, 2022 9:20 am

Nice to meet you Sky! Linguistics is such an interesting topic - I always love learning about how world history gets encoded into culture through language (and culinary) influences. Best of luck on your degree!

We're definitely a good cc to hang out in if you'd like advice on how to make the most of your membership Smile. But mostly, go and enjoy being a noob! The game is so much fun when you're just taking it all in, haha.

Hello I am Sky! U7euiv5

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by BitBug Mon May 02, 2022 10:08 am

Welcome Sky & gratz on the goody bag win!

The amount of stuff to do in this game can be very overwhelming indeed & you should just ask if anytime you feel like you're stuck or wondering what to do next.

Also you shouldn't feel pressured to play the game in the most efficient way possible, the goal is to have fun and thats the most important thing, do what you wanna do & achieve!

The pressure to make money for bonds is real though and we're always here to give advice if you are lookig for good money makers early on.

C u ingame Smile

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Hello I am Sky! 4068HaS

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by Oen Mon May 02, 2022 10:58 am

It's very lovely to have you around Sky Smile . I love that new players manage to find our clan. Becoming member is like opening a whole new world. It can certainly be overwhelming. Remember there is no best way to spend your time other than doing the things that seem fun and interesting to you! When I first got into the members game around 2010, my first active goal was to get the quest point cape. Quests in this game are pretty awesome imo. We have a lot of veteran players that can help you understand all the content and give you pointers on what to do. Answering questions is our favourite past time. Never hesitate to ask any of your own!

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by KingNightfury Mon May 02, 2022 6:38 pm

Welcome sky! Congrats on the win! Making your own language sounds cool! I used to try to invent my own letters when I was younger lol but that was ages ago.

Hello I am Sky! YP5zkAJ

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Hello I am Sky! Empty Re: Hello I am Sky!

Post by Purple Dude Tue May 03, 2022 1:36 pm

Heya Sky Dragon Very Happy

The game indeed can be very overwhelming when you first begin, there is so much content, I have played for years and there are still some content I have not done XD

If you want certain advice, my advice would be to not be vague, because we are a lot of different players with many different methods of doing things, so the more precise you are in a question, the more precise answers you will get Wink
2 Weeks is a long time though, and there are moneymakers that will allow you to earn that easily in 2 weeks, albeit a bit boring.
The more exciting moneymakers requires lvls in your skills Surprised

If you are lucky the large goodybag may even give a bond too lol Very Happy
Welcome to the community ^_^ bounce

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