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Hello everyone :D Empty Hello everyone :D

Post by LeoLinguini Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:11 pm

Hi everyone!

My name is Zach, I'm 22 years old, and currently living in Chicago! (IGN: LeoLinguini)

The username came from my first GTA RP characters name, an Italian mobster, who I've made my character names ever since. "wheres the fuckin gabagool??"

I grew up playing runescape here and there, but never really understood it too much. I also played for a bit on an old private server called PkHonor with super loot and all that. Basically spent most of my time dueling away money hahaha. But, after probably 10 years, I decided to sell myself to the original game once again.

After scoring myself a WFH job, I decided to get back into it while passing time in boring meetings, and then got addicted and now it's all I think about LOL. It got a bit boring after a week of not talking to anyone (People don't have many conversations out in the world), so decided to give a clan a shot! Smile
Just a couple of goals that I hope to achieve:
- Quest cape
- Party hat (No idea how much these cost, just remember how cool they felt to wear in the private server)
- I have a vague memory of barrows, so that would be fun to do on the official game rather than a private xp boost server
- make billions and billions and billions of gp

Super excited for this journey, maybe I'll max this account, who knows! Just here for the memories Smile

- Zach (Leo Linguini)  Pepo Hugs  Pepo Hugs

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Join date : 2022-04-23

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Hello everyone :D Empty Re: Hello everyone :D

Post by Purple Dude Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:16 pm

Heya Zach(Leo!) Smile And welcome to the community, alot of us started Old School due to nostalgia and stayed due to the community and the grind, so you will fit right in xD

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Purple Dude
Purple Dude

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Hello everyone :D Empty Re: Hello everyone :D

Post by EvanK-Hell Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:19 pm

Welcome to the clan and to the off site Smile

Well written intro, party hats cost 2-10k each because jagex dropped too many of them in the oldschool runescape, very easy to get from ge. If you have any questions about the game, don't hold back asking as this is one of the most mature clans you could ever find in this game.

Make sure you check out our discord, most of the clan weekly and monthly events are shared there and many fun topics to join.

And as well try your luck in our off site monthly lottery, you'll be able to win some coin and some fun clan rewards.

Last edited by EvanKHell on Sun Apr 24, 2022 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total

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Hello everyone :D Empty Re: Hello everyone :D

Post by 530 Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:51 pm

Hello Zach welcome back to runescape, if you have in questions feel free to pm me in game. Im usually lurking in chat, since i dont talk much.

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Hello everyone :D Empty Re: Hello everyone :D

Post by shopferix Mon Apr 25, 2022 8:26 am

Hello and welcome Zach! I can confirm OSRS is a lovely way to kill some time when you are invited to a meeting that could have been an email. Best of luck with your goals (I think you will find the party hat quite achievable). All the best and hope to see you around!

Hello everyone :D YP5zkAJ

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Age : 30
Join date : 2021-07-23


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