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Kaya Adaar
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Post by Kaya Adaar Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:17 am

I'm Kaya (Kaya Adaar since the game demands I choose a unique name).

I live in the Netherlands and I've been playing RS since... 2005ish? I remember Farming being released anyway. I stopped with the move to RS3, then came back to OSRS in 2020. Thank you very much to a certain worldwide phenomenon for encouraging me to rediscover indoor activities.

I wildly veer between different areas of the game, I have a quest cape and the hard diaries, I do skilling, some bossing, tried my hand at various minigames and have since resigned myself to the knowledge that I can't stick with anything for more than about a week at a time. I hope to find some company and people to talk to while I'm hopping around Gielinor.

That's me in a nutshell, any questions feel free to ask Very Happy
Kaya Adaar
Kaya Adaar

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Post by Chegolas Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:26 am

Welcome! Sounds like you've set up a really solid foundation for your account - especially the quest cape. Looking forward to seeing you in-game Very Happy

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Hi everyone :) Empty Re: Hi everyone :)

Post by shopferix Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:08 am

Hello Kaya and welcome to the clan and offsite! I agree you have a good base set up, do you have any current goals for your account?
Best of luck and hope to see you around!

Hi everyone :) YP5zkAJ

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Hi everyone :) Empty Re: Hi everyone :)

Post by EvanK-Hell Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:13 am

Welcome to the clan and off site Smile

If you need any help or have any questions, we have lots of active players online all the time and they are all friendly, so don't hold back. Also make sure you check out our discord, most of the clan weekly and monthly events are shared there and many fun topics to join.

And as well try your luck in our off site monthly lottery, you'll be able to win some coin and some fun clan rewards.

Hi everyone :) YP5zkAJ

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Hi everyone :) Empty Re: Hi everyone :)

Post by Purple Dude Tue Feb 22, 2022 3:51 pm

Heya and welcome Kaya Very Happy
I think most of us gave up with RS3 and returned for the nostalgia with OSRS and stayed for the grinds and/or community Very Happy

Honestly I am in the same wagon when it comes to jumping between many different grinds, quantity has a certain quality of its own and eventually we reach endgame too Very Happy

I am sure you will fit right into the clan Smile bounce

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Purple Dude
Purple Dude

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Hi everyone :) Empty Re: Hi everyone :)

Post by Kaya Adaar Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:34 am

shopferix wrote:Hello Kaya and welcome to the clan and offsite! I agree you have a good base set up, do you have any current goals for your account?
Best of luck and hope to see you around!

Thank you!

My current goal is 88 smithing because I have all the other requirements for Lumbridge elite diary and I would really like to not have to bring a dramen staff everywhere. But blast furnace gets boring fast so I try to do a bit of that and a bit of slayer. I also really want a fighter torso for a master clue that's been hanging around my bank for way too long Laughing and I'm kind of hoping that I can stick with farming BA long enough to also do the kandarin elite requirement.

See you around hopefully Very Happy
Kaya Adaar
Kaya Adaar

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Post by Syllabic Sun Feb 27, 2022 6:40 am

Hey Kaya! Chiming in with a late response cuz why the heck not. Been good having you around this past week Smile

That smithing requirement is definitely a bit of a pain (unless you're doing darts in the background or something), but soooooo worth it. I underestimated the heck outta that diary until I actually finished it. Nowadays I'd call it more or less essentially for any mid-high level account.

Having said that, I'm a total hypocrite and won't touch Kandarin with a ten foot pole. I loathe BA, and I'm dreading having to do it at some point down the line. I'll probably have friggin Wildy Elite done before I even touch the Kandarin diaries  wainc

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Post by Jennirous Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:46 pm

Welcome to the cc! @Kaya Adaar All I do is skilling xD For smithing I really enjoyed afking mith plates to 88 (got 99 smithing on f2p as my first 99 years ago). I wish you the best in your goals, and very nice to meet you! ^^

Hi everyone :) YP5zkAJ

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Hi everyone :) Empty Re: Hi everyone :)

Post by Jack Tomato Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:51 am

welcome Kaya!!!! Very Happy Smile
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Post by Jack Tomato Mon Mar 14, 2022 5:57 am

welcome Kaya!!!! Very Happy Smile
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