Returning from hiatus

J ordon
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Returning from hiatus Empty Returning from hiatus

Post by cashflow Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:05 am

Hi All,
I'm Cash Flow, I met Jordan and he likes agility, so thought i'd join.
Best Regards,
Cash Flow

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Join date : 2021-12-02

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Returning from hiatus Empty Re: Returning from hiatus

Post by J ordon Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:06 am


Returning from hiatus J_ordon
Returning from hiatus Goalsig
J ordon
J ordon

Returning from hiatus U7euiv5

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Returning from hiatus Empty Re: Returning from hiatus

Post by Jennirous Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:34 am

Welcome Cash Flow! Haha I love your intro! Short, nice, and to the point XD I'm glad you joined and hope you have a wonderful journey! Hope to see you in game!

Returning from hiatus YP5zkAJ

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Returning from hiatus Empty Re: Returning from hiatus

Post by Tinnitus Thu Dec 02, 2021 6:42 pm

Well that's certainly not the most common reason I've seen folks sign up here for, but we're glad nonetheless lol!

Welcome back Happy Pepo

Returning from hiatus 4068HaS

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Returning from hiatus Empty Re: Returning from hiatus

Post by shopferix Fri Dec 03, 2021 9:33 am

Hello and welcome! Glad to have you join us, hope to see you around!

Returning from hiatus YP5zkAJ

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Returning from hiatus Empty Re: Returning from hiatus

Post by Bunny Fri Dec 03, 2021 5:28 pm

Oof. Agility. Good luck to you lol
Welcome Smile

Returning from hiatus 4068HaS

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