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Post by OAKLESS Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:35 am

Short introduction:

I am extremely new to this game, late 20s, father of one year old twins, work a lot, game when I can. Just looking for a family to learn from and enjoy the game with, as I continue to figure things out. I hope you all will have me, and looking forward to asking way too many questions in the future! I want to be an asset when I can be and avoid being a burden. Much love to all!

I am not sure how to join the clan in game.

OAKLESS on here
OAKLESS on clan discord
OAKLESSS (3 - Ss) in game


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Join date : 2021-09-10

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Bear Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:00 am

Hey OAKLESS, glad to have you here man. Good luck with those twins and feel free to reach out to me if you need anything. Can find me on Discord at the top of the list under "Papa Bear" FeelsOkayMan

Hello Everyone! 14_04_10


AKA Bearadomin

AKA Bearrows

AKA King Bear


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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Riolu Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:11 am

Hey welcome to the clan and offsite Oakless Smile life always comes first so that's not a problem at all. A lot of us in the clan are pretty knowledgeable and able to help out so I'd think you already found your home on OSRS. Hope to see you around in-game soon

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by EvanK-Hell Fri Sep 10, 2021 12:22 pm

Welcome to the clan and off site Smile

Ask as many questions you want, all our members are happy to help you with your game. Have you set yourself any game goals you'd like to reach or maybe i shouldn't ask you this, as twins do make your life quite busy. Good luck with them and hopefully OSRS can help you relax on your spare time.

Hello Everyone! YP5zkAJ

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:33 pm

Hey Oakless, welcome to the clan and off-site!

Everyone is always very happy to help, no question is a stupid question from my experience, good luck in your adventure, being new is the best part! Smile

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Syllabic Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:25 pm

Hey Oakless! Been away from the game/in-game CC a bit, so I'm just now seeing this, but I figured it was worth replying a little late anyway, after I noticed how upbeat you were in chat tonight. Looks like you're settling in wonderfully so far Happy Pepo

And try your best to not worry about being a burden. Can already tell that's not the case, and hey, everybody still manages to put up with me okay Smile

Hopefully will see you around again soon!

Hello Everyone! Ineeda10

Hello Everyone! NuD0cpJ

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Mjr_Oc3lot Wed Oct 06, 2021 1:16 pm

Hello Oakless, sorry for the late reply here! Welcome to the clan! Nice to meet you Smile I think i've seen you in the CC, not sure though..all these nicknames confuse me!

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Age : 32
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