Lucky Pets

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Lucky Pets Empty Lucky Pets

Post by Jennirous Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:22 pm

I wanted to start a thread for everyone's lucky pets! Thought it would be fun to share when everyone got their pets, at what kc.

Lucky Pets Pet_2010

Got lucky at 119 kc!

Last edited by FRUlTSMOOTHl on Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by EvanK-Hell Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:07 am

Congratulations on the pet Smile

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Jennirous Wed Aug 25, 2021 8:48 am

Thank you! Very Happy

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Heavy_Mental76 Fri Aug 27, 2021 10:39 pm

I have had a number of name changes, but here are some of my pet drops:

Lucky Pets 601Qocg

Lucky Pets G6DCIGK

Lucky Pets QdwyTdB

Lucky Pets SLZv9bB

Lucky Pets PBjAMeM

Lucky Pets UFKmpHD

Lucky Pets BZHOqJS

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Jennirous Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:16 pm

Woah!!! @Heavy_Mental76 Huge congrats on all of your pets!!! Wish I had your rng haha Razz

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by DabbingBrb Sat Aug 28, 2021 1:40 am

All of my pets are insanely lucky seems like! I write down the kcs I get them, these are some of my biggest spoons:

Phoenix 4 kc
Smolcano 54 kc
Jad pet 13 kc
Bloodhound ~50 kc
Groot at 94 farming
Kraken 458 kc
RC pet at 84 RC
Agility pet at 84 agil
Zilyana pet 119 kc
Herbi pet 522 kc
Beaver pet 20.4m exp (Only pet i've gone dry on before getting)
Up to 15 pets now but always hunting for more Smile


Lucky Pets Dabna10

Lucky Pets Untitl10

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Risa Sat Aug 28, 2021 4:31 pm

Lucky Pets 797115-CA-AF2-A-4-D39-A1-F1-E4-A34-FC04148

Luckiest drop I’ve ever had on another account lvl 14 wc steel axe lumbridge on normal trees which is like 1/300K literally first day I decided to do some wc afk whilst working

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Jennirous Sat Aug 28, 2021 4:48 pm

Wow Congratulations!!! @DabbingBrb you are really lucky! I wish you the best and continuous rng on your pet collection!

OMG!!! @Bloomsky Congrats hun!!! That is insanely lucky!!! You should stop wcing on that account haha

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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Lucky Pets Empty Re: Lucky Pets

Post by Risa Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:22 pm

haha at the time I thought I would turn it into a main but then I trained some wc on it but I only use that as an alt now.

Lucky Pets YP5zkAJ

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