
I pet bears
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Post by I pet bears Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:07 pm

Texas country folk here! My ign is: I can be... I'm a bit of a joker at times, and the name fits ya? I can be your hero baby!

I played classic when I was 9... I played 07 RS, all the way up til eoc, and left real quick. Made this account when osrs came out basically (like 2800 day old account) but I've really only played a short time. (I'm sitting just past 1,000 hours in game so maybe not that short lol)

I love the game, but 2 years ago I got hacked, lost bank, untradeables like void, graceful, rogues, etc. Now I'm back and rebuilding and enjoying every minute of it! If you want a friend that's down to randomly talk about whatever, or jumps in on some bossing runs, I'm your guy. Feel free to say hi anytime, I do keep my friends on private, as I apparently already have crashers from certain countries that were following me in GWD's. I'll be in the osrs advice cc though. Very Happy
I pet bears
I pet bears

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Age : 32
Join date : 2020-12-09

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Syllabic Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:18 pm

Hey dude, welcome! I certainly wouldn't call 1k hours of playtime short, at least not for most games. RS is a little different by design I guess, lol.

Sorry to hear about the hack. Happened to me with my original RS2 account, although I was well past caring at that point. Good that you're enjoying the rebuild, at least. Doing something similar myself at the moment, admittedly on a smaller scale. Or, pretending to, anyway. Need to finally buckle down and learn hydra one of these days. Happy to find excuses to hit up GWD or Corp at some point as well, if you like Smile

Also, here's the Secret Santa event we were talking about earlier: Would be glad to have you on-board!

Howdy! Ineeda10

Howdy! NuD0cpJ

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Stinger Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:28 pm

Hiya & welcome to the offsite!

Sorry to hear about the hack aswell. Rebuilding could be quite interesting & challenging though.
What are your current goals ingame? What are your favourite activities?


Howdy! IIyCd

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Lil Ashihama

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by I pet bears Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:45 pm

Right now I'm doing all the diaries I can. I'll have all the easy/mediums today. Hopefully I'll have the hards done tomorrow. After that? Back to slayer! Slayer is my favorite skill lol.
I pet bears
I pet bears

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Spiritika Wed Dec 09, 2020 2:21 pm

Hi I can be,
I'm sorry to hear about your account being hacked but I'm glad you're rebuilding.

I've been playing since 2006 and continued when it transitioned into RS3 which I played for awhile. I've been playing OSRS since about the time it was released on mobile but only frequently within the last few months.

Welcome to the clan and to the offsite. Smile


Howdy! YP5zkAJ

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Tinnitus Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:02 pm

Hey there,

Welcome to the clan and offsite, my dude. You and I both man, I immediately bounced when EoC came out. Just wasn't what I was used to, and I did not enjoy it one bit. Thankful for OSRS though, it is my saving grace of all games I've played Smile

Always hurts to hear about a hijacking, but it's great that you are enjoying the rebuild process. Hoping that continues, and wishing you the best with that process.  Pepo Heart

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Joe 7 Wed Dec 09, 2020 5:39 pm

Welcome! Before covid I was traveling to Houston for work monthly, love the city down there
Joe 7

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Tao Flow Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:15 pm

Welcome! Getting hacked is always rough. Glad you're back and welcome to the offsite as well! Very Happy I remember I first started playing when I was like 8 as well and then quit just before EOC Razz

Howdy! Sig
Tao Flow
Tao Flow

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Howdy! Empty Re: Howdy!

Post by Moondancer Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:50 pm

Welcome to the clan! Sorry about your account getting hacked. I hope you enjoy your time here with the clan. Feel free to message me in game or on discord if you are looking for a friendly chat.

Howdy! YP5zkAJ

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Join date : 2019-07-24

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