AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

The Crux
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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Herbert Fri Oct 16, 2020 6:31 am

Hello everybody,

my name is Hermann, im 74 years old and im from Germany. i found your clan on the world wide web in google and everybody who wrote something about you all, said you are good people. thats why i want to join you. if you want to know some things about me and my person. i have 5 childrens and 7 grandchildrens. before i became pension after i became 65 years old, i was a fulltime Soilder in West-Germany and car mechanic for the Bundeswehr. i finished my carriere as a Oberstabsfeldwebel, that is something like a sergeant major i think. before i was in west german army i learned to become a carpenter because my father was also a carpenter. i growed up near the Rhein in a small town.

my english is not so good like the younger people but i cant understand all most of the time. i learn everyday a bit and forget everyday a bit.

i am not so good with games in generaly because im not so fast with learning it and also i dont understand much of the computers because all change so fast. but i play sometimes poker, chess and now i started runescape07 after my roomfriend from our retired home showed it to me. because of covid-19 we can not leave the rooms, only for 2 hours a day so we do not get sick, so we looked for something to help us in our time.he is also not so good but he is playing for some days now and already made some quests and levels. i also like watching the league of legends games but i cannot play them because all people all very good and im not fast enough to learning the game. thats also where the name is coming from, because there is a cute champion named teemo. the world championship is going on right now and i hope the g2 team can win it.

i would be happy if you can accept me to your clan, but im reaaly new and i dont know many things to help the clan at the moment. be carefull with your health and many greeting
Hermann Herbet

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert OUwuWDK

Posts : 11
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Join date : 2020-10-16

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Purple Dude Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:09 am

Welcome Admiral Smile
Always good to see that OSRS can encompass several Generations of people, and good choice to aim for a Social Clan, will make your start a lot easier too !

Never be nervous about asking stupid questions, everyone had to start somewhere Very Happy
Feel free to join the Clan Chat, currently the Smiley Rank has a waiting list, but if you are active and engage with the chat, it is a matter of time Smile

Hope you enjoy your stay Smile bouncebounce

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert NuD0cpJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Tinnitus Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:20 am

Hey Hermann,

Welcome! And thanks for your service, even if you are across the world from where I am. I have the upmost respect for veterans. I'm guessing you have lots of interesting stories as a soldier to share/have shared with your children and grand children.

I immediately thought of League of Legends when you mentioned your Runescape name. I haven't played a game in the bit - mostly watching as well. I'm not really rooting for a specific team, just mostly enjoy watching the games Smile

Things have gotten pretty bad in the US as well with COVID, though I guess the upside is that it has been slowing down in my area. I'm mostly sticking around the house and taking all my classes online virtually. It's given me more time to play games though, so I'm not complaining in that regard!

Hope you enjoy your stay with us and find the clan chat valuable. I know I do. And welcome again!

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert 4068HaS

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by elemntsk8ter Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:39 am

It was fun showing you around and teaching you a few things. Hope you entire your time in the game and the CC!

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert YP5zkAJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Spiritika Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:33 am

Hi Hermann,
I'm also an older player. I've been playing RuneScape since 2006 after "checking out the game" when my then school-age children wanted to play. Needless to say it checked out and I've been playing off and on since then. I think it's neat how RuneScape encompasses people of all ages, from all over the world, and from all walks of life.

I'm fairly new to the clan but in the time I've been here, everyone has been helpful and friendly. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Welcome to OSRS and to the clan. Smile

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert YP5zkAJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by The Crux Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:23 pm

Hi and welcome! You picked the perfect clan to hang out with and show you the ropes. And also the perfect game to pass the time! I look forward to seeing and chatting with you in-game. Please ask any and all questions!

Glad you're staying safe Smile
The Crux
The Crux

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert 4068HaS

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Herbert Fri Oct 16, 2020 11:42 pm

Hello and thank you very much for the welcomes. im glad i found and joined you. im having a good time and learned alot already. thanks to you all and i wish you all the best

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert OUwuWDK

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Welcome!

Post by Maria Kati Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:57 am

Very Happy Welcome Hermann *admiralteemo* Nice to see you and meet you last night! You know me as  Tiny Dancerx:P  I hope you enjoy the clan! My mom learned to play runescape as well she learned it from myself and my daughter, I started playing to keep my eyes on my kids when they were only 8 on runescape and My mom started playing months ago out of boredum after going through divorce. We have 3 generations of women play runescape in my family. The corona virus kind of thrusts everyone into games and doing things to keep our minds occupied.

Within the last month had 2 family members pass from the virus my grandma 89 and a sister who was only 35 so my heart has not been in runescape as much❤ and you learn that there are some supportive people in the clan there are some good people and can be like family.
I hope you enjoy runescape during your *younger years* have fun reach out for questions. You met some good people last night to help you with magics.Keep it up! and Welcome

Last edited by Maria Katie on Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
Maria Kati
Maria Kati

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert YP5zkAJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Syllabic Sun Oct 18, 2020 3:59 am

Welcome! Hope you're enjoying our community so far.

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Ineeda10

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert NuD0cpJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Herbert Mon Oct 19, 2020 12:02 am

Hello Maria, it maked me very sad to see your grandmother and your sister died. i wish you lot strenght in such a hard time for you and all your family. i have also maked my wife loss in summer with covid-19. in this time we need to be happy for everything we have and happy for all the time we have with peoples we love, because we never know tommorow. im most sorry for your sister because she was very young, almost like my grandchildren and i wish you so much power in this time. i always talk with you if you want to. i thank you very much for how friendly you always to me. give your daughter a kiss from me and kiss your mother also.
much love
Hermann Herbert

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert OUwuWDK

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Chcn Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:36 am

Welcome to the clan Teemo!

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert YP5zkAJ

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Wilfried Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:25 pm

Welcome Hermann. Very Happy

It's really good to see you join our clan. Don't worry about not being able to help as much as you'd like. Learning about the game for the first time is always fun, I wish I could turn the clock back and start again with a fresh set of eyes! Just have fun and explore! There are many people in the clan chat that can give you great advice along the way.

AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert M2gyq

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AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert Empty Re: AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert

Post by Spiritika Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:02 pm

Maria, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother and your sister. It's especially sad that your sister passed when she was so young.

Hermann, I'm sorry about your wife's passing.

You both have my deepest sympathy.


AdmiralTeemo / Hermann Herbert YP5zkAJ

Posts : 333
Reputation : 37
Join date : 2020-05-11

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