Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Zemirek Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:16 pm

I have no really specific goals atm, apart from spending my time PvMing, so I will share some random things that are happening on the account as it goes Razz . Achievements, lvls and hopefully some nice loots

A bit of recent skilling:

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Agil7510

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Fish7510

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Fm9310

Aaand a bit of RNG:

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Ethern10

I have just started boosting for cerberus and tried things out, well I did not expect this to happen.
This is my second pet on the account.

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Hellpu10

This evening, I just felt like I need to try armadyl. So yeah, why not.

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Armahi10

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Current goals as of 2023:
1) primarily do what I enjoy and what I feel like doing
2) Maxing - huge conflict with 1)
3) Finish Achievement Diaries
3) Collection log stuff

Last edited by Zemirek on Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:47 am; edited 2 times in total

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Syllabic Mon Sep 21, 2020 5:41 pm

Pretty cool way to kick off an achievement thread! I feel like most of the Cerb pets I've seen have been super low KC. Have yet to try it myself, but seeing that is certainly a good motivator Etongo

Nice Arma luck too.

Last edited by Syllabic on Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Ineeda10

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck NuD0cpJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Tinnitus Mon Sep 21, 2020 10:01 pm

Nothing wrong with not setting specific goals, definitely makes it easy to change up the content whenever you'd like! I managed to snag the hell-puppy on a low KC as well. Definitely my favorite pet I have currently, and probably top 3 overall in the game IMO. I bet you'll get compliments in game quite often Smile

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by FFibonacci Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:17 pm

Very nice gains so far! Can't wait to see what else you pull off in the future!! Very Happy

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck YP5zkAJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by OmniRick Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:10 pm

Crazy luck considering you just started boosting for cerb Etongo

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Zemirek Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:46 pm

Little update after a while!

Not much has been going on lately, but I have a feeling that in the end there might be some strange luck for low kc pets on this account Very Happy

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Pet_2010

Couple lvl ups:
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Herblo10

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Ranged10

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Magic910

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Smithi10

Little split as well
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Chambe10

Last edited by Zemirek on Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Syllabic Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:47 pm

Jad pet is huge! Don't tell Farma Smile

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Ineeda10

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck NuD0cpJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Zemirek Sat Mar 25, 2023 11:27 am

Well, its been "some" time, playing off and on, here is a little update since I am trying to come back Smile

Current goals are:
1) primarily do what I enjoy and what I feel like doing
2) Maxing - huge conflict with 1)  Laughing
3) Diaries
3) Collection log - recently discovered that I might actually enjoy this, I hope there is someone in here who likes coll logging too.Let me know if anyone uses the collection log plugin and are in the hiscores, I like to check on anyones progress Smile

Here's how the account looks at the moment:

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Status10     Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Status11

Not gonna spam with everything that happened on the account, but couple of pets atleast:

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Pet_2011

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Pet_2013

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Pet_2012

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Pet_2010

See ya around

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by KingNightfury Sat Mar 25, 2023 3:54 pm

gl on updated goals! im trying to max myself rn, but also just learned nex mass so distracted atm lol

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck YP5zkAJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by lilhob Tue Mar 28, 2023 12:27 pm

love the goals, cracked up at number 2 XD hahahaha. also pet kraken is adorable.. can't decide now if squirrel or kraken is cuter. and gzzz!! Very Happy

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck YP5zkAJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Zemirek Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:35 am

Time for another update!

Progressing slowly towards that max cape:
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Mining10
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Mining11
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Smithi11
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck 99farm10

Small break from skilling
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Collec10

And little bit of luck on my alt account  silent
Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Vorkia10

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by lilhob Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:38 pm

nice! ggzzz on 99 farming and the other achievements! Smile <3

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck YP5zkAJ

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Zemirek's progress & occasional luck Empty Re: Zemirek's progress & occasional luck

Post by Zemirek Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:36 pm

I know its just a tiny small update, but huge step towards max cape for me.

Shoutout to W323 volcanic mine usuals, who made this super chill and even joined for ocassional duos/trios! Smile
Ill be back for pet one day Very Happy

On to the next one!

Zemirek's progress & occasional luck 99mini10

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