Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by EvanK-Hell Mon Sep 21, 2020 1:59 pm

Here i'm gonna share my adventures, troubles, goals and achievements .I'll try post something every day.

On Evan, i have been playing now for 3 months and have gotten already almost 1400 total lvl. (1382) By playing some on every evening and most weekends.

It took me 68k jug of wines and 4.5m gold to achieve 99 cooking in 38 hours or 5 days of gameplay. Doing one skill straight to 99 is a headache, when you have to click and click.

It took me 1378 Dagganoth bones on gilded altar to go from 43-70 prayer in 1.5 hours. This cost me 10mill.

If you wondering where i got my gold from, well i do have a main that i will not touch anymore, i haven't really been on it since 2011, when i finished highschool. I sold my bank on that account and traded it to my new account "EvanK-Hell", to have a new adventure, just about 355m. Quite a bit less now, i'm really bad with money.. potions, food etc.... it goes fast and i'm not really fond of combat training, so the income is going to be slow for at least few more months.

I'm like a day away from 75 farming, which means magic trees and a huge loss of gold.


UGGGGHHH, it took me 2k tokens to get bronze defender.. i will get dragon defender... eventually. Like everyone has. DOING THIS RIGHT NOW.

I'm gonna collect as many heads i can on my adventure, if you don't happen to need any, give or sell them to me Razz

And i'd like to collect 1000 of each clue scroll caskets.. even if it takes 10 years.

Well, thanks for reading and till tomorrow.

Ohh and did i forgot to mention, i reallllly like fire.. sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny sunny

Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary YP5zkAJ

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Re: Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by Syllabic Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:59 pm

Sounds like great progress so far. I think posting every day is going to end up being a bit of a chore before too long, but you do you Smile

Having all that start-up cash is a nice boost. I was lucky enough to have generous friends, which took away a lot of the stress of early-game money management. Having the freedom to get some of your buyable skills over with (or at least advanced) early is a godsend.

Best of luck with your goals.

Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Ineeda10

Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary NuD0cpJ

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Re: Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by OmniRick Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:57 am

That's really unlucky with the defender grind.
Also getting 1000 of each casket might indeed take a while...

Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary YP5zkAJ

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Ancient Sigil

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Re: Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by EvanK-Hell Sun Oct 25, 2020 12:14 am

Well.. damn i have not posted anything here. Work makes work days gaming slow and i sort of forgot about this achievement diary plan, even that i try to play every evening a bit.

It's been 35 days since my last comment, ouch.


I reached 99 crafting which was awesome. When you buy some dragon d hides and then craft them into bodies and then sell and redo, crafting actually ain't that costly. I think i had like 15-20m loss here.


I have reached 90 farming in like 3 and half months with trees.


I finished 70 attack, defence, strenght, magic. Still 60 range, low lvl ranged is a bit boring and slow. I will go for 75 all combat stats after my base goal of reaching every skill 70 has been done. 60-70 slayer is perfect for some combat stats training.


I also did 70 smith, 80 herb, 85 fletch, i'd like to stop wasting my cash now and focus on the real skills that you can't do with money i saved with my alt all those years ago. It's running low and i'd like to have some when i reach higher combat stats.


Lately, i have been running agility, yesterday evening i finished graceful set and 60 agility, which will make my life a bit easier when it comes to energy. 44-60 took me like 30 hours but i played other games and watched videos while doing it, so you probably can do this way faster. I'm starting to like agility, it's pretty chill. I'm going to do this till 70 or maybe 75 so that next time i could start at Prif.


My current goals:
* START COLLECTING CLUE BOXES AND OPEN ALL AT 100, i wanted to collect like 1000 each but youtube has thought me that this would take more than a year to do. I still haven't even started, because i first should do more questing.

In the future i should probably try to screen some achievements.


Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary YP5zkAJ

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Re: Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by OmniRick Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:50 pm

Questing is always a good option

Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary YP5zkAJ

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Ancient Sigil

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Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary Empty Re: Evan's osrs adventure, goals and achievement diary

Post by LordQuite Mon Oct 26, 2020 3:22 pm

Yea, collecting 1000+ of a clue chest is a good goal... but lengthy one. personally I like just doing clues at random.

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